This Folder: line\ This File: read_3rd.txt Report Title: Aeromagnetic Surveying in Wisconsin 1998-99: Digital Data Files Report Authors: Robert E. Bracken and Suzanne W. Nicholson Report Document: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-527 Description of This Folder and Its Content: This folder is the entry point for all of the basic flight-line data associated with this report. It is designated by the following path: \data\line\ In this folder, you will find the following sub-folders and files: cmpressd\ Contains all of the basic line data at the original 1/10-second sampling interval. The files are in a compressed format and extraction software is included. Once uncompressed, they are in the basic ASCII format originally supplied by the contractor. info\ Contains important information describing the line-data files (ASCII-data files). winnowed\ Contains all of the basic line data winnowed to a 1-second sampling interval. The files are not compressed and are already in the basic ASCII format originally supplied by the contractor. The winnowing was performed by the USGS using an appropriate low-pass filter on altitude and magnetic data channels to prevent aliasing of high-frequency data. read_3rd. (This file.) Contains information describing this folder and its contents.