The DBDB-V bathymetry consists of DBDB5 data (5 minute global data) with regions of higher resolution. The following is a list of the bathymetry files that have been received from the Naval Oceanographic Office; these files are in the charter format. A code to read the charter format and write it out in a grid format is The source code was compiled and output an ArcInfo ascii grid generate format. Point of Contact: Cheryl Ann Blain ( NRL Code 7322 Naval Research Laboratory Stennis Space Center, MS 39529 601-688-5450 (ph) 601-688-4759 (fax) According to Cheryl Ann, there is not much metadata on this dataset. The "V" stands for variable, which means that this gridded data product has variable resolution in different areas. There may be 5 min, 2 min, 1 min and 0.5 arc minute data, depending on location. Here's what unclassified material she was able to read me out of a classified document. Scattered data were digitized off of bathymetric charts at 5 min data: 10 points/inch using nominally 1:4,000,000 charts 1 & 2 min data: 21 points/inch using nominally 1:1,000,000 charts 0.5 min data: 21 points/inch using nominally 1:500,000 charts with supplemental data from undefined sources Scattered data were converted to grids using a minimum curvature algorithm. The person responsible for generating this data set was: Richard J. Sandy Director, Seafloor Databases Division Naval Oceanographic Office Stennis Space Center, Mississippi See also: Sandy, Richard J., "The Navy's Bathymetric Databases... From the Sea", Sea Technology, November 1996, p 53- 53. Processing notes: DBDBV data was in a propriatary data format called charter. Source code ( had to be compiled and the data was then run through the conversion software. Data was extracted into ArcInfo ascii grid generate format. The data was converted into an ArcInfo GRID format using the Arc asciigrid command. ASCIIGRID {INT | FLOAT} The Arc Grid was than transformed into a point coverage. GRIDPOINT {pat_item} Latitiude, Longitude values were then added to the point file with the addxy command. ADDXY {POINT | NODE} ArcInfo stores coordinates in a separate file so in order to unload data in x,y,z format you have to add latitude and longitude values to the attribute table of the file. This makes dumping out the x,y.z file easy using the unload command. UNLOAD {latitude longitude depth} {DELIMITED | COLUMNAR we now have delimited files in x,y,z format ready for use. These are the DBDB files processed: Input, 0.5 minute bathymetry: FILENAME REGION DESCRIPTIONS blat blon elat elon 0708_34.fin.Z 41.25,67.5 , 42.4 , 70.0 0708_4.fin.Z 42.5 ,65.0 , 45.0 , 70.0 0709.fin.Z 45.0 ,60.0 , 49.0 , 70.0 0710_2-3.fin.Z 49.0 ,60.0 , 51.0 , 70.0 0808_11-12.fin.Z 42.5 ,70.0 , 45.0 , 72.5 0808_2.fin.Z 40.0 ,70.0 , 42.5 , 75.0 Output of process, db0708_34.gen db0708_4.gen db0709pt.gen db071023.gen db0808_2.gen db8081112.gen output files,