Table 8. Summary of benthic community characteristics in each of the geographical regions of Long Island Sound surveyed by Pellegrino and Hubbard (1983). B, bivalve; P, polychaete; A, arthropod. The number of species is the total number of species indentified in the region and the number of individuals in the mean abundance per 0.04 m2 sample. |
Region |
No.Stations Sampled |
Predominant Sediment type |
# Species |
Dominant Species |
# individuals |
I: Greenwich - Stamford |
9 |
mud (77.8%) |
33 |
Mulinia lateralis (B) |
56 |
Nucula annulata (B) |
Pectinaria gouldii (P) |
II: Stamford - Norwalk |
26 |
mud (69.2%) |
24 |
Nucula annulata |
114.2 |
Mulinia lateralis |
Pectinaria goudii |
III: Norwalk - Bridgeport |
52 |
mud (42.2%) |
125 |
Mulinia lateralis |
sandy-mud (25%) |
137.2 |
Nucula annulata |
Pitar morhuanna (B) |
IV: Bridgeport - Milford |
41 |
mud (70.7%) |
103 |
Mulinia lateralis |
152.1 |
Nucula annulata |
Nephtys incisa (P) |
V: Milford - New Haven |
58 |
mud (65.5%) |
120 |
Mulinia lateralis |
sandy-gravel (13.8%) |
166.7 |
Nucula annulata |
Nephtys incisa |
VI: New Haven - Guilford |
80 |
mud (70.0%) |
132 |
Nucula annulata |
sandy-mud (12.5%) |
152.1 |
Mulinia lateralis |
Nephtys incisa |
VII: Guilford - Madison |
53 |
sand & muddy sand (62.2%) |
134 |
Clymenella zonalis (P) |
293 |
Asabellides oculatus (P) |
Spiophanes bombyx (P) |
VIII: Madison - Old Saybrook |
39 |
sand, sandy-shell (66.7%) |
138 |
Protohaustorius wigleyi (A) |
78 |
Tellina agilis (B) |
Acanthohaustorius millsi (A) |
IX: Old Saybrook - New London |
41 |
sandy gravel |
200 |
Aeginina longicornis (A) |
sandy shell (58.6%) |
178.3 |
Cirratulis grandis (P) |
Ampharete artica (P) |
X: New London - Stonington |
14 |
mud, sandy mud |
167 |
Ampelisca abdita (A) |
sand |
432.6 |
Aricidia jefferysii (P) |
Clymenella zonalis (P) |