USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 99-317

Digital data for geologic framework of the Alaska Peninsula, southwest Alaska, and the Alaska Peninsula terrane

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Digital data for geologic framework of the Alaska Peninsula, southwest Alaska, and the Alaska Peninsula terrane
USGS-Open-File Report 99-317 is a collection of digital databases that are the result of the compilation and re-interpretation of published and unpublished 1:250,000- and 1:63,360-scale mapping. The map area covers approximately 62,000 sq km (23,000 sq mi) in land area and encompasses much of 13 1:250,000-scale quadrangles on the Alaska Peninsula in southwestern Alaska. This report shows the bedrock geology of the following 1:250,000 scale quadrangles: Naknek, Mt. Katmai, Ugashik, Chignik, Sutwik Island, Cold Bay, Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, False Pass, Simeonof Island, Bristol Bay; and parts of Afognak and Karluk.
USGS OFR99-317 consists of the following files:

ARC/INFO Export files of the geology and fold axes--

In UTM projection: mkgeol.e00 (UTM zone 5), uggeol.e00 (UTM zone 4), cggeol.e00 (UTM zone 4), pmgeol.e00 (UTM zone 4), cbgeol.e00 (UTM zone 3), krc45.e00 (UTM zone 4)

In Albers Equal-area projection: mkfld-alb.e00, ugfld-alb.e00, cgfld-alb.e00, pmfld-alb.e00, cbfld-alb.e00

In geographic coordinates: mkgeolg.e00, mkfldg.e00, uggeolg.e00, ugfldg.e00, cggeolg.e00, cgfldg.e00, pmgeolg.e00, pmfldg.e00, cbgeolg.e00, cbfldg.e00,

Graphics files-- akpen.eps (entire map sheet), akpencor.eps, (correlation chart), penindex.eps (index map), inseta.eps (Karluk inset map), akpen.pdf (map), aptext.pdf (text), akpen.gra (A/I graphics file of complete map), akpencor.gra (A/I graphics file of correlation chart), penindex.gra (A/I graphics file of index map), inseta.gra (A/I graphics file of Karluk inset map), akpen.jet (HPGL file of entire map sheet)

ARC related files--

AMLs: akpenofr.aml

Ancillary text files: mapcred.pen, basecred.pen, penin1d.key, penin2d.key, penin3d.key, geoline.key, utm3-alb.prj, utm4-alb.prj, utm5-alb.prj

Lookup tables and symbolsets: fnt020, fnt025, fnt036, fnt040, geoline.lut.e00, geology.lin.e00, geology.mrk.e00, geology.shd.e00, geology4.lut.e00, geology5.lut.e00, geology6.lut.e00

Other files-- akpencst.e00 (annotation and shoreline in Albers proj.), akpencstg.e00 (anno. and shoreline in geographic coord.), AKPENRDME.TXT (readme text file), APMAP.DOC (MS Word97/98 version of text to accompany map), akpenmet.txt (text file version of metadata file), akpenmet.faq (Frequently-asked-questions version of metadata in HTML; can be viewed by WEB browser)

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2016 17:49:57 EST