The Oil and Gas Resource Potential of the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area, Alaska

ANWR Assessment Team

U.S. Geological Survey

Open File Report 98-34
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Table of Contents PDF
Instructions for Viewing and Printing K. Takahashi and P. Nelson
Fact Sheet (Executive Summary) K. Bird and D. Houseknecht
Assessment Overview AO - 11MB K. Bird
Assessment Results RS - 14MB J. Schuenemeyer
Play Descriptions 10MB
Topset Play P1 D. Houseknecht and C. Schenk
Turbidite Play  P2 D. Houseknecht and C. Schenk
Wedge Play P3 D. Houseknecht and C. Schenk
Thomson Play P4 C. Schenk and D. Houseknecht
Kemik Play P5 C. Schenk and D. Houseknecht
Undeformed Franklinian Play P6 J. Kelley and others
Deformed Franklinian Play P7 J. Grow and others
Thin-Skinned Thrust-Belt Play P8 W. Perry and others
Ellesmerian Thrust-Belt Play P9 J. Grow and others
Niguanak-Aurora Play P10 J. Grow and others
Methodology ME - 4.5MB J. Schuenemeyer
Assessment Definitions DF - 821KB R. Charpentier
Economic Analysis EA - 10MB E. Attanasi
General Geology and Physical Setting
Geographic and Geologic Setting GG - 24MB K. Bird
Image Gallery IG - 137KB K. Takahashi
Field Studies, 1995-1997 FS - 17MB C. Schenk and others
Stratigraphy and Age Dating
Formation Properties FP - 10MB P. Nelson and K. Bird
Basement Rocks BR - 7MB J. Kelley
Carboniferous and Older Carbonates CC - 9MB J. Dumoulin
Biostratigraphic Framework BI - 1.6MB W. Poag
Brookian Sequences BS - 14MB D. Houseknecht and C. Schenk
Thomson and Kemik Sandstones TK - 6MB C. Schenk and D. Houseknecht
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Pebble Shale Unit  SS - 10MB J. Macquaker and others
Structural Setting
Structural Modeling SM - 10MB F. Cole and others
Balanced Cross Section BC - 8MB T. Moore
Brookian Deformation BD - 15MB C. Potter and others
Niguanak and Aurora Structures NA - 17MB J. Grow and others
Seismic Processing SP - 16MB M. Lee and others
Aeromagnetic Modeling AM - 6.2MB J. Phillips
Gravity Modeling GR - 13.8MB R. Saltus and others
Oil Analyses OA - 14.8MB P. Lillis and others
Petroleum Occurrence and Timing of Migration FI - 9MB R. Burruss
Vitrinite Reflectance VR - 11.4MB K. Bird and others
Source Rocks SR - 15MB M. Keller and others
Basin Evolution BE - 8MB E. Rowan
Fluid Flow Modeling FF - 20MB D. Hayba and others
Petroleum Systems PS - 11.5MB L. Magoon and others
Hydrocarbon Potential of Brookian Strata HG - 7MB D. Houseknecht and D. Hayba
Production Analysis PA - 4.5MB J. Quinn
Properties of Water and Rocks
Streamwater Analyses SA - 9MB B. Wang
Well Data and Well Plots WL - 5.6MB P. Nelson
Petrophysical Properties PP - 11MB P. Nelson
Field Notes and Location Maps  CM - 39MB C. Molenaar
Methodology - Computer Code  ME - 268KB  J. Schuenemeyer
Oil Analyses – Tables and Chromatograms OA - 480KB P. Lillis and others
Vitrinite Reflectance - Tables  VR - 315KB K. Bird and others
Petroleum Systems – Tables  PS - 464KB L. Magoon and others
Streamwater Analyses - Tables  SA - 381KB B. Wang
Well Data - Files  WL - 3.2MB P. Nelson
Data Files on the ANWRdata CD-ROM
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Last modified: Thursday, 30-Jan-2025 08:14:01 EST