Table 8. Summary of benthic community characteristics in each of the geographical regions of Long Island Sound surveyed by Pellegrino and Hubbard (1983). B, bivalve; P, polychaete; A, arthropod. The number of species is the total number of species indentified in the region and the number of individuals in the mean abundance per 0.04 m2 sample.
Region No.Stations Sampled Predominant Sediment type # Species Dominant Species
    # individuals  
I: Greenwich - Stamford 9 mud (77.8%) 33 Mulinia lateralis (B)
      56 Nucula annulata (B)
        Pectinaria gouldii (P)
II: Stamford - Norwalk 26 mud (69.2%) 24 Nucula annulata
      114.2 Mulinia lateralis
        Pectinaria goudii
III: Norwalk - Bridgeport 52 mud (42.2%) 125 Mulinia lateralis
    sandy-mud (25%) 137.2 Nucula annulata
        Pitar morhuanna (B)
IV: Bridgeport - Milford 41 mud (70.7%) 103 Mulinia lateralis
      152.1 Nucula annulata
        Nephtys incisa (P)
V: Milford - New Haven 58 mud (65.5%) 120 Mulinia lateralis
    sandy-gravel (13.8%) 166.7 Nucula annulata
      Nephtys incisa
VI: New Haven - Guilford 80 mud (70.0%) 132 Nucula annulata
    sandy-mud (12.5%) 152.1 Mulinia lateralis
        Nephtys incisa
VII: Guilford - Madison 53 sand & muddy sand (62.2%) 134 Clymenella zonalis (P)
      293 Asabellides oculatus (P)
        Spiophanes bombyx (P)
VIII: Madison - Old Saybrook 39 sand, sandy-shell (66.7%) 138 Protohaustorius wigleyi (A)
      78 Tellina agilis (B)
        Acanthohaustorius millsi (A)
IX: Old Saybrook - New London 41 sandy gravel 200 Aeginina longicornis (A)
    sandy shell (58.6%) 178.3 Cirratulis grandis (P)
        Ampharete artica (P)
X: New London - Stonington 14 mud, sandy mud 167 Ampelisca abdita (A)
    sand 432.6 Aricidia jefferysii (P)
        Clymenella zonalis (P)
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