Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous-Mesozoic


Michele G. Bishop1


Open-File Report 99-50-I


In the Browse Basin Province 3913 the Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous-Mesozoic TPS is characterized by source rocks of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age and potential and proven reservoir rocks that range in age through the entire Mesozoic (Fig. 5).

Willis (1988) and Haston and Farrelly (1993) report potential source rocks throughout the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous section and speculate the source potential of the Triassic rocks is probably gas. Bradshaw and Sayers, (1996) map an extension of deep-water, anoxic, marine conditions that existed in the Late Jurassic, from the north, between the exposed Ashmore Platform and the exposed Londonderry High. A Cretaceous-Jurassic petroleum system has been suggested with hydrocarbon sources in the Jurassic upper and lower Vulcan formations and the Cretaceous Echuca Shoals Formation (DPIE, 1998). This possible petroleum system would source hydrocarbon accumulations in the Triassic Nome Formation at Scott Reef, Jurassic Plover Formation at Brecknock, North Scott Reef, and Skua, Montara Formation at Montara, and Tahbilk, Cretaceous Echuca Shoals Formation at Cornea and Gwydion, and the Cretaceous Puffin Formation at Puffin (DPIE, 1998) (Fig. 3). Stephenson and Cadman (1994) suggest that Middle to Late Triassic rocks may have sourced gas accumulations at Scott Reef.

Source rocks of late Middle Jurassic (Callovian) to Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) time are mainly confined to the Vulcan sub-basin and were deposited during Vulcan subsidence in a low energy restricted marine environment (Pattillo and Nichols 90).

Scott (1994) notes two occurrences of source rocks in the Browse Basin. Marine shelf and basin sediments of Late Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous are characterized by total organic carbon (TOC) of 1-5 wt%, S2 of 2-15 mg/g, and hydrogen index (HI) of 100-400. Estimated thickness of this source rock section varies from 100 m to more that 1000 m. Alluvial plain and deltaic facies account for another possible source rock in the Early-Middle Jurassic Plover Formation. This mixed marine and alluvial section is greater than 500 m thick with TOCs of 1-70 wt%, S2 of 2-250 mg/g, and HI of 100-600 (Scott, 1994). Bradshaw and others, (1994) indicate the highest levels of TOC are present in rocks of Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian to Toarcian) age and Middle Jurassic (Bajocian to Bathonian) age with associated HIs of approximately 250. The Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) is not as thick or as rich in TOC as is found in other areas of offshore Australia, however, the interval is considered as possible source rock. A Lower Cretaceous source interval was suggested for the Browse Basin by Wilmot and others at AGSO (Bradshaw and others, 1994).

Using present-day geothermal gradients, the Upper Cretaceous claystone section may be mature in west-central and outer parts of the basin, the Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) rocks may be mature over most of the central basin and the Lower to Middle Jurassic section may be mature across the entire basin (Fig. 6) (Willis, 1988; Butcher, 1989). The mid-Cretaceous section is shown by vitrinite reflectance data to be in the peak oil generative stage west of the Prudhoe Terrace (Bradshaw and others, 1994). Stephenson and Cadman (1994) proposed that the northern portion of the basin is mature for hydrocarbon generation and that maturity decreases to the southwest.

During the Cretaceous, open ocean circulation was established and a passive margin style of tectonic stability prevailed where carbonate deposition built the present shelf and reef configuration. The 1,511 m thick Cretaceous section in Arquebus-1, next to Lombardina (Fig. 2), includes marine shales of open marine to shelfal marine and carbonate (Haston and Farrelly, 1993). The Tertiary section in this well is 918 m of bioclastic calcarenite interbedded with dolomite and sandstones of limited areal extent.

Compactional drapes over fault blocks and tilted fault blocks delineate the proven trap style in the central and western portion of the Browse Basin. These tilted fault blocks are aligned in trends that are roughly parallel to and located between the sub-basin trends (Willis, 1988; Stephenson and Cadman, 1994)(Fig. 4). The drape structures appear as anticlines on figure 2. Triassic tilted strata are faulted then draped and onlapped by Jurassic strata (Fig. 4a, b). Continued faulting along these trends involved the Jurassic strata which were then overlain by upper Jurassic and younger strata. Offshore extension of lineaments and folds from the onshore Kimberley Block (PESA, 1996), are interpreted to influence accumulations on the Yampi Shelf where recent discoveries are trapped in compactional drape anticlines formed over paleo-topography and in depositional pinchout against basement.

Tilted fault-blocks formed across the basin during Late Triassic to Early Jurassic tectonics. An unconformity of Middle to Late Jurassic (Callovian-Oxfordian) age was characterized by Late Jurassic lava flows and deposition of volcaniclastic sediments. Regionally extensive Cretaceous claystones sealed traps (Fig. 3). These traps have generally been preserved since the Cretaceous. Drape anticlines and faulted anticlines result from compaction of Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments over tilted Triassic fault blocks. These traps are also found in the Vulcan sub-basin where two parallel graben formed during Middle to Late Jurassic (Callovian-Kimmeridgian) subsidence. Minor faulting 


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U. S. Geological Survey Open File Report 99-50I