This file is located in the gis directory. Mac users using Arcview 3.0 may need to rename some shapefiles and create a new project file.
*An Arcview project file (*.apr) doesn't contain the actual data that you use in ArcView, such as spatial data like shapefiles and ARC/INFO coverages, and tabular data like dBASE files. Instead, a project contains references to the location of these data sources on disk. In this way, the same data can be used in any number of projects without duplication.

COORDINATE SYSTEMS: First file listed is referenced to UTM Zone 16, using the WGS84 datum. File in parentheses is the same data referenced to a Geographic (lat/lon) coordinate system.
link to downloadable files (listed below)
awsadutm.shp (awsadchap.shp)
Coastline file. Polygon coverage (Source: Arcview sample file)
Bath12utm (Bath12geo.shp)
Bathymetry. This data was used to generate the contours files found on this CD-ROM. Points. Data Source:National Geophysical Data Center's (NGDC) 1998 Hydrographic Survey CD-ROM Set (Version 4). National Ocean Service (NOS) Hydrographic Data are integrated with the NGDC's GEOphysical DAta System (GEODAS).
Chap97utm.shp (Chap97pt.shp)
Point file that follows the trackline. Time is included in the attribute table. File was created in Mapinfo and converted to shapefile format using an avenue script.
Chapbathutm.shp (Chap97005_bathy.shp)
Bathymetry generated using data from the Chapman 1997 cruise. USGS bathymetry. Line. (credit: R. Thieler, USGS Woods Hole)
Chaptrkutm.shp (Chap97005_trk.shp)
Trackline from the 1997 Chapman cruise. Line. (credit: R. Thieler, USGS Woods Hole)
Compmap.tfw (compmapg.tfw)
Tiff world file containing referencing information for the composite mosaic of the same name. This file contains ascii text and may be viewed using any text editor.
Compmap.tif (compmapg.tif)
Composite mosaic image of the West Florida Shelf study area. This tif weighs in at around 110 megabytes. The tfw file of the same name needs to reside in the same directory to be referenced when viewed using the software of choice. Image.
Contour10m.shp (cnt10geo_mod)
Bathymetric contours at 10 meter intervals generated from NOS bathy data and smoothed by hand. The contours were created using Arcview 3.0a Spatial Analyst with a Nearest Neighbor interpolation method. Line.
Hard_bottom_region.shp (Hbtmgeo.shp)
Hard bottom region interpreted from the sidescan sonar data. Polygon coverage created using Mapinfo and converted to a shapefile.
High_silt.shp (Hsiltgeo.shp)
Silty sand areas determined by backscatter intensity from the sidescan sonar data. Entire sidescan sonarimage classified as either silty sand or medium to coarse sand. Polygon coverage created using Mapinfo and converted to a shapefile.
Lowsilt2.shp (Lsiltgeo.shp)
Medium to coarse sand areas determined by backscatter intensity from the sidescan sonar data. Entire sidescan sonar image classified as either silty sand or medium to coarse sand. Polygon coverage created using Mapinfo and converted to a shapefile.
manmade_region.shp (Mnmadgeo.shp)
Features interpreted as possibly manmade (?) objects (trash, shipwrecks, unknowns) from the sidescan-sonar data. These features are small and may not be apparent at the scale the other data sets are viewed. Some zooming in or out may be required. Polygon coverage created using Mapinfo and converted to a shapefile.
Outcrop_region.shp (Outcrgeo.shp)
Intepretation of high relief outcrop region from sidescan-sonar. File was created in Mapinfo and converted to shapefile format using an Avenue script. Polygons.
Pits_region.shp (Pitsgeo.shp).
Pits (fish pits?) identified from the sidescan-sonar data. File was created in Mapinfo and converted to shapefile format using an avenue script. Polygons.
sedwave2.shp (Sedwvgeo.shp)
Sand waves occurring on the shelfbreak. Polygons.
profile_loc.shp (profiles.shp)
Locations of selected seismic profiles. These profiles are included on this CD-ROM (see seismic.htm). File was created in Mapinfo and converted to shapefile format using an avenue script. Lines
shputmmt.met (shapemeta.met)
FGDC compliant metadata for the shapefiles listed above.ASCII File.
wfsutm (wfs3.shp)
West Florida Shelf sediment data. Point coverage generated using ARC/INFO from ascii text, then joined with a dbase file (attributes) and saved as a shapefile.Points.

COORDINATE SYSTEMS: The following Mapinfo files are referenced to UTM Zone 16, using the WGS84 datum unless otherwise noted
link to downloadable files (listed below)
Chap97005_bathy.mif (geographic coordinate system, not UTM)
Bathymetry generated using data from the Chapman 1997 cruise. USGS bathymetry. (credit: R. Thieler, USGS Woods Hole)
Hard bottom region interpreted from the sidescan-sonar data. Polygons.
Silty sand areas determined by backscatter intensity from the sidescan-sonar data. Entire sidescan-image classified as either silty sand or medium to coarse sand. Polygons.
Medium to coarse sand areas determined by backscatter intensity from the sidescan-sonar data. Entire sidescan-image classified as either silty sand or medium to coarse sand. Polygons.
Features interpreted as possibly manmade (?) objects (trash, shipwrecks, unknowns) from the sidescan-sonar data. These features are small and may not be apparent at the scale the other data sets are viewed. Some zooming in or out may be required. Polygons.
Intepretation of high relief outcrop region from sidescan-sonar. Polygons.
Pits (fish pits?) identified from the sidescan-sonar data. Polygons
Locations of selected seismic profiles.These profiles are included on this CD-ROM (see seismic.htm).Lines
Sand waves occurring on the shelfbreak. Polygons


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