FORMAT OF WISC 98/99 AEROMAG ASCII FILES (Original sampling interval is 1/10 second) (Winnowed sampling interval is 1 second) FORMAT* VARIABLE** DESCRIPTION UNITS ------- ---------- -------------------------------------------- a6 aline Flightline number SNNNV (see below)*** a2 adir Flightline direction N,S,E,W f10.4 rlon Longitude decimal degrees f10.4 rlat Latitude decimal degrees f10.1 rutmx Utm easting meters f10.1 rutmy Utm northing meters f9.1 rfid Fiducial number UTC seconds of the day i3 iyr Year minus 1900 years i3 ijd Day of the year days i4 ih UTC hour of the day hours i4.3 ims 100(min of the hour)+(sec of the min) mmss f8.2 rrdr Radar altitude meters f7.1 rbar Barometric altitude meters f7.1 rgalt Gps altitude meters f10.2 rdiu Basemag correction nanoTeslas f10.2 rmraw Aeromag, raw nanoTeslas f10.2 rmdiuc Aeromag, basemag corrected nanoTeslas f10.2 rmigrc Aeromag, igrf corrected nanoTeslas f10.2 rmlev Aeromag, leveled nanoTeslas 17x ------- ---------- -------------------------------------------- * = The format is standard Fortran 77. ** = The variable is a mnemonic in which the first character is the variable type as follows: a = alpha-numeric (string) i = integer r = real *** = The flight line numbers follow the pattern, SNNNV, where: S = Section number: blank, 1, 2, 3, 5 NNN = Flight-line Number progressing from 1 at the east to over 500 at the west edge. V = Version number for reflights, usually 0, 1, 2 THE FILE NAME FORMAT All line-data file names follow the pattern, lnXNN.YYY, where: ln = A standard prefix meaning LINE DATA (point-data arranged by flight lines). X = Indicates whether decimal numbers in the ascii files have been formatted with a leading zero when their values are less than one. The following possibilities apply: 0 = Leading zero's are used in the format (e.g. -0.89) _ = No leading zero's are used (e.g. -.89) c = A place-holder used in all the compressed file names, which indicates that it is unknown whether the file will uncompress with or without leading zeros. This formatting aspect is dependent upon the operating system and uncompression program used. NN = The file number (01 - 12, 21, 31). .YYY = The file type as follows: .asc = ASCII data file, which is the same as a text (.txt) file, except the records are longer, being 160 data characters plus 1 or 2 hidden record-terminator characters. .bin = BINARY compressed-data file, which when uncompressed (using the appropriate program) will yield an ASCII data file (.asc).