Publications—Open-File Report 98–409
By Thomas J. Lopes and Shannon G. Dionne
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98–409
A Contribution to the National Highway Runoff Data and Methodology Synthesis.
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Many studies have been conducted since
1970 to characterize concentrations of semivolatile
organic compounds (SVOCs) in highway runoff
and urban stormwater. To a lesser extent, studies
also have characterized concentrations of volatile
organic compounds (VOCs), estimated loads of
SVOCs, and assessed potential impacts of these
contaminants on receiving streams. This review
evaluates the quality of existing data on SVOCs
and VOCs in highway runoff and urban storm–
water and summarizes significant findings. Studies
related to highways are emphasized when possible.
The review included 44 articles and reports
that focused primarily on SVOCs and VOCs. Only
17 of these publications are related to highways,
and 5 of these 17 are themselves review papers.
SVOCs in urban stormwater and sediments during
the late 1970’s to mid-1980’s were the subject of
most studies.
Criteria used to evaluate data quality
included documentation of sampling protocols,
analytical methods, minimum reporting limit
(MRL) or method detection limit (MDL), qualityassurance
protocols, and quality-control samples.
The largest deficiency in documenting data quality
was that only 10 percent of the studies described
where water samples were collected in the stream
cross section. About 80 percent of SVOCs in
runoff are in the suspended solids. Because
suspended solids can vary significantly even in
narrow channels, concentrations from discrete
point samples and contaminant loads estimated
from those samples are questionable without
information on sample location or how well
streamflow was mixed. Thirty percent or fewer of
the studies documented the MRL, MDL, cleaning
of samplers, or use of field quality-control
samples. Comparing results of different studies
and evaluating the quality of environmental data,
especially for samples with low concentrations, is
difficult without this information.
The most significant factor affecting SVOC
concentrations in water is suspended solids
concentration. In sediment, the most significant
factors affecting SVOC concentrations are organic
carbon content and distance from sources such as
highways and power plants. Petroleum
hydrocarbons, oil and grease, and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in crankcase oil
and vehicle emissions are the major SVOCs
detected in highway runoff and urban stormwater.
The few loading factors and regression
equations that were developed in the 1970’s and
1980’s have limited use in estimating current
(1998) loads of SVOCs on a national scale. These
factors and equations are based on few data and
use inconsistent units, and some are independent
of rainfall. Also, more cars on the road today have
catalytic converters, and fuels that were used in
1998 are cleaner than when loading factors and
regression equations were developed.
Comparisons to water-quality and sedimentquality
criteria and guidelines indicate that PAHs,
phenolic compounds, and phthalates in runoff and
sediment exceeded U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency drinking-water and aquatic-life standards
and guidelines. PAHs in stream sediments
adjacent to highways have the highest potential for
adverse effects on receiving streams.
Few data exist on VOCs in highway runoff.
VOCs were detected in precipitation adjacent to
a highway in England, and chloromethane,
toluene, xylenes, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, and
1,2,3-trichloropropane were detected in runoff
from a highway in Texas. In urban stormwater,
gasoline-related compounds were detected in as
many as 23 percent of the samples. Land use
could be the most significant factor affecting the
occurrence of VOCs, with highest concentrations
of VOCs found in industrial areas. Temperature
is another factor affecting the occurrence and
concentrations of VOCs. Urban land surfaces
are the primary nonpoint source of VOCs in
stormwater. However, the atmosphere is a
potential source of hydrophilic VOCs in
stormwater, especially during cold seasons
when partitioning of VOCs from air into water
is greatest. Tetrachloroethene, dichloromethane,
and benzene were the only VOCs detected in
stormwater that exceeded U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency drinking-water standards.
Objectives and Scope
Criteria for Data Quality
Monitoring Trace Organic Chemicals
Sample Collection
Analytical Methods and Minimum Reporting and Detection Limits
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Summary of Study Results
Semivolatile Organic Compounds
Related Factors
Load Estimates
Comparison to Water-Quality and Sediment-Quality Standards and Guidelines
Volatile Organic Compounds
Related Factors
Comparison to Water-Quality Standards
Information Needs
References Cited
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Suggested Citation:
Lopes, T.J., Dionne, S.G., 1998, A review of semivolatile and volatile organic
compounds in highway runoff and urban stormwater: U.S. Geological Survey Open
File Report 98-409, 67 p.
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