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Digital Bedrock Geologic Map of the Ashland and Northern Part of the Ironwood 30' x 60' Quadrangles, Wisconsin and Michigan

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-546 (Available on Compact Disc)

By W.F. Cannon, L.G. Woodruff, S.W. Nicholson, C.A. Hedgman, and R.D. Barber-Delach


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Geologic Description of the Ashland Quadrangle Text Version (39 Kb) PDF Version (36 Kb)

Description of the Map Units Text Version (12 Kb) PDF Version (14 Kb)

  • Download the compressed ArcView project and shape files (1 Mb)

  • Download the compressed .e00 files for the available coverages (1.2 Mb)

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