This Folder: cmpressd\ This File: read_4th.txt Report Title: Aeromagnetic Surveying in Wisconsin 1998-99: Digital Data Files Report Authors: Robert E. Bracken and Suzanne W. Nicholson Report Document: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-527 Description of This Folder and Its Content: This folder contains a compressed form of the line-data files. It is designated by the following path: \data\line\cmpressd\ In this folder, you will find the following sub-folders and files: cmprpgms\ Contains programs and instructions for uncompressing the binary (.bin) files found in this folder. format. A format-information file giving details of the ASCII formatting found in the line-data files. The same file is found in the info\ folder. This formatting information applies to the original ASCII line-data files produced by uncompressing the binary (.bin) files found in this folder. lnc01.bin A COMPRESSED form of the original line-data files lnc02.bin containing the aeromagnetic flight-line data sampled lnc03.bin at a 1/10-second interval. These files must be lnc04.bin uncompressed to produce the original ASCII line-data lnc05.bin files. The resulting ASCII files are described in the lnc06.bin format. file and in the other information given in the lnc07.bin info\ folder. Specifics of the uncompression process, lnc08.bin including programs, are given in the cmprpgms\ sub- lnc09.bin folder. The file names of the .bin line-data files lnc10.bin follow the rules given in "format." The first 5 lnc11.bin characters of the .bin file names correspond to the lnc12.bin related ln_NN.txt files in the info\ folder. The lnc21.bin uncompressed .asc files will be about 13 times larger lnc31.bin than their compressed versions, averaging 150 Mb each. read_4th. (This file.) Contains information describing this folder and its contents.