Quadrangle 14 - Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
3-D Surface View of Sun-Illuminated Sea Floor Topography  

View Direction From the south
View Distance 25 km from image center 
Elevation of View Point 35 degrees above map surface 
Vertical Exaggeration 10x 
Sun Elevation Angle 45o
Sun Azimuth 350o
Quadrangle Dimensions East- West:    15.7  km (8.42  nm)
  North- South:  13.4 km (7.15 nm)


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Sun-Illuminated Sea Floor Topographic Map
This is an example of the sun-illuminated topographic map available for Quadrangle 14.
Original scale is 1:25,000.  
quad14mp.jpg (283083 bytes)

This map is available in the following formats:
Encapsulated Postscript (.eps) (double click to download)*
Postscript (.ps) (double click to download)*
Arc Export Format (.e00) (right click to download)

The 3-D surface view of the sun-illuminated image is available as a
TIFF Bitmap (.tif) (double click to download)

The sun-illuminated map image may be incorporated into a GIS database by downloading the
ArcView World File (.tfw) (double click to download)

To view and/or print this image, use:
Portable Document File (.pdf) (right click to download)**

To access metadata:
Quadrangle 14 metadata

*Maximum page size:  26 in (66 cm) by 36 in (91.4 cm).  When the .eps files are opened
in a graphics package (files were made with CorelDraw version 7.375), in some cases the
sun-illuminated image increases in size and needs to be re-sized to fit the neatline.
**You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file in pdf format.
If you don't have the reader,
click here first to download, then browse the file.
Or, a quicker way, to view the pdf file: open Adobe Acrobat Reader from your desktop;
navigate to the pdf folder on the CD-ROM; find the map image you want and open it.

Title:  Valentine, P.C., Unger, T.S., and Baker, J.L., 1999, Sun-Illuminated Sea Floor Topography of Quadrangle 14 in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series Map I-2714, scale 1:25,000.

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