1_README.TXT UNGA GEOPHYSICAL DATA SET ERMAPPER(1) FILES The files contained in this subdirectory have been used to construct images for the airborne geophysical data of Unga Island. Popov island data were not included in the project reports and are not included as ERMAPPER files. ERMAPPER is a commercial program that is used for geographic information system purposes. Processing of geophysical data is also an application. The version used in this project is 5.5a implemented for both a personal computer and a UNIX system. More complete information about the software can be found on the Web site: http//:www.ermapper.com. A free viewer for ERMAPPER files can be downloaded from that Web site. The following is a brief description of the files in this subdirectory. Files ending in "alg" are algorithm files that are used to assemble data files (see below) into an image. These files, "Figure*.alg", can be used to recreate the figures given in the geophysical chapter of this report. Files with an "erv" extension are header files for vector data sets. The data set corresponding to the "erv" file have the same file name but no extension. For example the files BRFaut and BRFault.erv are a pair. Files with an "ers" extension are header files for raster geophysical data sets (same name without extension) such as the total field magnetics. The main raster data file, Unga_MDS, contains all of the digital data sets as separate "bands". For example one band is total field magnetics, another band is the 900 Hz apparent resistivity, and so on. (1)trademark of Earth Resources Mapping; Use of trade names by the U.S. Geological Survey does not directly or indirectly imply endorsement.