U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 99-504 Online Version 1.0


The ARC export files with the extension .e00 can be converted to ARC/INFO vector maps (coverages) and INFO files by running the import.aml that is included in the database. This will import the export files and assign standard names (see below). Be sure to uncompress the of99-504_7a.e00.gz file with the gzip utility before running the import aml. Run import.aml from the ARC prompt in the directory containing the export files:
ARC: &run import.aml
- run import.aml


Note that the arc coverages and separate INFO files will be given standard names:
of99-504_3.e00 (Landslide Deposit Database) is named al-slid_um
of99-504_4.e00 (Small Landslide Deposit Database for La Costa Valley quadrangle only) is named lc-smls_um
of99-504_7a.e00.gz (Quadrangle Index Database) is named al-index_um


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