Metadata Table for Marine GIS Library for Massachusetts Bay CD-ROM
(sorted alphabetically by file name)


This table of background data on the files on this CD-ROM is provided in HTML format for users without Microsoft Access. It is sorted alphabetically by file name. The MS Access version of this table provided in 9_biblio/metadata.mdb is recommended for users with the software. The Access format facilitates viewing and maneuvering this data; the rows may be sorted quickly using any column, queries can be performed, and subsets of the table may be exported to other formats.

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File Name Library Chapter Layer Content Source or method of acquisition Data Feature Type Resolution of image/grid data Recommended Scale Geographic Area West Bounding Coordinate East Bounding Coordinate North Bounding Coordinate South Bounding Coordinate Projection Datum Spheroid Published reference Date of Publication or Completion Agency/Organization E-mail of Contact Person URL for more metadata or download Description Other Notes MassBay GIS Card ID
01090001.shp 1
USEPA RF3 Hydrology Downloaded from EPA/BASINS core data set line
1:100,000 Boston Sub-Watershed HUC 01090001 -71.55 -70.55 42.83 40.03 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 USEPA Reach File 3, 1:100,000 Hydrology
USEPA 1:100,000 scale hydrology from USEPA
1985ss.shp 3 2b, 2d Sidescan tracks from Mass Bay Disposal Site Survey Survey Cruise line
1:40,000 Coast of Massachusetts -70.60493 -70.54597 42.45595 42.40465 Geographic NAD83 GRS80


1mingrid.shp 1 1, 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 3a, 4 One Minute Latitute/Longitude Grid Unique one minute latitute/longitude coordinates line

Greater Gulf of Maine -74 -65.5 45 37.75 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
December 3, 1998 NOAA/NURC
Latitute/longitude grid of one minute intervals
3mile.shp 1 2, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 3a, 4 3 Mile Boundary line off the coast of Mass Extracted from the nautical shape file provided by MCZM line
1:70,000 Coast of Massachusetts -71.66891 -69.77381 43.23544 40.99265 Geographic NAD83 GRS80


404water.shp 1 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 3b, 4 404 Boundary Waters off the coast of Mass Received from BSC Group line
1:70,000 Coast of Massachusetts -71.28926 -69.90601 42.68138 41.25932 Geographic NAD83 GRS80


475cle.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 475 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey. Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.64771927 -70.63686872 42.39171607 42.38559093 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\475CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution's Clelia occupied submersible during dive #475 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each pt references a raw GPS derived location along the sub's dive track.
475lls.shp 2 2c Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 475 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.647518 -70.64646 42.387692 42.386353 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\475LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of laser line scan imagery collected during Clelia dive #475 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references an individual tiff format seafloor image collected using a Raytheon multispectral LLSS
476cle.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 476 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.730990 -70.726798 42.394637 42.391992 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\476CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution's (HBOI), Clelia (Perry Model PC-1204) occupied submersible during dive #476 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey
476lls.shp 2 2c Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 476 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.730875 -70.726928 42.394348 42.392135 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\476LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of laser line scan imagery collected during Clelia dive #476 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references an individual tiff format seafloor image collected using a Raytheon multispectral LLSS
477cle.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 477 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.695777 -70.688517 42.370348 42.365783 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\477CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution's Clelia occupied submersible during dive #477 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each pt references a raw GPS derived location along the sub's dive track.
477lls.shp 2 2c Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 477 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.695402 -70.689682 42.369730 42.366255 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\477LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of laser line scan imagery collected during Clelia dive #477 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references an individual tiff format seafloor image collected using a Raytheon multispectral LLSS
478cle.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 478 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey. Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.652188 -70.643213 42.396835 42.386707 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\478CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution's Clelia occupied submersible during dive #478 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each pt references a raw GPS derived location along the sub's dive track.
478lls.shp 2 2c Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 478 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.651358 -70.643652 42.389250 42.387627 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\478LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of laser line scan imagery collected during Clelia dive #478 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references an individual tiff format seafloor image collected using a Raytheon multispectral LLSS
479cle.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 479 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.686148 -70.667903 42.386385 42.372578 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\479CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution's Clelia occupied submersible during dive #479 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each pt references a raw GPS derived location along the sub's dive track.
479lls.shp 2 2c Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 479 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.683667 -70.678565 42.386295 42.384078 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\479LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of laser line scan imagery collected during Clelia dive #479 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references an individual tiff format seafloor image collected using a Raytheon multispectral LLSS
480cle.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 480 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.674218 -70.668188 42.378348 42.351847 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\480CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution's Clelia occupied submersible during dive #480 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each pt references a raw GPS derived location along the sub's dive track.
480lls.shp 2 2c Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 480 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.671355 -70.668327 42.353622 42.352160 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\480LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of laser line scan imagery collected during Clelia dive #480 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references an individual tiff format seafloor image collected using a Raytheon multispectral LLSS
481cle.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 481 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.702913 -70.681445 42.381987 42.367110 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\481CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution's Clelia occupied submersible during dive #481 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each pt references a raw GPS derived location along the sub's dive track.
481lls.shp 2 2c Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 481 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.684685 -70.681600 42.370887 42.367822 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\481LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of laser line scan imagery collected during Clelia dive #481 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references an individual tiff format seafloor image collected using a Raytheon multispectral LLSS
482cle.shp 2 2b Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 482 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey. Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.593620 -70.587737 42.446355 42.444210 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\482CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution's Clelia occupied submersible during dive #482 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each pt references a raw GPS derived location along the sub's dive track.
482lls.shp 2 2b Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 482 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey Raw USB/GPS fixes point

-70.593473 -70.589347 42.445223 42.444272 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\482LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of laser line scan imagery collected during Clelia dive #482 of the 1997 Mass Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references an individual tiff format seafloor image collected using a Raytheon multispectral LLSS
483cle.shp 2 2b Raw navigation fixes from 1997 Clelia dive 483 Raw USB/GPS fixes point

MBDS -70.5021 -70.4981 42.6997 42.6966 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\483CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata Raw navigation fixes from 1997 Clelia dive 483
483lls.shp 2 2b Laser line scan sites from 1997 Clelia dive 483 Raw USB/GPS fixes point

MBDS -70.5018 -70.5002 42.6984 42.697 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\483LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata Laser line scan sites from 1997 Clelia dive 483
484cle.shp 2 3, 3a Raw navigation fixes from 1997 Clelia dive 484 Raw USB/GPS fixes point

MBDS -70.8131 -70.7981 42.3887 42.3734 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\484CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata Raw navigation fixes from 1997 Clelia dive 484
484lls.shp 2 3, 3a Laser line scan sites from 1997 Clelia dive 484 Raw USB/GPS fixes point

MBDS -70.7995 -70.7982 42.3854 42.385 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\484LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata Laser line scan sites from 1997 Clelia dive 484
485cle.shp 2 2b Raw navigation fixes from 1997 Clelia dive 485 Raw USB/GPS fixes point

IWS -70.5841 -70.5784 42.4412 42.4323 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\485CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata Raw navigation fixes from 1997 Clelia dive 485
485lls.shp 2 2b Laser line scan sites from 1997 Clelia dive 485 Raw USB/GPS fixes point

IWS -70.5837 -70.5817 42.4404 42.4376 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\485LLS.HTM on this CD for more metadata Laser line scan sites from 1997 Clelia dive 485
486cle.shp 2
Raw navigation fixes from 1997 Clelia dive 486 Raw USB/GPS fixes point

Greater Gulf of Maine -70.5021 -70.4997 42.7001 42.6981 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\486CLE.HTM on this CD for more metadata Raw navigation fixes from 1997 Clelia dive 486
5mingrid.shp 1 1, 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 3a, 4 Five Minute Latitute/Longitude Grid Unique five minute latitute/longitude coordinates line

Greater Gulf of Maine -74 -65.5 45 37.75 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
December 3, 1998 NOAA/NURC
Latitute/longitude grid of five minute intervals
926_1ps2.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Phantom S2 dive #926_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey.

-70.694620 -70.662093 42.381078 42.356925 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\926_1PS2.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of the National Undersea Research Center for the North Atlantic & Great Lake's Phantom S2 remotely operated vehicle (ROV) during dive #926_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey
926_1ss.shp 2 2c Location of Example Sector Scanning Sonar Imagery Associated with Phantom S2 dive #926_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey.

-70.678938 -70.678873 42.368005 42.367333 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\926_1SS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points representing the location of example sector scanning sonar imagery collected during Phantom S2 dive #926_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey
926_1vdo.shp 2 2c Location of Digital Video Clips Associated with Phantom S2 dive #926_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey

-70.678727 -70.678410 42.367920 42.366992 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\926_1VDO.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of digital video files collected during Phantom S2 dive #926_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references the beginning frame of an individual digital video file
926_2ps2.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Phantom S2 dive #926_2 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey

-70.676847 -70.653158 42.381583 42.370605 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\926_2PS2.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of the National Undersea Research Center for the North Atlantic & Great Lake's Phantom S2 remotely operated vehicle (ROV) during dive #926_2 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey
927_1ps2.shp 2 2c Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Phantom S2 dive #927_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey.

-70.648292 -70.638330 42.388203 42.380750 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\927_1PS2.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of the National Undersea Research Center for the North Atlantic & Great Lake's Phantom S2 remotely operated vehicle (ROV) during dive #927_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey
927_1ss.shp 2 2c Location of Example Sector Scanning Sonar Imagery Associated with Phantom S2 dive #927_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey

-70.651692 -70.631692 42.392455 42.372455 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\927_1SS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points representing the location of example sector scanning sonar imagery collected during Phantom S2 dive #927_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey
927_1vdo.shp 2 2c Location of Digital Video Clips Associated with Phantom S2 dive #927_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey.

-70.641692 -70.641268 42.382585 42.381058 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\927_1VDO.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of digital video files collected during Phantom S2 dive #927_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references the beginning frame of an individual digital video file
928_1ps2.shp 2 2b Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Phantom S2 dive #928_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey

-70.610213 -70.574960 42.455212 42.432593 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\928_1PS2.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the overall dive tract of the National Undersea Research Center for the North Atlantic & Great Lake's Phantom S2 remotely operated vehicle (ROV) during dive #928_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey
928_1ss.shp 2 2b Location of Example Sector Scanning Sonar Imagery Associated with Phantom S2 dive #928_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey

-70.590357 -70.590357 42.444995 42.444995 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\928_1SS.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points representing the location of example sector scanning sonar imagery collected during Phantom S2 dive #928_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey
928_1vdo.shp 2 2b Location of Digital Video Clips Associated with Phantom S2 dive #928_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey.

-70.594882 -70.590258 42.446008 42.444653 Geographic

NOAA/NURC see 2_WASTE\BLS\928_1VDO.HTM on this CD for more metadata identifies the collection points of digital video files collected during Phantom S2 dive #928_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. Each point references the beginning frame of an individual digital video file
a3_otter.shp 2 2a Area 3 Otter trawl tow trackline EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 line

NOAA Survey Area 3, Mass. Bay

Geographic NAD83 GRS 80

Tracklines of Biota sampling trawl
a4_otter.shp 2 2a Area 4 Otter trawl tow trackline EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 line

Mass Bay, NOAA Survey Area 4

Geographic NAD83 GRS 80

Tracklines of Biota sampling trawl
a4_rad.shp 2 2a Area 4 Radiation sampling EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 point

Mass Bay, NOAA Survey Area 4

Geographic NAD83 GRS 80

Sampling points used in survey of NOAA Survey area 4, 1981
a5_otter.shp 2 2a Area 5 Otter trawl tow trackline EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 line

Mass Bay, NOAA Survey Area 5 -70.58 -70.55 42.27 42.275 Geographic NAD83 GRS 80

Tracklines of Biota sampling trawl line indicating the track taken by the Otter Trawl 206
all_fish.shp 5
NMFS Essential Fish Habitat data for Mass Bay NOAA/NMFS/NEFC Gloucester, MA data delivery polygon
1:2,000,000 Mass Bay -71.18 -70.49 42.70 41.81 Geographic NAD83 WGS84   1999 NOAA/NMFS Gloucester, MA Mass Bay fisheries presence data by 10' square, includes life stage
Area4.shp 2
NOAA Survey Area 4 EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 polygon

Mass. Bay -70.56 -70.52 42.77 42.74 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
1981 NOAA

Area5.shp 2
NOAA Survey Area 5 EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 polygon

Mass. Bay -70.58 -70.54 42.29 42.26 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
Area is a buffer of 1 mile radius around a specified point location Point used for buffering is: 42 deg. 16.4 min. N, 70 deg. 33.5 min. W 64
bathy.shp 3
5-meter bathymetric contour lines based on USGS grid stell_dd (originally in UTM projection) line
1:300,000 Massachusetts Bay -71.022 -69.817 42.851 41.666 Geographic NAD83 GRS80


based on gridded bathymetry, stell_dd compared to bathy5sb and bathy5mb, bathy.shp covers a larger extent but is intended for a lower resolution map 190
bathy20.shp 3
20-meter contour lines USGS originally in UTM projection (stell_dd) line
1:300,000 Massachusetts Bay -70.950 -69.817 42.851 41.666 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Stellwagen Bank Information System web site
SAIC/USGS based on gridded bathymetry, stell_dd compared to gom15ctr, bathy20.shp covers a smaller extent and has even intervals for contours (see description for gom15ctr.shp for values contoured) 15
bathy5mb.shp 3 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 3a, 4 5-meter bathymetric contour lines for Western Mass Bay (Quads 19-21) collected on surveys carried out in 1994, 1996, 1997, and 1998 using the Kongsberg SIMRAD EM1000 multibeam system on the CHS vessel Frederick G. Creed line
1:25,000 Western Massachusetts Bay -70.878 -70.600 42.625 42.238 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.) 1999 USGS,
For each quad, multibeam data was processed, converted to an ARC/INFO point coverage, gridded with a cell-size of 13m and contoured at an interval of 5m. 3 quads were merged into one shapefile for convenience in this publication.
bathy5sb.shp 3 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 3a, 4 5-meter bathymetric contour lines for Stellwagen Bank (Quads 1-18) collected on surveys carried out in 4 cruises 1994 - 1996 using the Kongsberg SIMRAD EM1000 multibeam system on the CHS vessel Frederick G. Creed line
1:25,000 Stellwagen Bank -70.600 -70.033 42.800 42.083 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 Valentine, P., J. Baker, T. Unger, C. Polloni, 1998, Sea Floor Topographic Map and Perspective-View Imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report 98-138. 1998 USGS; For each quad, multibeam data was processed, converted to an ARC/INFO point coverage, gridded with a cell-size of 13m and contoured at an interval of 5m. 18 quads were merged into one shapefile for convenience in this publication.
bb02sumg 6 3, 4 Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 129
bb02sumg.tif 6 3, 4 (in 3.0 project) Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 312
bb02summ 6 3a Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 304
bb02summ.tif 6
Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 320
bb02wing 6 3, 4 Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 130
bb02wing.tif 6 3, 4 (in 3.0 project) Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 313
bb02winm 6 3a Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 305
bb02winm.tif 6
Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 321
bb16sumg 6 3, 4 Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 131
bb16sumg.tif 6 3, 4 (in 3.0 project) Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 314
bb16summ 6 3a Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 306
bb16summ.tif 6
Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 322
bb16wing 6 3, 4 Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 132
bb16wing.tif 6 3, 4 (in 3.0 project) Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 315
bb16winm 6 3a Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 307
bb16winm.tif 6
Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 323
Bls_dump.shp 2 2c, 2d Historic Boston Light Ship Disposal Site Extracted locations from NOAA Chart 13009 and 13267 line
1:500,000 Mass Bay -70.72 -70.63 42.40 42.30 Geographic NAD83
NOS #13009, 27th Edition, 8.7.1996, NOS #13267, 28th Edition, 1.25.1997 1999 NOAA/NOS/OR&R Historic Dump sites from NOAA charts. These sites have been permitted dumping areas, but are discontinued. These sites represent general locations and are to be viewed as best representation of where dumping may have occurred. 178
bls_surv.shp 2 2c 1981-82 BLS Survey Area

blsh_vec.shp 2 2c Vectors indicating dump area Mass. Bay Task Force line

Mass. Bay -70.76 -70.58 42.43 42.34 Geographic NAD83

Vectors ENE of the Former Boston Lightship location Permitted dumping was allowed between these lines, 3 NM out from the Former Boston Lightship. See in references (referen.htm): Tordoff, D. 59
Buoys_dd.shp 1 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d Locations of NOAA Weather Buoys Mass. Bay Task Force point

Mass. Bay -70.86 -70.58 42.45 42.37 Geographic NAD83 WGS84


ca_dcw.shp 1 1, 4 Canadian Provinces Extracted from ESRI Digital Chart of the World polygon
1:1,000,000 Canadian Provinces -75.40 -59.54 50.36 43.20 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 ESRI Digital Chart of the World - 1996 1996 NOAA/USGS

ca_ngo.shp 7
Canadian Non-governmental sites

Nova Scotia, New Brunswick -66.900 -64.3700 45.900 43.4700 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

cohass.shp 2 2 Cohasset Redump Area EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 polygon

Mass. Bay -70.73 -70.68 42.29 42.24 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Redump site, (aka. Flat Ledge). An area used by fishermen for re-dumping of barrels and unwanted material trawled from other areas. 81
colorbar.tif 3
Tif image showing color scale for USGS pseudocolor images

Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA. 1998 USGS,
Backscatter intensities are represented by 8 colors ranging from blue (low) to green to yellow to orange to red (high). Within each bin, the brightness represents the sun-illumination.
Contig_z.shp 1

CSOS.shp 2 3, 3a Boston Harbor CSO's Wendy Leo, MWRA ENQUAD, email transmittal 6/6/1996 point

Boston Harbor -71.17 -71.00 42.42 42.27 Geographic NAD83 GRS80

MWRA, Locations of active Combined Sewer Overflows
dg_buf.shp 2 2 Dumping Ground Mass. Bay Task Force polygon

Mass Bay

Geographic NAD83 WGS84

2000 ft diameter area around the Dumping Ground Bell Buoy See in references (referen.htm): Tordoff, D. 76
dg_buoy.shp 2 2 "Dumping Ground" Bell Buoy EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 point

Mass. Bay

Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Location of "Dumping Ground" Bell Buoy. Suspected as having been a convenient spot for disposal. Existed from approx. 1955-1962 in 124 ft. of Water 88
6 3, 4 Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 133
dr02sumg.tif 6 3, 4 (in 3.0 project) Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 316
dr02summ 6 3a Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 308
dr02summ.tif 6
Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 324
dr02wing 6 3, 4 Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 134
dr02wing.tif 6 3, 4 (in 3.0 project) Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 317
dr02winm 6 3a Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 309
dr02winm.tif 6
Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 2 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 325
dr16sumg 6 3, 4 Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 135
dr16sumg.tif 6 3, 4 (in 3.0 project) Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 318
dr16summ 6 3a Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 310
dr16summ.tif 6
Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from June-August for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A concentration of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 326
dr16wing 6 3, 4 Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 136
dr16wing.tif 6 3, 4 (in 3.0 project) Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -71.088 -69.625 43.275 40.663 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 319
dr16winm 6 3a Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 311
dr16winm.tif 6
Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 16 m below surface The Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model (ECOM) raster cell size = .00416667 degrees
Massachusetts Bay -64039.347 57851.622 3984794.700 3693093.793 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. 1996 USGS Daily effluent concentrations from November-February for three years of simulation (1990, 1991 & 1992) were averaged to determine this mean summer concentration field. A level of 0.5 indicates 0.5% effluent, or 1 part effluent to 200 parts seawater. The simulation output was saved in intervals of 0.0610 concentration units, thus the results are only precise to +/- 0.0305 percent. 327
dsites.shp 2 2, 2b, 2d, 4 Massachusetts Bay Dredge Material and Interium dredge material disposal sites USEPA reported buoy location buffers polygon
1:100,000 Mass Bay -70.61 -70.54 42.45 42.40 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 EPA Reported locations

dump_psd 3 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 4 Pseudocolor/Shaded Relief image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site (see description)
1:10,000 MassBay disposal site location -70.625 -70.533 42.454 42.392 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA. 1998 USGS,
composite images in which backscatter and sun-illuminated images have been combined to show the composition of the sea bed and the topographic relief. Blue = low backscatter mud; Red = high backscatter gravel/boulders; Green mound = present disposal site See colorbar.tif for color scheme; In ArcView use dump_psd.avl legend (add theme dump_sun also for shading) 155
dump_ss 3 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 4 Backscatter image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site
1:10,000 MassBay disposal site location -70.625 -70.533 42.454 42.393 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA. 1998 USGS,
Backscatter cell values range from 0 to 255 and correspond approximately to -50 to -100 dB
dump_sun 3 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 4 Shaded Relief image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site
1:10,000 MassBay disposal site location -70.625 -70.533 42.454 42.393 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA. 1998 USGS,
Shaded relief map with sun-illumination from the north.
dumppsdm 3 3a Pseudocolor/Shaded Relief image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site (see description)

1:10,000 MassBay disposal site location -25691.671 -17982.646 3891551.186 3884660.212 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA. 1998 USGS,
composite images in which backscatter and sun-illuminated images have been combined to show the composition of the sea bed and the topographic relief. Blue = low backscatter mud; Red = high backscatter gravel/boulders; Green mound = present disposal site
dumpsite.shp 2 2 Areas used for IW, DM, and Munitions dumping NOAA Chart #: 13267 line

Mass. Bay -70.82 -70.63 42.50 42.30 Geographic NAD83
NOS #13009, 27th Edition, 8.7.1996 1996 NOAA/NOS Areas described on chart as munitions (and other) dumping areas
dumpssm 3 3a Backscatter image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site

1:10,000 MassBay disposal site location -25685.159 -18021.152 3891577.586 3884718.943 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA. 1998 USGS,
Backscatter cell values range from 0 to 255 and correspond approximately to -50 to -100 dB
dumpsunm 3 3a Shaded Relief image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site

1:10,000 MassBay disposal site location -25685.159 -18014.884 3891577.587 3884718.940 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA. 1998 USGS,
Shaded relief map with sun-illumination from the north.
ec80arc.shp 1
Massachusetts Shoreline NOAA medium resolution vector shoreline line
1:70,000 Southern Maine to Rhode Island -71.66571 -69.84558 42.98761 41.15564 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 received from Stellwagen Bank Information System web site
SAIC Medium resolution from NOAA
empirek.shp 2 1 Location M/V Empire Knight (Shipwreck) Federal Register, point

Gulf of Maine NA NA NA NA Geographic NAD83

Epass96.shp 3 2b, 2d Location of sidescan track lines from 1996 Raw GPS fixes line

MBDS -70.5708 -70.5626 42.4524 42.4367 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 NOAA/NURC
Location of side scan track lines from 1996
f_crthab.shp 7 1, 4 Right Whale Critical Habitats

Greater Gulf of Maine -70.50 -65.05 44.75 41.00 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

f_cws_pt.shp 7
Canada Wildlife Service sites: Migratory Bird Sanctuary, National Wildlife Areas

New Brunswick, Nova Scotia -67.1000 -64.2500 45.9700 43.8200 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

f_fish.shp 7 1 Federal fishing closures: National Marine Fisheries Service, Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Greater Gulf of Maine -71.076 -64.500 44.7754 40.4860 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

f_nerr.shp 7
National Estuarine Research Reserves (polygons)

Southeastern New Hampshire -70.9288 -70.8254 43.1072 43.0370 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

f_nerrpt.shp 7
National Estuarine Research Reserves (points)

Wells, Maine NA NA NA NA Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

f_nms.shp 7
National Marine Sanctuaries (Stellwagen Bank)

Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary -70.5979 -70.0356 42.7666 42.0932 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

f_nwr.shp 7
National Wildlife Refuges

Coastal New England -70.8649 -67.1450 45.1580 42.7030 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

f_park.shp 7
Federal/National Parks (polygons)

Coastal New England -71.0624 -68.038 44.4313 41.637 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

f_parkpt.shp 7
Federal/National Parks (points)

Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia -66.970 -64.830 45.650 43.850 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

fads88.shp 3 2b, 2d Contour lines from 1988 Survey monitoring cruise / digitizing contour lines line
1:45,000 Entire Foul Area Disposal Site & slightly beyond the
-70.59348 -70.53972 42.44814 42.40832 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 SAIC Contribution 79: Valente and Walton, April 1989, Seasonal Monitoring Cruise at the Foul Area Disposal Site, November 1988 - January 1989. 1988 SAIC

Fbld_geo.tif 3 2c 1997 Side Scan Mosaic of the Former BLD Side scan sonar raster

Former Boston Lightship Dumpsite -70.7299 -70.6359 42.3932 42.3234 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 Polaris Imaging
1997 Side Scan Mosaic of the Former BLD
Fbls_EPA.shp 2 2c Location of Former Boston Lightship from EPA report EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 point

Mass. Bay

Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Coordinates listed in EPA report #: 520/1-84-031
Fbls_old.shp 2 2c Location of Former Boston Lightship Coordinates provided by: David W. Tordoff point

Mass. Bay

Geographic NAD83 WGS84
Oct. 30, 1991 NOAA

Published in US EPA document: Mass. Bay Task Force. An important reference point. Permitted dumping area begins 3 N. Mi ENE of here between the vectors shown by blsh_vec.shp 69
fish_ma.shp 5 4 Data collected during Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (MA-DMF) groundfish surveys, 1978 - 1997, spring & fall Data were extracted from an Oracle database maintained by NOAA/NMFS, Sandy Hook, NJ point

Massachusetts Bay -71.06667 -69.85 42.85 41.70 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 A series of reports are in final stages of preparation. Each is entitled "Essential Fish Habitat Source Documents: [species name], Life History and Habitat Characteristics"
NMFS/NEFSC/James J. Howard Laboratory
Data includes # of fish or invertebrates caught at sampling locations and the season (spring/fall). There are 2 columns for each species; one for each maturity (adult/juvenile) or size class (pre-recruits/recruits). Data should be examined or displayed separately from fish_nef.shp because of differences in collection gear and timing of the surveys. 210
fish_nef.shp 5 4 Data collected during Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) groundfish surveys, 1978 - 1997, spring & fall Data were extracted from an Oracle database maintained by NOAA/NMFS, Sandy Hook, NJ point

Massachusetts Bay -71.10 -69.75 43.00 41.70 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 A series of reports are in final stages of preparation. Each is entitled "Essential Fish Habitat Source Documents: [species name], Life History and Habitat Characteristics"
NMFS/NEFSC/James J. Howard Laboratory
Data includes # of fish or invertebrates caught at sampling locations and the season (spring/fall). There are 2 columns for each species; one for each maturity (adult/juvenile) or size class (pre-recruits/recruits). Data should be examined or displayed separately from fish_ma.shp because of differences in collection gear and timing of the surveys. 211
fish_rok.shp 1
Rocky Bottom Areas NOS/NOAA bathymetric fishing map - Provincetown polygon
1:100,000 Mass. Bay -70.96 -70.53 42.51 42.07 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, NOS 1986 - Provincetown Bathymetric Fishing Map 1986 NOAA Areas of Rocky Bottom structure
Gom_ca.shp 1
Canadian landforms adjacent to the Gulf of Maine

Greater Gulf of Maine -69.0397 -59.8097 48.0733 43.4644 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
December 3, 1998

Canadian landforms adjacent to the Gulf of Maine
gom15ctr.shp 3 1 Contour lines for Gulf of Maine (see description for values contoured). Contoured from Gom15grd. line

Gulf of Maine -71.500 -63.000 46.000 39.500 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM.
USGS, Contour lines created in ARC/INFO from gom15grd; contoured at -4000, -3000, -2000, -1000, -500, -400, -300, -280, -260, -240, -220, -200, -180, -160, -140, -120, -100, -90, -80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -15, -10, -5
gom15grd 3 1, 3 15 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry (Geographic) Data was collected from available sources on the Web and from CD-ROM products. The data included digital sounding data, digitized contour line data and previously gridded products from a variety of sources. See URL for more info. raster

Gulf of Maine -71.502 -62.998 46.002 39.498 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM.
USGS, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) produced 15 and 30 second grids were also exported as XYZ ASCII files and read into Arc to produce Arc grid files. Use ArcView legend gom_grd.avl. The ARC/INFO floating-point grid was converted to an integer grid using Spatial Analyst's Map Calculator to work around a known bug Spatial Analyst has with displaying floating-point grids. 159
gom15grm 3 3a 15 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry (Mercator) Data was collected from available sources on the Web and from CD-ROM products. The data included digital sounding data, digitized contour line data and previously gridded products from a variety of sources. See URL for more info. raster

Gulf of Maine -98749.020 609655.865 4302799.377 3566567.669 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM.
USGS, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) produced 15 and 30 second grids were also exported as XYZ ASCII files and read into Arc to produce Arc grid files. Use ArcView legend gom_grd.avl. The ARC/INFO floating-point grid was converted to an integer grid using Spatial Analyst's Map Calculator to work around a known bug Spatial Analyst has with displaying floating-point grids. 333
gom15tfg.tif 3 1 (in 3.0 project) 15 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry, converted to tif (Geographic) Data was collected from available sources on the Web and from CD-ROM products. The data included digital sounding data, digitized contour line data and previously gridded products from a variety of sources. See URL for more info. raster

Gulf of Maine -71.504167 -63.00 46.004167 39.5 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM.
USGS, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) produced 15 and 30 second grids were also exported as XYZ ASCII files and read into Arc to produce Arc grid files. (then converted to tif)
gom15tfm.tif 3
15 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry, converted to tif (Mercator) Data was collected from available sources on the Web and from CD-ROM products. The data included digital sounding data, digitized contour line data and previously gridded products from a variety of sources. See URL for more info. raster

Gulf of Maine -98984.840442 609420.044657 4303035.197279 3566803.489131 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM.
USGS, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) produced 15 and 30 second grids were also exported as XYZ ASCII files and read into Arc to produce Arc grid files. (then converted to tif)
gom30grd 3 1, 3 30 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry (Geographic) Data was collected from available sources on the Web and from CD-ROM products. The data included digital sounding data, digitized contour line data and previously gridded products from a variety of sources. See URL for more info. raster

Gulf of Maine -71.504 -62.996 46.004 39.496 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM.
USGS, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) produced 15 and 30 second grids were also exported as XYZ ASCII files and read into Arc to produce Arc grid files. Use ArcView legend gom_grd.avl. The ARC/INFO floating-point grid was converted to an integer grid using Spatial Analyst's Map Calculator to work around a known bug Spatial Analyst has with displaying floating-point grids. 160
gom30grm 3 3a 30 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry (Mercator) Data was collected from available sources on the Web and from CD-ROM products. The data included digital sounding data, digitized contour line data and previously gridded products from a variety of sources. See URL for more info. raster

Gulf of Maine -98922.5681 609507.3482 4303073.0452 3566343.6649 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM.
USGS, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) produced 15 and 30 second grids were also exported as XYZ ASCII files and read into Arc to produce Arc grid files. Use ArcView legend gom_grd.avl. The ARC/INFO floating-point grid was converted to an integer grid using Spatial Analyst's Map Calculator to work around a known bug Spatial Analyst has with displaying floating-point grids. 334
gom30tfg.tif 3 1 (in 3.0 project) 30 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry, converted to tif (Geographic) Data was collected from available sources on the Web and from CD-ROM products. The data included digital sounding data, digitized contour line data and previously gridded products from a variety of sources. See URL for more info. raster

Gulf of Maine -71.508333 -63.00 46.008331 39.5 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM.
USGS, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) produced 15 and 30 second grids were also exported as XYZ ASCII files and read into Arc to produce Arc grid files. (then converted to tif)
gom30tfm.tif 3
30 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry, converted to tif (Mercator) Data was collected from available sources on the Web and from CD-ROM products. The data included digital sounding data, digitized contour line data and previously gridded products from a variety of sources. See URL for more info. raster

Gulf of Maine -99394.225866 609035.690459 4303544.702975 3566815.322615 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM.
USGS, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) produced 15 and 30 second grids were also exported as XYZ ASCII files and read into Arc to produce Arc grid files. (then converted to tif)
Gomclose.shp 1 1 Western Gulf of Maine Closure Area Federal Register closure coordinates polygon

Western Gulf of Maine -70.25 -69.9167 43.25 42.25 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
December 3, 1998 NOAA/NURC
Boundary of western gulf of maine closure area
Gomeda24.shp 1 1 Watersheds of NOAA's Estuarine Drainage Areas Obtained from NOAA/ORCA web site polygon

Greater Gulf of Maine -72.1431 -62.7378 48.1872 41.2378 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Watersheds of NOAA's Estuarine Drainage Areas
Gomhuc24.shp 1 1 Watersheds at the USGS Hydrologic Cataloging Level Obtained from NOAA/ORCA web site polygon

Greater Gulf of Maine -72.1431 -62.7378 48.1872 41.2378 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Watersheds at the USGS Hydrologic Cataloging Level
Gomsub24.shp 1 1 GOM Watersheds at the subbasin level Obtained from NOAA/ORCA web site polygon

Greater Gulf of Maine -72.1431 -62.7378 48.1872 41.2378 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Watersheds at the subbasin level
Inactive.shp 2 3, 3a Boston Harbor Inactive CSO's Wendy Leo, MWRA ENQUAD, email transmittal 6/6/1996 point

Boston Harbor -71.14 -70.94 42.46 42.29 Geographic NAD83 GRS80

MWRA, Locations of inactive Combined Sewer Outflows
intmbds.shp 2
Interim Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site boundary center coordinates from the Site Evaluation Studies of the MBDS, USACE, July 1988. polygon
1:80,000 Mass Bay Disposal Site -70.59142 -70.54191 42.44667 42.40999 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Site Evaluation Studies of the MBDS, USACE, July 1988. 1988 SAIC

Iws_buoy.shp 2
Industrial Waste Site Buoy EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 point

Mass. Bay

Geographic NAD83 WGS84


iws_clse.shp 2 2 Industrial Waste Site Closure Area for Surface Clams and Quahogs Reported locations polygon
1:100,000 Gulf of Maine -70.61 -70.56 42.45 42.41 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
1998 NOAA/NOS/OR&R IWS closure are for surface clams and quahogs
iws_site.shp 2 2, 2b, 4 Mass Bay IWS and SE Radioactive waste dump sites Extracted locations from NOAA Chart 13009 polygon
1:100,000 Mass Bay -70.62 -70.52 42.45 42.27 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 Reported locations and NOS #13267, 28th Edition, 1.25.1997, digitally produced by Maptech, Inc. 1999 NOAA/NOS/OR&R

Iws91.shp 2 2b ROV fixes from 1991 IWS survey Raw GPS point

IWS -70.593 -70.5794 42.4472 42.44 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

ROV fixes from 1991 IWS survey
Jslinorg.shp 4 2b Inorganic chemistry values from JSL sediment samples Raw USB/GPS fixes point

IWS -70.6968 -70.5794 42.4462 42.3754 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
October 1992 NOAA/NURC
1992 inorganic chemistry values from JSL sediment samples
Jslorgan.shp 4 2b Organic chemistry values from JSL sediment samples Raw USB/GPS fixes point

IWS -70.6968 -70.5794 42.4462 42.3754 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
October 1992 NOAA/NURC
1992 organic chemistry values from JSL sediment samples
lights2.shp 1 2, 2a, 2c, 2d Location of Light Houses in Mass Bay NOAA Chart #: 13267 point

Mass. Bay -70.89 -70.76 42.51 42.27 Geographic NAD83 WGS84


llssimg.shp 2 2b, 2d Laser Line Scan Image Locations survey cruise point
1:20,000 Locations w/in Mass Bay, Interim Mass Bay, outside BLS -70.75062 -70.55634 42.44792 42.38555 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 SAIC Report 294: M.Wiley, September 1993, Laser Linescan System (LLSS) Data Report April 1993. 1993 SAIC

llssline.shp 2 2b, 2d Laser Line Scan Tracklines
1:20,000 Locations w/in Mass Bay, Interim Mass Bay, outside Boston Light Ship Disposal Site Boundary -70.76065 -70.54944 42.45038 42.38364 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 SAIC Report 294: M.Wiley, September 1993, Laser Linescan System (LLSS) Data Report April 1993. 1993 SAIC

llsspnt.shp 2 2b, 2d Laser Line Scan Navigational Points
1:20,000 Locations w/in Mass Bay, Interim Mass Bay, outside Boston Light Ship Disposal Site Boundary -70.76065 -70.54944 42.45038 42.38364 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 SAIC Report 294: M.Wiley, September 1993, Laser Linescan System (LLSS) Data Report April 1993. 1993 SAIC

Excel spreadsheet of boundaries Published CD-ROM

Gulf of Maine

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine.
Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Excel spreadsheet of existing marine and coastal protected areas, conservation zones, and restricted fishing areas
marb_hed.shp 2
Location of Marblehead Light NOAA Chart # 13267 point

Marble head Peninsula, Mass. Bay

Geographic NAD83 WGS84


marb_vec.shp 2
Vectors indicating permitted dumping areas Mass. Bay Task Force line

Mass. Bay -70.84 -70.66 42.51 42.43 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Vectors SW of the Marblehead light location Permitted dumping was allowed between these lines, approx. 6.25 NM out from the Marblehead Point Light. See in references (referen.htm): Tordoff, D. 74
MB_Dredg.shp 2
Dredge Disposal Sites USFDA study (J.L. Verber) point

Mass. Bay -70.78 -70.57 42.84 42.87 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Locations of Dredge Disposal Sites Taken from: "Appendix B: Characteristics of Marine Waste Disposal Areas" 65
Mb_iws.shp 2
Industrial Waste Site EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 polygon

Mass. Bay -70.61 -70.56 42.44 42.41 Geographic NAD83 GRS 80

The Industrial Waste Site (aka) Boston Foul Grounds A two nautical mile diameter circle centered at 42 deg. 25.7 min N, 70 deg. 34.9 min. W. 329
MB_mets.shp 4 3, 3a, 4 Copper and Zinc concentrations in surface sediments Gulf of Maine Contaminated Sediments Database (unpublished) point

Boston Harbor, Mass Bay, Stellwagen Bank -71.25 -70.0 42.75 41.75 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R. and others, Contaminated sediments database for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. Web publication and CD-ROM. (in prep.) (see referen.htm for full list of authors)
Copper and Zinc levels along with station, analysis data Legend files included 53
mb_quads.shp 1 4 USGS Quadrangle boundaries for quads 19-21

western Massachusetts Bay -70.900 -70.600 42.675 42.2028 Geographic NAD83
Butman, B., W.W. Danforth, and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.)

MB_text.shp 4 3, 3a, 4 Surficial sediment texture data from USGS Sediment Laboratory and Gulf of Maine Contaminated Sediments Database point

Boston Harbor, Mass Bay, Stellwagen Bank -71.25 -70.0 42.75 41.75 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R. and others, Contaminated sediments database for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. Web publication and CD-ROM. (in prep.) (see referen.htm for full list of authors)
USGS Texture data including phi sizes Group 1+2 from Hathaway technical report 71-15 52
mbcircst.shp 6 3, 3a Locations of current observations for 1990-1991 Massachusetts Bay field experiment

Massachusetts Bay -70.90917 -70.24667 42.52333 41.93333 Geographic

Geyer, W.R, Gardner, G.G., Brown, W.S., Irish, J., Butman, B., Loder, T., Signell, R.P., 1992, Physical Oceanographic Investigations of Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays. Massachusetts Bays Program MBP-92-03. 497 p. 1992 WHOI, U. Mass., UNH, USGS

mbds.shp 2
Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site boundary center coordinates from the Final Environmental Impact Statement, USEPA, July 1992 polygon
1:80,000 Mass Bay Disposal Site -70.60808 -70.55858 42.43667 42.39999 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Final Environmental Impact Statement, USEPA, July 1992 1992 SAIC

2 nautical mile diameter circle 5
mbds_pts.shp 2 2, 2b, 2d Buoys and disposal area centerpoints for the greater Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site (including IWS) coordinates obtained from the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site Management Plan point

Mass Bay Disposal Site and IWS


Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site Management Plan dated December 31, 1996 1996 NURC

The name and/or description of each point is referenced within the point attribute table along with the point source and original published coordinates (in a decimal minute format). 203
mbds_ref.shp 4 2b, 2c, 2d Mass Bay Disposal Site/Industrial Waste Site Reference Stations USEPA Report point
1:40,000 Mass Bay IWS and DS -70.58 -70.41 42.42 42.33 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 EPA Reported locations, Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site Management Plan 1999 USEPA/Region 1,
designated stations determined by EPA/ACE for evaluation of dredged material designated for disposal at MBDS. Stations have been selected and monitored by EPA/ACE based on bathymetry, sediment chemistry and texture.
mbds_sum.xls 2 2c Summary data in an Excel spreadsheet table; Inventory of studies performed at MBDS MBDS Site Management Plan

MBDS, IWS, and reference areas within 7 nmi

MBDS Site Management Plan December 31, 1996 EPA/ACOE
Summary of studies performed at MBDS and reference areas for sediment chemistry and benthic biology should be updated 54
mbds93p.shp 3 2b, 2d Polygon bathymetry from 1993 Survey monitoring cruise polygon
1:45,000 Entire Mass Bay Disposal Site Area & slightly beyond the
-70.62145 -70.54556 42.44655 42.39045 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 SAIC Report 317: E. DeAngelo & P. Murray, Baseline Survey of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site: Final Designation, 14 September 1993. 1993 SAIC

mbds93ss.shp 3 2b, 2d Sidescan images from 1993 MBDS survey Side Scan survey Mass Bay Disposal Site 1993 point
1:30,000 Locations w/in Mass Bay Disposal Site & Industrial Waste Site -70.1783 -70.55777 42.44538 42.39451 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Saic Report 317: E. DeAngelo & P. Murray, Baseline Survey of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site: Final Designation, 14 September 1993. 1993 SAIC

hot link images using attribute 'image' 3
mbdsch2.htm 4 2c Sediment quality at reference and regional stations at Mass Bay Disposal Site

me_eshab.shp 7
Maine’s State Essential Habitat for Endangered Species

Coastal Maine -70.600 -66.979 44.957 43.244 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

memanh.shp 1 1, 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 3a, 4 Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire state outlines Extracted from ESRI statewide data - ESRI Data and Maps polygon
1:2,000,000 New England Shore States -73.67 -66.85 47.53 41.18 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 ESRI Data and Maps - 1996 1996 NOAA/USGS  or

Description of Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas CD-ROM Published CD-ROM

Gulf of Maine

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine.
Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Description of CD-ROM containing Database of existing marine and coastal protected areas, conservation areasestricted fishing areas in the Gulf of Maine
misc_ne.shp 1 1, 2b, 2c, 2d New England States Extracted from ESRI statewide data - ESRI Data and Maps polygon
1:2,000,000 New England States -79.94 -71.03 45.30 40.19 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 ESRI Data and Maps - 1996 1996 NOAA/USGS or

mnot_vec.shp 2
Vectors from Minots Ledge Light EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 line

Mass. Bay -70.76 -70.56 42.34 42.27 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

mwra_bff.shp 5 3, 3a MWRA outfall monitoring program, benthic farfield stations Generated points from Outfall Survey stations in MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, benthic monitoring: 1997-2001 point

Mass. Bay "Farfield" (including Cape Cod Bay) -70.899667 -70.266667 42.658333 41.898333 Geographic

Kropp, R.K. and Boyle, J.D., 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan (CW/QAPP) for Benthic Monitoring:1997-2001, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-50. 72 p. 1998 MWRA,,

mwra_bnf.shp 5 3, 3a MWRA outfall monitoring program, benthic nearfield stations Generated points from Outfall Survey stations in MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, benthic monitoring: 1997-2001 point

Mass. Bay "Nearfield" (near new ocean outfall) -70.863500 -70.801667 42.427000 42.338500 Geographic

Kropp, R.K. and Boyle, J.D., 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan (CW/QAPP) for Benthic Monitoring:1997-2001, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-50. 72 p. 1998 MWRA,,

mwra_lob.shp 5 3, 3a MWRA outfall monitoring program, lobster monitoring locations Generated points from lobster survey sampling locations in MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, Fish and Shellfish Monitoring:1998-2001 point

Boston Harbor and the Bays -70.973333 -70.110000 42.385000 41.936667 Geographic

Lefkovitz, L., Moore, M.J., 1998. Combined work/quality assurance plan for fish and shellfish monitoring: 1998-2000. Boston: Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-49. 61 p. 1998 MWRA,,

mwra_out.shp 2 2, 3, 3a Locations of Waste diffuser outfalls Coords. Provided by MWRA point
1:24,000 Massachusetts Bay -70.80 -70.78 42.39 42.38 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Massachusetts Water Resource Authority

Provided by Mass. Water Resources Authority 75
mwrabflx.shp 5 3, 3a Benthic Flux Sampling locations Generated points from benthic flux sampling stations in MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, Benthic Nutrient Flux Studies: 1998-2000 point

Massachusetts Bay -71.002167 -70.652000 42.416500 42.291000 Geographic

Tucker, J. and Giblin, A, 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan (CW/QAPP) for Benthic Nutrient Flux Studies:1998-2000, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-51. 1998 MWRA,,

mwrafish.shp 5 3, 3a Flounder monitoring locations Generated points from winter flounder survey sampling locations in MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, Fish and Shellfish Monitoring:1998-2001 point

Boston Harbor and the Bays -70.973333 -70.110000 42.406667 41.936667 Geographic

Lefkovitz, L., Moore, M.J., 1998. Combined work/quality assurance plan for fish and shellfish monitoring: 1998-2000. Boston: Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-49. 61 p. 1998 MWRA,,

mwrahbtr.shp 5 3, 3a MWRA outfall monitoring program, target locations for Hardbottom Survey Transects Generated points from Hardbottom Survey stations in MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, benthic monitoring: 1997-2001 point

Massachusetts Bay -70.815933 -70.775033 42.409233 42.360633 Geographic

Kropp, R.K. and Boyle, J.D., 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan (CW/QAPP) for Benthic Monitoring:1997-2001, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-50. 72 p. 1998 MWRA,,

mwramuss.shp 5 3, 3a MWRA outfall monitoring program, mussel collection and deployment locations Generated points from mussel survey sampling locations in MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, Fish and Shellfish Monitoring:1998-2001 point

Boston Harbor and the Bays -71.048333 -70.333333 42.583333 41.833333 Geographic

Lefkovitz, L., Moore, M.J., 1998. Combined work/quality assurance plan for fish and shellfish monitoring: 1998-2000. Boston: Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-49. 61 p. 1998 MWRA,,

mwrawqff.shp 6 3, 3a MWRA outfall monitoring program station locations for Water Quality, Far-Field Generated points from sampling stations in MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, water column monitoring 1998-2000 point

Mass. Bay "Farfield" (including Cape Cod Bay) -71.007500 -70.228333 42.601666 41.850833 Geographic

Albro, Trulli, Boyle, Sauchuk, Oviatt, Keller, Zimmerman, Turner, Borkman, and Tucker, 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Column Monitoring 1998-2000, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. MWRA. ENQUAD report ms-48. 121 p. 1998 MWRA,,

mwrawqnf.shp 6 3, 3a MWRA outfall monitoring program, station locations for Water Quality, Near-Field Generated points from sampling stations in MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, water column monitoring 1998-2000 point

Mass. Bay "Nearfield" (near new ocean outfall) -70.864500 -70.706167 42.443833 42.331500 Geographic

Albro, Trulli, Boyle, Sauchuk, Oviatt, Keller, Zimmerman, Turner, Borkman, and Tucker, 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Column Monitoring 1998-2000, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. MWRA. ENQUAD report ms-48. 121 p. 1998 MWRA,,

Ne_shore.shp 1
NOAA/NOS New England Shoreline NOS/NOAA medium resolution digital vector shoreline line
1: 70,000 Maine to Rhode Island -71.55 -66.95 45.19 41.19 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

NOS/NOAA/USGS NOAA/NOS Medium resolution coastline Designed for use at 1:70,000 Scale 67
net_hazd.shp 1
Fish Net Hazard areas Digitized from NOAA Nav. Charts #13009 and #13267 polygon
1:100,000 Mass Bay and GOM -71.12 -64.77 44.28 40.36 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 NOS #13009, 27th Edition, 8.7.1996, NOS #13267, 28th Edition, 1.25.1997 1997 NOAA/NOS/OR&R

noaa_gom.kap 1 1 NOAA Navigation Chart, NOS #13009, 27th Edition, 8.7.1996 Scanned and registered to the NOS shoreline. raster
1:500,000 Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank -71.17 -64.52 44.26 40.26 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 NOS #13009, 27th Edition, 8.7.1996, digitally produced by Maptech, Inc. 1996 NOAA/NOS/CSC Digital NOAA Chart produced by Maptech, Inc. for pulbic and private, non-navagational use. This is a copywritten product, all applicable laws apply. The Editors et. Al. Are not responsible for their mis-use. 179
noaa_mbg.kap 1 1 NOAA Navigation Chart, NOS #13267, 28th Edition, 1.25.1997 Scanned and registered to the NOS shoreline. raster
1:80,000 Massachusetts Bay -71.11 -70.01 42.67 42.00 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 NOS #13267, 28th Edition, 1.25.1997, digitally produced by Maptech, Inc. 1997 NOAA/NOS/CSC Digital NOAA Chart produced by Maptech, Inc. for pulbic and private, non-navagational use.
noaa1981.shp 4 2a NOAA Sediment Samples NEMP survey, for EPS point

Mass. Bay -70.78 -70.10 42.11 42.81 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
December 1981 NOAA
Sediment and Benthic biota samples Samples taken in April, July, Nov. & Dec. of 1981, Sample Descriptions included. 83
noaa1982.shp 4 2a SAI sediment Samples Science Applications Inc. point

Boston Foul Site, Mass. Bay -70.58 -70.56 42.42 42.44 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
July 1982 Science Applications Inc./EPA
Sediment Samples
Noaabuoy.shp 1 1, 2, NOAA Marine Environmental Buoys Source coordinates obtained from NOAA web server point

Greater Gulf of Maine -73.8257 -66.5833 43.9677 40.2502 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
December 3, 1998 NOAA/NURC Locations of NOAA marine environmental buoys
noaasurv.shp 2 2, 2a NOAA 1980's survey locations Buffered buoy/ship locations polygon
1:100,000 Mass Bay -70.70 -70.50 42.76 42.25 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
1998 NOAA/NOS/OR&R Surveys conducted by NOAA for EPA
Nurcdive.shp 1 1 NURC-NA&GL dive locations for 1995 - 1997 Raw GPS fixes point

Greater Gulf of Maine -73.9609 -66.1828 44.3733 39.8307 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
December 3, 1998 NOAA/NURC
NURC-NA&GL dive locations for 1995 - 1997
Ord_1955.shp 2
Location of Unexploded ordinance reported: 1955 NOAA Chart # 13267 polygon

Mass. Bay

Geographic NAD83 GRS80


outf_ss.tif 3 3 Digital mosaic of sidescan-sonar images of the region surrounding the MWRA outfall sidescan sonar raster

outfall area -70.841704 -70.764686 42.404203 42.364203 Geographic

Bothner, et al., 1992, A Geologic Map of the Sea Floor in Western Massachusetts Bay, Constructed from Digital Sidescan-Sonar Images, Photography, and Sediment Samples, USGS DDS-3 1992 USGS

Outfall.shp 2 3, 3a Boston Harbor effluent outfalls Wendy Leo, MWRA ENQUAD, email transmittal 6/6/1996 point

Boston Harbor -70.98 -70.93 42.35 42.28 Geographic NAD83 GRS80

MWRA, Locations of treatment plant effluent outfalls
p_eshab.shp 7
Eastern Habitat Joint Venture sites (Canada)

Coastal New Brunswick/Nova Scotia -66.500 -64.5300 45.8800 43.7500 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution see library7.htm on this CD for more metadata

prio_iws.shp 2 2b Prioritized targets from Sonar Contacts: IWS Survey IWS report (Wiley, et. Al) point

Mass. Bay, Industrial Waste Site -70.64 -70.57 42.48 42.42 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
1991 IWS/EPA

remots94.shp 2 2b, 2d REMOTS sediment profile stations (some with images) monitoring cruise using remots camera point
1:45,000 Locations within Mass Bay -70.60347 -70.46070 42.44047 42.32642 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 P. Murray, December 1994, Monitoring Cruise at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, August 1994 1994 SAIC

Hot link using the Filename field 2
Methods used to create database and conclusions/recommendations Published CD-ROM

Gulf of Maine

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine.
Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Report on methods used to create database and conclusions/recommendations
rov_anch.shp 2
ROV anchor points for IWS survey IWS report (Wiley, et. Al) point

Mass. Bay, Industrial Waste Site -70.63 -70.58 42.47 42.44 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
1992 IWC/EPA

rov_targ.shp 2
Targets from Sonar Contact IWS report (Wiley, et. Al) point

Mass. Bay, Industrial Waste Site -70.59 -70.58 42.45 42.44 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
1991 IWS/EPA

Rovfixes.shp 2 2b Navigation fixes from 1992 IWS ROV survey Raw GPS point

IWS -70.5929 -70.579 42.4484 42.4412 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
October 1992 NOAA/NURC
Navigation fixes from 1992 IWS ROV survey
Rovlines.shp 2
ROV tract line from 1992 IWS survey Raw GPS line

IWS -70.5932 -70.5787 42.4491 42.441 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
October 1992 NOAA/NURC
ROV tract line from 1992 IWS survey
s_acec.shp 7
State Areas of Critical Environmental Concern

Coastal Massachusetts -71.0690 -69.9241 42.8069 41.6938 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

s_comp.shp 7
State Complimentary Harbor Porpoise Closures

Cape Cod, Cape Ann -71.076 -69.994 42.8764 41.709 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

s_fish.shp 7 1 State fishing restrictions: mobile and fixed gear regulations (polygons)

Coastal MA/NH, Cape Cod -71.103 -69.930 43.078 41.640 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

s_fishpt.shp 7
State fishing restrictions: mobile and fixed gear regulations (points)

Coastal Maine -70.72602 -67.22584 44.90655 43.09851 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

s_hist.shp 7
State Historic Sites (polygons)

Coastal Maine -70.7501 -68.8012 44.5674 43.0558 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

s_histpt.shp 7
State Historic Sites (points)

Fort Machias, ME NA NA NA NA Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

s_mca.shp 7
State Marine Conservation Areas

Coastal Maine -70.3579 -67.7834 44.5701 43.5409 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

s_osanc.shp 7 1, 4 State Ocean Sanctuaries

Massachusetts Capes -70.936 -69.861 42.8793 41.500 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

s_prl.shp 7
State Public Reserved Lands

Coastal Maine -70.2366 -67.139 44.698 43.6863 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

s_wsanc.shp 7
State Wildlife Sanctuaries

Northeastern MA coast -70.899 -70.5874 42.8319 42.4331 Geographic

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

sb_quads.shp 1 4 USGS Quadrangle boundaries for quads 1-18

Stellwagen Bank -70.600 -70.030 42.803 42.083 Geographic NAD83
Valentine, P., J. Baker, T. Unger, C. Polloni, 1998, Sea Floor Topographic Map and Perspective-View Imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report 98-138. 1998 USGS

Sbnms.shp 1 1, 4 Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary boundary

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Sbnms_b.shp 1 4 Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary 1000m buffer

Sbshd_ng.tif 3 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 4 Shaded Relief for Northern Stellwagen Bank, Geographic coordinates
raster 10m 1:60,000 Stellwagen Bank -70.600121
NAD83 NAD83 Valentine, P., T. Unger, J. Baker, and C. Polloni, 1999, Sun-illuminated sea floor topographic maps and perspective-view imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, MA, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-363. 1999

Sbshd_nm.tif 3 3a Shaded Relief for Northern Stellwagen Bank, Mercator projection
raster 10m 1:60,000 Stellwagen Bank -23612.68

Valentine, P., T. Unger, J. Baker, and C. Polloni, 1999, Sun-illuminated sea floor topographic maps and perspective-view imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, MA, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-363. 1999

Sbshd_sg.tif 3 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 4 Shaded Relief for Southern Stellwagen Bank, Geographic coordinates
raster 10m 1:60,000 Stellwagen Bank -70.600015

Valentine, P., T. Unger, J. Baker, and C. Polloni, 1999, Sun-illuminated sea floor topographic maps and perspective-view imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, MA, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-363. 1999

Sbshd_sm.tif 3 3a Shaded Relief for Southern Stellwagen Bank, Mercator projection
raster 10m 1:60,000 Stellwagen Bank -23603.91

Valentine, P., T. Unger, J. Baker, and C. Polloni, 1999, Sun-illuminated sea floor topographic maps and perspective-view imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, MA, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-363. 1999

Sed_lns.shp 4
Surficial sediment lines for greater Gulf of Maine Contact NURC for more information line
1:100,000 Greater Gulf of Maine -72 -64 45 38 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 Poppe, L.J., Schlee, J. S., Butman, B., and Lane, C.M., 1989. Map showing distribution of surficial sediment, Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map, I-1986-A, 1 sheet. December 1998 (digitized) USGS,
Surficial sediment lines for greater Gulf of ME
Sed_poly.shp 4 1 Surficial sediment polygons for greater Gulf of Maine Contact NURC for more information polygon
1:100,000 Greater Gulf of Maine -72 -64 45 38 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 Poppe, L.J., Schlee, J. S., Butman, B., and Lane, C.M., 1989. Map showing distribution of surficial sediment, Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map, I-1986-A, 1 sheet. December 1998 (digitized) USGS,
Surficial sediment polygons for greater Gulf of ME
sedfindd.shp 4 1, 3, 3a Sedimentary Environments Map H. Knebel

Knebel, H.J. and Circe, R.C., 1995; Knebel, H.J., Rendigs, R.R., List, J.H., and Signell, R.P., 1996; Butman, B. and Bothner, M.H., 1998. (see referen.htm for full references) 1995

sedtbl16.shp 4 2a Sediment Samples, Area 3 EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 point

NOAA Survey Area 3, Mass. Bay -70.64 -70.62 42.43 42.46 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

sedtbl21.shp 4 2a Sediment Sample Locations EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 point

Mass Bay, NOAA Survey Area 4 -70.56 -70.52 42.73 42.77 Geographic NAD83 WGS84

Radionuclide samples in NOAA Survey Area 4
sedtbl23.shp 4 2a Sediment Sample Locations EPA Report #: 520/1-84-031 point

Mass. Bay: NOAA Survey Area 5 -70.56 -70.54 -42.273 42.271 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
Radionuclide samples in NOAA Survey Area 5
shiplane.shp 1 1, 4 Shipping lanes, separation lanes and precautionary zones to area Harbors Digitized from NOAA Nav. Charts #13009 and #13267 polygon
1:100,000 Mass Bay and Portland Harbors -71.29 -68.49 43.73 40.30 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 NOS #13009, 27th Edition, 8.7.96; NOS #13267, 28th Edition, 1.25.97

shipwrck.shp 2 2c Mass Bay shipwreck locations

site_vec.shp 2 2, 2a Waste Site Location Vectors Coordinates and bearings from EPA Report line
1:400,000 Mass Bay -70.84 -70.56 42.51 42.26 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 EPA reported locations 1991 USEPA Dump area locations as determined from Reported References.
List of sites included in the database Published CD-ROM

Gulf of Maine

Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine.
Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
List of sites included in the database
smb_site.shp 2
South Mass. Bay Disposal Site Mass. Bay Task Force polygon

Mass. Bay -70.59 -70.53 42.27 42.265 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
Oct. 30, 1991 EPA/NOAA

sp_park.shp 7
State/Provincial Parks: parks, forests, reservations, beaches, marinas, piers (polygons)


Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

sp_prkpt.shp 7
State/Provincial Parks: parks, forests, reservations, beaches, marinas, piers (points)


Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

sp_wma.shp 7
State/Provincial Wildlife Management Areas (polygons)


Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

sp_wmapt.shp 7
State/Provincial Wildlife Management Areas (points)


Baumann, Carol, Sam Brody, Derek Fenton, and Betsy Nicholson, 1998, A GIS Database of Existing Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Conservation Zones, and Restricted Fishing Areas in the Gulf of Maine. September 1998 Center for Marine Conservation, Gulf of Maine Protected Areas Project, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Sstarget.shp 3 2c, 2d Target locations from 1997 Side Scan Mosaic Side scan sonar interpretation point

Former Boston Lightship Dumpsite -70.7493 -70.0121 42.8961 42.0185 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
September 1997 Polaris Imaging
Target locations from 1997 Side Scan Mosaic
sstp_out.shp 2 3, 3a Swampscott STP approximate location Position extracted from NOAA chart and reported location point
1:50,000 STP location -70.90 -70.90 42.46 42.45 Geographic NAD83 WGS84     NOAA/NOS/OR&R approximate location, use with caution.
Stel_bio.shp 1 4 Federal Fishing Closures in the greater Gulf of Maine from f_fish.shp, this CD polygon

Gulf of Maine -71.077 -69.000 44.298 42.000 Geographic

subset of f_fish.shp
stell_dd 3 4 Gridded bathymetry
raster 100m?
Massachusetts Bay -71.207 -69.817 41.852 41.649 Geographic NAD83 GRS80

ARC/INFO integer grid; one meter bathymetry
stnloc.shp images/mbf 3, 3a USGS bottom photos from 1992 outfall survey

-70.83510 -70.77180 42.43290 42.36350 Geographic

Bothner, et al., 1992, A Geologic Map of the Sea Floor in Western Massachusetts Bay, Constructed from Digital Sidescan-Sonar Images, Photography, and Sediment Samples, USGS DDS-3 1992 USGS,
links to tif images in pictures/mbf
surveys.shp 2 2 Potential Radioactive Waste Survey Areas Created from EPA file reports on potential study areas, general descriptions polygon
1:100,000 Mass Bay -70.83 -70.61 42.46 42.24 Geographic NAD83 WGS84 EPA Reported locations of Potential survey areas 1998 NOAA/EPA Generalized areas for potential survey work.
thtpoint.shp 2 2d Disposal sites for Third Harbor Tunnel project dredge material coordinates from USACE, NED memorandum point
1:40,000 Mass Bay Disposal Site & Interim Mass Bay Disposal Site -70.58133 -70.55200 42.44284 42.41713 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 memorandum from Tom Fredette (USACE, NED) to Brad Barr (Stellwagen Bank manager) August 25, 1995 SAIC

Tidegage.shp 1 1 Operational Next Generation Water Level Stations Source coordinates obtained from NOAA web server point

Greater Gulf of Maine -72.0867 -66.985 44.9033 41.0483 Geographic NAD83 WGS84
December 3, 1998 NOAA/NURC Location of next generation water level stations in the Gulf of Maine
us_eez.shp 1 1 Exclusive Economic Zone boundary (unofficial) created from several sources including: USGS Digital Data Series #15; ESRI ArcWorld 1:3million data product; and boundary files from NOAA line

Continental US

Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Twichell, D.C ., and C.F. Polloni, CD-ROM Atlas of the Deepwater Parts of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone in the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern Caribbean Sea, USGS DDS-15, 1993. 1993 USGS
this product was an attempt to create a comprehensive layer of the entire U.S. exclusive economic zone boundary
usgs_lto.shp 6 3, 3a USGS/MWRA Long-term monitoring station, near outfall

NA NA NA NA Geographic


usgs_lts.shp 6 3, 3a USGS/MWRA Long-term monitoring station, offshore near Scituate

NA NA NA NA Geographic


USGS3D.jpg 8
3D perspective of Massachusetts Bay (not ArcView format)
JPEG image
Interpretive figure Massachusetts Bay


Butman, B., and Bothner, M., 1998, Predicting the Long-Term Fate of Sediments and Contaminants in Massachusetts Bay, USGS Fact Sheet FS 172-97. 1997 USGS 3D perspective of Massachusetts Bay, looking northwestward toward Boston Harbor.
USGScsr.jpg 8
Colored shaded relief map (not ArcView format) Multibeam sea floor mapping JPEG image
Interpretive figure Massachusetts Bay 71.08 70.00 42.83 42.00 Mercator

Valentine, P. and Butman, B., 1998, Mapping the Sea Floor and Biological Habitats of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 078-9. 1998 USGS,
Shaded relief map with color-coded backscatter (a measure of sediment reflectivity)
USGSGoMB.jpg 8
Gulf of Maine bathymetry (not ArcView format) Bathymetry compiled from multiple sources JPEG image
Interpretive figure Gulf of Maine 71.5 63.0 46.0 39.5 Mercator

Roworth, E. and Signell, R.P. 1999, Construction of Digital Bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 99-801 . 1 CD-ROM. 1999 USGS

USGSoutm.jpg 8
Bathymetry and backscatter in the vicinity of MWRA outfall with USGS monitoring sites Sidescan sonar JPEG image
Interpretive figure Western Massachusetts Bay 70.84 70.78 42.40 42.37 Perspective

Butman,B. and Bothner, M.H., 1998, Predicting the Long-Term Fate of Sediments and Contaminants in Massachusetts Bay. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 172-97; Bothner and others, 1992, U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS-3, one CD-ROM. 1992,1998 USGS,

USGSQuad.jpg 8
USGS Quadrangle map boundaries (not ArcView format)
JPEG image
Interpretive figure Massachusetts Bay 71.08 70.00 42.83 42.00 Mercator

Valentine, Baker, Unger, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-138. 1 CD-ROM; Butman, Danforth and Hayes, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. 1 CD-ROM, in prep. 1998, 1999 USGS,
Map showing locations of 21 Quadrangles for mapping the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctary and western Massachusetts Bay
USGSSedE.jpg 8
Sedimentary environments of Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay (not ArcView format) Interpretive figure JPEG image
Interpretive figure Massachusetts Bay and Boston Harbor 71.17 69.83 42.75 41.75 Mercator

Knebel, H.J., and Circe, R.C., 1995, Seafloor environments within the Boston Harbor-Massachusetts Bay sedimentary system: A regional synthesis: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 11, p. 230-251. 1995, 1996, 1998 USGS
Sedimentary environments of Massachusetts Bay showing areas of erosion, sediment reworking, and deposition based on sidescan sonar, bathymetry and sediment samples
USGSsedm.shp 4 3, 3a USGS long-term sediment monitoring stations

Massachusetts Bay -70.83057 -70.814943 42.389935 42.38123333 Geographic


uxo_site.shp 2 2 Location of Unexploded ordinance reported and Explosive Dump Sites NOAA Chart # 13267 and #13009 polygon
1:500,000 Mass. Bay and Gulf of Maine

Geographic NAD83 WGS84 NOAA Chart 13009, GOM and George's Bank(27th Ed., 8/98)/NOAA Chart 13267, Massachusetts Bay (28th Ed., 1/25/97)
NOAA/NOS Navigation Charts
wmbpsd_g 3 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 4 Pseudocolor image (ARC/INFO grid) Western Massachusetts Bay in Geographic coordinates (see description) collected on surveys carried out in 1994, 1996, 1997, and 1998 using the Kongsberg SIMRAD EM1000 multibeam system on the CHS vessel Frederick G. Creed raster 6m 1:25,000 Western Massachusetts Bay (mosaic of USGS quads 19, 20 and 21) -71.900 -70.600 42.625 42.203 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.)   USGS,
ARC/INFO grid; Backscatter intensities are represented by 8 colors ranging from blue (low) to green to yellow to orange to red (high). Within each bin, the brightness represents the sun-illumination. use ArcView legend wmbpsd_g.avl for colormap (add theme wmbshd_g also to display relief). Colorbar.tif shows color scheme also. 186
wmbpsd_m 3 3a Pseudocolor image (ARC/INFO grid) Western Massachusetts Bay in Mercator projection (see description) collected on surveys carried out in 1994, 1996, 1997, and 1998 using the Kongsberg SIMRAD EM1000 multibeam system on the CHS vessel Frederick G. Creed raster 6m 1:25,000 Western Massachusetts Bay (mosaic of USGS quads 19, 20 and 21) -48596.548 -23600.548 3910843.222 3863371.222 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.)   USGS,
ARC/INFO grid; Backscatter intensities are represented by 8 colors ranging from blue (low) to green to yellow to orange to red (high). Within each bin, the brightness represents the sun-illumination. use ArcView legend wmbpsd_m.avl for colormap (add theme wmbshd_m also to display relief). Colorbar.tif shows color scheme also. 187
wmbshd_g 3 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3, 4 Shaded relief map of Western Massachusetts Bay in Geographic coordinates collected on surveys carried out in 1994, 1996, 1997, and 1998 using the Kongsberg SIMRAD EM1000 multibeam system on the CHS vessel Frederick G. Creed raster 6m 1:25,000 Western Massachusetts Bay (mosaic of USGS quads 19, 20 and 21) -71.900 -70.600 42.625 42.203 Geographic NAD83 GRS80 Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.)   USGS,
ARC/INFO grid; Shaded relief map with the following parameters: azimuth = 350°; vertical exaggeration = 4x; elevation = 45°; see University of New Brunswick URL use ArcView legend wmbshade.avl 188
wmbshd_m 3 3a Shaded relief map of Western Massachusetts Bay in Mercator projection collected on surveys carried out in 1994, 1996, 1997, and 1998 using the Kongsberg SIMRAD EM1000 multibeam system on the CHS vessel Frederick G. Creed raster 6m 1:25,000 Western Massachusetts Bay (mosaic of USGS quads 19, 20 and 21) -48592.103 -23598.298 3910845.595 3863401.256 Mercator NAD83 GRS80 Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.)   USGS,
ARC/INFO grid; Shaded relief map with the following parameters: azimuth = 350°; vertical exaggeration = 4x; elevation = 45°; see University of New Brunswick URL use ArcView legend wmbshade.avl 189


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