Table 7. Abundance (mean +/- 1 SE) per 6-8 l of sediment (see Biernbaum (1979) and Swanson (1977) for details) of amphipod and polychaete species in Fishers Island Sound in assembalges, noted as I, II, II-1, etc., identified via classification analysis (Figures 13 and 14). Species from Ampelisca to Unicola are amphipods, from Ampheretidae to the end of the table are polychaetes.
Ampelisca abdita   15.70 +/-7.7   8.70 +/-0.0 404.08 +/-219.8 38.00 +/-0.0
Ampelisca vadorum   156.00 +/-53.7 8.30 +/-0.0 37.70 +/-0.0 51.68 +/-40.4 +/-0.0
Ampelisca verrilli   5.80 +/-5.8   7.60 +/-0.0 243.10 +/-87.6 34.5 +/-0.0
Byblis serrata       156.30 +/-0.0    
Corophium acutem 96.65 +/-60.3          
Corophium bonelli 16.45 +/-7.1          
Corophium insidiosum 184.15 +/-129.2       4.18 +/-4.2  
Ericthonius brasiliensis         1.18 +/-1.2  
Lembos websteri 19.13 +/-11.7   6.33 +/-0.0      
Leptocheirus pinguis   5.50 +/-4.8     146.93 +/-70.4 11.5 +/-0.0
Listriella barnardi           4 +/-0.0
Lysianopsis alba 71.75 +/-41.7          
Microdeutopus anomalus 45.50 +/-28.5          
Paraphoxus spinosus   9.60 +/-4.8 5.67 +/-0.0      
Phoxocephalus holbolli 43.63 +/-37.4 24.50 +/-9.2 6.00 +/-0.0      
Pleusymtes glaber 5.75 +/-5.7          
Pontogeneia inermis 5.00 +/-5          
Protohaustorius wigleyi   0.60 +/-0.6        
Stenopleustes gracilis 4.25 +/-4.2 1.50 +/-1.5        
Trichophoxus epistomus   6.40 +/-6.4   12.60 +/-0.0    
Unciola irrorata   14.90 +/-7.3 7.67 +/-0.0   25.80 +/-4.74 0 +/-0.0
Unciola serrata   2.90 +/-2.9        
Ampharetidae   1.60 +/-1.6   1.50 +/-0.0 0.88 +/-0.9 1.50 +/-0.0
Aricidea Jeffreysi   1.70 +/-1.7 3.00 +/-0.0 1.50 +/-0.0    
Clymenella torquata 11.00 +/-7.2   3.00 +/-0.0   3.25 +/-1.6 1.5 +/-0.0
Eunuda sanguinea 1.63 +/-1.0   4.00 +/-0.0   0.25 +/-0.2  
Glycera dibranchiata 1.88 +/-1.9 2.10 +/-1.1 3.50 +/-0.0   0.13 +/-0.1  
Harmothoe extenuata 5.25 +/-3.5 5.80 +/-2.1     2.50 +/-1.9  
Harmothoe imbricata 1.38 +/-1.4       0.25 +/-0.3  
Lumbrinereis tenuis 15.88 +/-9.2 6.70 +/-3.6 23.50 +/-0.0   3.50 +/-2.5 1.5 +/-0.0
Marphysa belli     5.50 +/-0.0      
Nephtys picta 0.63 +/-.6 4.30 +/-2.1 3.00 +/-0.0 10.00 +/-0.0 14.63 +/-10.2 15.00 +/-0.0
Nereis pelagica 1.25 +/-1.2          
Phyllodoce muscosa 1.38 +/-1.4 1.30 +/-1.1     0.20 +/-0.2 +/-0.0
Potamilla neglecta         0.13 +/-.1  
Prionospio heterobranchia 10.25 +/-10.2         1.5 +/-0.0
Scoloplos robustos 13.63 +/-13.6       0.88 +/-0.6  
Spio filicornis 3.63 +/-3.6 2.10 +/-2.1        
Syllis gracillis 2.00 +/-1.7 2.10 +/-2.1     0.25 +/-0.2  
Tharyx acutus 2.38 +/-1.5 9.90 +/-4.7     4.13 +/-4.1  
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