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Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Keweenaw Peninsula and Vicinity, Michigan

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-149 (Available on Compact Disc)

By William F. Cannon, Michele E. McRae, and Suzanne W. Nicholson


Index Map

View PDF version of this map [192 KB]

The data in this Open-File report consist of geographic information coverages and tabular data on the geology, structure, mines and mineral deposits of the Keweenaw Peninsula and vicinity, Michigan. The GIS data were originally developed using the ESRI ARC/INFO version 7.1.2 software. These data were then used to create an ArcView 3.1 project file depicting the coverage data and cross sections. The data are structured and attributed so that users can easily query and modify maps and create a variety of derivative maps based on such features as lithology, age, tectonic setting, and stratigraphy. An ArcView project with associated data files is provided for viewing and querying of the map. Also provided are .e00 files if further manipulation of the map is desired.

  • Download the compressed ArcView project and coverages: [3.23 Mb]

  • Download the compressed .e00 files: e00 [2.96 Mb]

  • Read the metadata

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    USGS Geologic Division, Eastern Mineral Resources
    12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 954
    Reston, VA   20192

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    Maintained by Eastern Publications Group
    Last modified: 20 March 2000