USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 99-399

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Plate 1. Geologic map of the San Rafael Valley region

Plate 2. Complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the San Rafael Valley (with Plate 3)

Plate 3. Water table elevation in the San Rafael basin (with Plate 2)

Plate 4. Depth to water table in the San Rafael basin (with Plate 5)

Plate 5. The residual gravity anomaly of the San Rafael basin (with Plate 4)

Plate 6. Depth to bedrock in the San Rafael basin

Plate 7. Geologic map of the San Rafael Valley region with truck-mounted magnetometer data

Plate 8. Annotated truck-mounted magnetometer profiles in the San Rafael Valley

Plate 9. Earth’s magnetic field anomaly map of the San Rafael Valley

Plate 10. Concealed lithology of the San Rafael basin


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