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Ship: | GYRE |
Center Principal and Affiliate Principal(if any): | Dave Twichell; Hans Nelson-PMG; |
Area of Operations: | offshore LA 26d15-27d30n/91d55-92d50w |
Start and End Dates: | APR 4, 1997 to APR 24, 1997 |
Start and End Ports: | from Galveston, TX to Galveston, TX |
Number of Days at Sea: | |
Cruise Objectives: | Map turbidity current pathways LA slope w/SIS-7000 and piston cores to understand sand deposit formation. |
Scientific Party(USGS): | Dave Twichell-Co-Chief Scientist, Tom OBrien-Technician, Dave Nichols, Barry Irwin, Bill Danforth-Sidescan processor, VeeAnn Cross, Dave Foster, Mike Taylor, Eric Haase; |
Scientific Party(affiliate): | Jed Damuth-UTArl., Hans Nelson-PMG-co-chief scientist, Larry Kooker-PMG-Technician,Gita Dunhill-PMG,Scott Harrison-St. Pete; 2 TAMU coring techs, 2 TAMU students |
Scientific Equipment: | DGPS navigation, SIS7000 w/chirp, ISIS logger, acoustic ranging system, XSONAR, digital bathy, 3.5kHz, GI gun, Mudseis; Piston corer, traction winch-TAMU, Compressor-Duke |
Cruise Funding Source: | SIR |
Remarks: | 4/4-15 Sidescan: Twichell-Cheif Scientist OBrien,Kooker,Nichols-ET; Irwin-Navigation technician; Cross,Danforth,Foster,Taylor,Harrison-data processing; 4/15-24 Piston coring: Twichell,Nelson-Cheif Scientist; Dunhill,Damuth, Foster, Cross, Harrison, Hasse, Taylor; 2coringtechs; 2TAMUstudents. |
Report Date: 12:15 3/26/97
Submitted by: Dave Twichell