Figure 13.   Four seismic profiles showing the acoustic stratigraphy of the sediments filling the lake:

A:   profile form Boulder Canyon showing flat-lying sediments abutting the steep canyon walls.

B:   profile immediately south of Callville Bay showing the channel and pinching out of sediment against the gentle northern slope.

C:   profile south of Swallow Bay showing four reflectors in the post-impoundment section. Note that all of them are nearly horizontal and that the deeper ones are not laterally as extensive as the shallower ones.

D:   profile in the western part of Boulder Basin showing that the channel is still present here. Profile locations shown on inset map.

Figure 13.Four seismic profiles showing the acoustic stratigraphy of the sediments filling the lake. Figure 13.Four seismic profiles showing the acoustic stratigraphy of the sediments filling the lake.
Figure 13.Four seismic profiles showing the acoustic stratigraphy of the sediments filling the lake. Figure 13.Four seismic profiles showing the acoustic stratigraphy of the sediments filling the lake.
Figure 13.Four seismic profiles showing the acoustic stratigraphy of the sediments filling the lake. Figure 13.Four seismic profiles showing the acoustic stratigraphy of the sediments filling the lake.