Table 4. Soft - sediment studies conducted in Long Island Sound which have centered on either dynamics of specific populations, responses to specific types of disturbances, sediment / organisms interactions or are syntheses of previous work. This list is only a sample of these types of studies; see also Lewis and Coffin (1985) or contact the CT DEP LIS ResourceCenter (Univ. CT Avery Point Campus, Groton, CT).
Study General Type
Carey 1962 Population dynamics
Rhoads & Michael 1974 Dredge disposal site
Michael 1976 Community Dynamics
Hoehn & Morris 1977 Survey of inshore community structure along the Connecticut coatline
Serafy, Hartzband & Bowen 1977 Dredge disposal site
Aller 1978 Macrobenthos / sediment - water chemistry
Rhoads, McCall & Yingst 1978 Synthesis: Disturbance, Succession
Rhoads, Yingst & Ulman 1978  
Yingst & Rhoads 1978 Seafloor stability
Dobbs 1979 General review of benthic ecology of Long Island Sound
Aller 1980 Macrobenthos / sediment - water chemistry
Stewart 1980 Disposal Area monitoring - Visual Observations
Brooks 1980 Disposal Area Monitoring -Benthic Ecology
Farrar & Mc Mahon 1980 Biophysical classification of Long Island Sound
Aller 1982 Synthesis: Macrobenthos / sediment - water chemistry
Rhoads & Boyer 1982 Synthesis: Benthos / Sediment interactions
Germano 1983 Infaunal Succession
Zajac and Whitlatch 1988 & 1989 Population Ecology
Fredette et al. 1993 Responses to dredging and disposal
More Recent Studies General Type
Auster Critical Habitat Evaluation
Whitlatch & Lee Macrobenthos / Fish interactions
Zajac & Lewis Mapping of benthic habitats & communities
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