[locations keyed to Plate 1]
Location number | Landslide type | Estimated volume (m3) | Source material | Damage | Comments |
1 | Debris slide or flow | ? | Sand | House deck footings exposed; yard partially removed | Occurred January 2, 1997. Pictured in Tacoma News Tribune, January 26, 1997 |
2 | Debris flows | <100 each | Sand & silt | Southbound lane of Schuster Parkway temporarily blocked | Small, shallow failures; some <30 cm thick |
3 | Debris flows | <100 | Outwash sand and gravel | Street blocked; house slightly damaged | Same house damaged 1996 by flow that pushed nearby house into Puget Sound |
4 | Earth slide | 150 | ? | House deck undermined | |
5 | Rapid debris slide or flow | 1500 | Sandy gravel (outwash?) | Part of north-bound lane of highway removed | Slide debris excavated and replaced with rock fill |
6 | Earth slide | ? | ? | Slide broke pavement | Vegetation obscured most of slide. Slide still active in April 1997 |
7 | Debris flows | 100 to 200 | Sand and silt | Building pushed from foundation | |
8 | Debris slides and flows | <100 | Sand and silt | Buildings struck; house yards filled with debris | |
9 | Debris slide and flow | 500 (?) | Sand and silt | Street intersection blocked | Street blocked near same place 1996 |
Table 1. (cont.)
Location number | Landslide type | Estimated volume (m3) | Source material | Damage | Comments |
10 | Rapid earth slide and flow | >2000 | Sand and silt | House foundation 3/4 undermined | Slide may be source of debris that impacted buildings at north end of Alki Avenue |
11 | Earth slide | 1000 | Clay or silt and fill | Retaining wall broken and overturned; enclosed porch of house crushed | Occurred 6:00 a.m., January 1, 1997 |
12 | Earth slide and flow | 9000 | Sand and silt, fill(?) | Secondary supports of bridge broken; house partially undermined; parts of house yards destroyed | Occurred January 2, 1997 |
13 | Debris slide | 100,000 | Glacial till, silt(?) | Street and utilities destroyed; houses deformed and tilted | Deep, slow-moving slide; large graben at head |
14 | Debris flows | <100 | Sand | Road blocked; mud in yards | City crews removed trees that might have fallen onto road |
15 | Debris flows | <100 | Glacial till | House partially filled with debris; street temporarily blocked | Occurred about January 1, 1997 |
16 | Debris slides and flows | <100 | Sand and silt | Lane temporarily blocked; old building damaged | |
17 | Earth slide and flow | 1500-2500 | ? | Road blocked; power lines down | Occurred early evening, January 20, 1997 |
18 | Earth slide | 3000-6000 | Outwash sand and gravel | Road impassable | Deep slide, head scarp 1 to 2 m high. Remedial work already in progress late January 1997 |
Table 1. (cont.)
Location number | Landslide type | Estimated volume (m3) | Source material | Damage | Comments |
19 | Earth slide | 1000-2000 | Artificial fill, silt and clay | Road impassable | Chronic slide aggravated by 1996-1997 storms. Slide excavated and road rebuilt |
20 | Debris flow | 500-1000 | Outwash sand & gravel | Four people killed; house collapsed; top story pushed into Puget Sound | Occurred between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m., January 19, 1997 |
21 | Earth slide | 3000 | ? | House undermined; yards destroyed; culvert blocked | |
22 | Debris slides and flows | 200 (largest) | Colluvium derived from glacial sand and silt | Trail temporarily blocked by debris | Small, shallow slides |
23 | Rotational earth slump | 200 | Outwash sand and gravel | About 6 m of westbound lane destroyed | 1-m-high scarp |
24 | Earth slide | 100,000 | Sand and silt | Several homes deformed; roads impassable | Shallow debris flows from north flank of slide area covered railroad tracks |
25 | Earth slide | ? | ? | Collapsed garage | 2- to 3-m-high scarp |
26 | Debris flows | 200-400 | Sand and silt | Road temporarily blocked; field covered with debris | Several smaller debris flows on nearby slopes |
27 | Earth slide | 75,000-150,000 | Esperance Sand, Lawton Clay | Train derailed; tracks blocked; part of convent yard destroyed | Main slide Janaury 15 1997, about 10:30 p.m. Second slide January 16, 5:30 a.m. Remaining unstable blocks could move and block railroad tracks |
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