Petroleum Systems of the Po Basin Province of Northern Italy and the Northern Adriatic Sea: Porto Garibaldi (Biogenic), Meride/Riva di Solto (Thermal), and Marnoso Arenacea (Thermal)

Sandra J. Lindquist

This report was prepared as part of the World Energy Project of the U.S. Geological Survey. In the project, the world was divided into eight regions and 937 geologic provinces. The provinces have been ranked according to the discovered oil and gas volumes within each (Klett and others, 1997). Then, 76 "priority" provinces (exclusive of the U.S. and chosen for their high ranking) and 26 "boutique" provinces (exclusive of the U.S. and chosen for their anticipated petroleum richness or special regional economic importance) were selected for appraisal of oil and gas resources. The petroleum geology of these priority and boutique provinces is described in this series of reports. Assessment results will be available later. The Po Basin Province ranks 68th in the world, exclusive of the U.S, with respect to ultimate recoverable hydrocarbons.

The purpose of this effort is to aid in assessing the quantities of oil, gas, and natural gas liquids that have the potential to be added to reserves within the next 30 years. These volumes either reside in undiscovered fields whose sizes exceed the stated minimum-field-size cutoff value for the assessment unit (variable, but must be at least 1 million barrels of oil equivalent) or occur as reserve growth of fields already discovered.

The total petroleum system constitutes the basic geologic unit of the oil and gas assessment. The total petroleum system includes all genetically related petroleum occurring in shows and accumulations (discovered and undiscovered) that has been generated by a pod or by closely related pods of mature source rock and that exists within a limited mappable geologic space, together with the essential mappable geologic elements (source, reservoir, seal, and overburden rocks) that control the fundamental processes of generation, expulsion, migration, entrapment, and preservation of petroleum. The total petroleum system concept is modified from Magoon and Dow, 1994. The minimum petroleum system is that part of a total petroleum system encompassing discovered shows and accumulations, together with the geologic space in which the various essential elements have been proved by these discoveries.

An assessment unit is a mappable part of a total petroleum system in which discovered and undiscovered fields constitute a single relatively homogenous population such that the chosen methodology of resource assessment – based on estimation of the number and sizes of undiscovered fields – is applicable. A total petroleum system might equate to a single assessment unit. If necessary, a total petroleum system may be subdivided into two or more assessment units such that each assessment unit is sufficiently homogeneous in terms of geology, exploration considerations, and risk to assess individually. Assessment units are considered established if they contain more than 13 fields, frontier if they contain 1-13 fields, and hypothetical if they contain no fields.

A graphical depiction of the elements of the  total petroleum system is provided in the form of an events chart that shows the time of deposition of essential rock units;the time processes, such as trap formation, necessary for the accumulation of hydrocarbons; the critical moment in the total petroleum system; and the preservation time, if any.

A numeric code identifies each region, province, total petroleum system, and assessment unit; these codes are uniform throughout the project and will identify the same item in any of the publications. The code is as follows:

Region, single digit  3
Province, three digits to the right of region code 3162
Total Petroleum System, two digits to the right of province code 316205
Assessment unit, two digits to the right of petroleum system code 31620504


The codes for the regions and provinces are listed in Klett and others, 1997.

Oil and gas reserves quoted in this report are derived from the Petroleum Exploration and Production database (Petroconsultants, 1996) and other reports from Petroconsultants, Inc., unless otherwise noted.

Figure(s) in this report that show boundaries of the total petroleum system(s), assessment units, and pods of active source rocks were compiled using geographic information system (GIS) software. Political boundaries and cartographic representations were taken, with permission, from Environmental Systems Research Institute's ArcWorld 1:3 million digital coverage (1992), have no political significance, and are displayed for general reference only. Oil and gas field centerpoints, shown on this(these) figure(s), are reproduced, with permission, from Petroconsultants, 1996.

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U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-50M