Record # Survey date Citation or Study Alternate Citation or report number Agency Site   Bathymetry Sediment Profile Imaging Sediment Water Column Chemistry           Tissue Chemistry       Benthic community Major Findings          
                  Metal PAH PCB Pest O&G TOC Metal PAH PCB Pest DO CTD Metal PAH PCB Pest              
1 1974 Gilbert, 1975   New England Aquarium Foul Area   Y N 8 N Y N Y N Y N N N Y Y N N N N Y N. E. Aquarium benthic surveys included 5 stations in the IWS.          
          IWS                                         Gilbert, 1975.          
  1975 -- 1976       Foul Area IWS?   N N N N N N N ? Y N N N N N Y N N N Y Additional surveys by the Aquarium. Stations around the perimeter          
                                                    of the IWS had the lowest mean number of species (44) and          
                                                    individuals (15,000/m2).          
2 1978 DAMOS Annual Report - 1978   ACE Interim MBDS   Y N 9 N N N Y ? N N N N N N D N N N Y All metals relatively low. Cu and Pb decreased significantly          
    Supplement D                                               from baseline in deployed mussels. 16 predominant species and 179          
                                                    total benthic individuals in 3 samples, but no reference site to          
                                                    compare to. DAMOS Annual Report-1978, Supplement D.          
  1981 -- 1982 Curtis and Mardis, 1984 EPA, 1984 EPA IWS, NMB, BLS,                                         Survey of four potential hazardous waste disposal sites. Radioactivity measured. No barrels found.          
3 1982-83 SAIC, 1985 DAMOS #46 ACE Interim MBDS   Y N 6 N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Comparative study of hopper versus scow disposal: bathymetry          
                                                    accuracy unable to detect a mound assumed to be 25 cm thick.          
                                                    Poor positional control of scow barges, better point-dumping          
                                                    control with the hopper dredge (at least for this project). Elevated          
                                                    levels of As, Hg, Pb and Zn. D#41 (Draft only), summarized in          
                                                    in DAMOS summary report #46.          
4 Jul 84 SAIC, 1985 DAMOS #46 ACE Interim MBDS   N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Submersible & ROV surveys: visual indications of mound limits          
                                                    correlated with bathymetry. Notable near bottom (10m) turbidity          
                                                    layer present. No sign. difference in distribution of benthic fin-          
                                                    fish on or off the mound. Dense, patchy distribution of mysid and          
                                                    clusters of pandalid shrimp did not indicate avoidance of DM. D#46??          
5 Oct 84 - Hubbard et al., 1988   ACE Interim MBDS   Y 246 Y Y T N Y Y 9 Y Y N Y Y F F F F Y Site evaluation studies; included REMOTS, BRAT survey, fish trawls,          
  Apr 86                                                 side scan sonar, current meters, etc. Cr, Cu, Pb & Zn (but not As)          
                                                    and PCBs significantly higher on site compared to ref. Tissue PCB          
                                                    conc. slightly elevated in organisms on dredged material compared to          
                                                    reference. Commerically important bottom-feeding fish inhabit the          
                                                    site; American plaice, cod and witch flounder were caught in          
                                                    greatest numbers. First REMOTS survey of interim MBDS.          
                                                    Dredged material depth detected 11 to 19 cm. Most DM observed to          
                                                    east and south of "A" buoy. Active recolonization hypothesized.          
                                                    Stage 1 on Stage 3 observed. Hubbard et al., 1988.          
6 Feb 87 SAIC, 1988 DAMOS #64 ACE Interim MBDS   Y 73 8 N T 1 Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N Area surveyed was the active disposal area: two camera stations          
                                                    were azoic, but all others given a Stage 1 on Stage 3 status.          
                                                    Low RPDs and OSIs compared to reference. 1987 OSIs lower than in          
                                                    1986. No detectable mounds, but increase in spatial extent of          
                                                    DM in the N-S direction detected from REMOTS (radius estimated          
                                                    to be 500-600 m). Depth of fresh DM estimated as 20 to 30 cm.          
                                                    Spatial coverage of fresh DM estimated as 792,400 sq.meters.          
                                                    Moderate levels of As, low levels of Hg, but Hg high compared          
                                                    to previous site monitoring. No obvious chemical signature          
                                                    of dredged material detected. D#64.          
7 Oct 87 SAIC, 1990b DAMOS #75 ACE Interim MBDS   N N 8 Y T N Y Y N N N N N N F F F N N Sediment parameters all relatively low, except for          
                                                    moderate As levels both on- and off-site. The station with          
                                                    fresh DM had the highest means of PHC, PCB, PAH, Pb, Zn, and Cu,          
                                                    but the lowest means of TOC, As, Ni and %fines. Only Zn at one          
                                                    station was sign. greater in top 2 cm than in bottom 2-10 cm. Max-          
                                                    imum PAH levels in both sediments & Nephtys were at the station          
                                                    with fresh DM, but a strong statistical difference between on-site          
                                                    and off-site tissue levels was not found. D#75.          
8 Nov 88 - SAIC, 1990a DAMOS #73 ACE Interim MBDS   Y 117 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Both old (A) and new (FDA) buoy areas surveyed. At FDA, only 3          
  Jan 89       IWS                                         stations (100N, CTR, 100S) did not have Stage III taxa; at A, all          
                                                    stations had some Stage III. Compared to reference, OSIs and RPDs          
                                                    were significantly lower at FDA, but not at A. Radius of fresh DM          
                                                    at FDA estimated at 300-350m, with 0.3 m depth of fresh DM detected          
                                                    acoustically since 1/87 survey, but still within DS boundaries.          
                                                    Extent of buoy "A" deposits not mapped, but benthic recovery high,          
                                                    stage 3 communities at all sites near buoy. RPD depths similar to          
                                                    reference areas. D#73.          
  Dec 88 Metcalf and Eddy, 1989   EPA MBDS Reference Stations   N N 9 T T N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N Sediment chemistry measured at two stations, REF-A and REF-C, in          
                                                    Stellwagen Basin. In general, values were very low, below other MBDS          
                                                    reference levels. PAHs and PCBs were below detection limits.          
                                                    Draft Report from M&E to EPA, 1989.          
  Jun 89 Murray, 1994 DAMOS #91 ACE Interim MBDS   N N 7 Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N N N N 26 random stations analyzed from the western half of MBDS. Station          
      SAIC, 1994a                                             12-3 had the highest means of Cr, Cu, Hg and Zn and highest PAHs          
                                                    (8 ppm). Pb (29-155 ppm) was the highest metal relative to region-          
                                                    al data. Mean metal values calculated using all site stations were          
                                                    within historic reference site ranges (and national mean from          
                                                    NS&T program), except for   copper. Decrease in      
                                                    PCBs with time noted (only 20 ppb at one station detected). Pesti-          
                                                    cides detected both on site and at reference. Spatially centered          
                                                    maxima of Cu and PAHs near "A" buoy. Good summary of overall          
                                                    conditions and synthesis with historical sediment chemistry studies.          
                                                    D#91. (Murray, 1989).          
  Aug 90 Germano, Parker and Charles, 1994 DAMOS #92 ACE Interim MBDS   Y 80 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N At MDA buoy, a mound 0.8 m high and app. 420 m in diameter was          
      SAIC, 1994b                                             detected with bathymetry. REMOTS detected new DM 400-800 m from          
                                                    center. 260,000 c.m. disposed since 11/88 survey. All stations but          
                                                    100E supported Stage III benthos. Dominant sere on site and at ref          
                                                    was Stage I on Stage III. Surface roughness sign. greater and RPDs          
                                                    sign. lower on DM compared to ref. OSI values on site generally          
                                                    higher than in Nov. 88, but sign. lower than at ref. Formation of          
                                                    mound said to support use of capping at site. D#92.          
  Jun-Jul 91 Gardner and Pruell, 1991   EPA Interim MBDS   N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N EPA-Narragansett study of sediment and tissue chemistry. Indica-          
          IWS                                         tion that MBDS does not have a major impact on tissue chemistry.          
                                                    Sediment levels generally low from the two stations tested. Trend          
                                                    noticed of decreasing tissue concentrations with distance from          
                                                    shore, with MBDS falling between Quincy Bay and Georges Bank.          
                                                    Gardner and Pruell, 1991.          
  Mar-Apr 92 Wiley and Charles, 1995 DAMOS #100 ACE Interim MBDS   Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Survey of MDA buoy after 1991 storms. 2 distinct mounds formed.          
      SAIC, 1995a                                             Fresh disposal of Boston Blue Clay from CA/THT observed within 200-          
                                                    400 meters of disposal buoy. Relic dredge material observed to 800 m          
                                                    especially to the west. Mound height 2 meters. Stage 1 only found on          
                                                    fresh dredged material (although fresh deposits were devoid of fauna).          
                                                    Stage 3 infauna found away from buoy and throughout area.          
                                                    No evidence of dredged material at any of the three reference areas.          
                                                    Wiley and Charles, 1995. D#100          
  May 92 Battelle, 1992   EPA     N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N EPA cruise for whole water (dissolved and particulate) column toxics.          
                                                    At three water depths at MBDS and in the Gulf of Maine.          
                                                    Very low concentrations of trace metals, PAHs, PCBs and pesticides.          
                                                    Battelle, 1992.          
  Sep 93 DeAngelo and Murray, 1996 DAMOS # ACE     Y N 8 Y T Y N Y N N N N N N N N N N N Baseline survey of the relocated disposal site. Side scan sonar and          
      SAIC, 1996a                                             SACS studies observed geological features (knolls) and waste barrels,          
                                                    especially in the north, near the old IWS. General area is featureless,          
                                                    sloping to northeast, fine grain silts and clays. MDA buoy is now          
                                                    located in the northeast of the site. Resampling high PAH area, but          
                                                    detection limits still too high. Mound at MDA buoy now 7 meters high.          
                                                    Draft report, DeAngelo and Murray, 1996.          
  Aug-94 Murray, 1996 DAMOS # ACE     N 76 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Follow up of Sep 93 survey to map areal limits of historical dredged          
      SAIC, 1996b                                             material and benthic recolonization around station 12-3. Includes plan          
                                                    view photos of bottom. MDA buoy shows good recolonization,          
                                                    especially Stage 2 amphipods. Apparent RPD at buoy 1 to 4 cm.          
                                                    Usually Stage 1 on Stage 3. Draft report Murray, 1996.          
  Sep 94 Metcalf and Eddy, 1995   EPA     N N 8 Y Y Y N Y N N N N Y Y L L L L N EPA sampling of high PAH area near station 12-3 and IWS for          
                                                    sediment chemistry, toxicity and bioaccumulation. Data presented          
                                                    here in the site management plan. (M&E, 1995)          
  Legend:           #=number of REMOTS stations, or analytes, D#=DAMOS number, DM=dredged material, D=animal deployed in field, F=animal collected in field, L=animal exposed in lab,                                                
              N=no, PHC=petroleum hydrocarbons, T=total, Y=yes, BRAT=benthic resource assessment technique                                                

Last Updated on 12/18/98
By chris polloni

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