Figure 7---Vertical cross-sections of P-wave velocity model along west-east direction. Row numbers (from
Fig. 5) are at the lower left of each panel. Velocity scale indicated on the right side
of figure. Vertical scales in depth (kilometers) below sea level and horizontal scale in longitude. Earthquakes
(dots) plotted are those relocated with the velocity model. Black dots are earthquake above 30 km depth and white
dots are those at or below 30 km in depth. Only sampled cells (those traversed by rays) in the model grid are assigned
colors from the velocity scale, but contours extend to edge of model, and the starting model can be deduced from
the values at the extreme left or right edges of the plot. Areas enclosed by white, dashed circles (c, d, and e)
are earthquake patterns inferred to be associated with the terrane boundary discussed in the text. Thin white line
is inferred position of JDFP mantle from the velocity model and seismicity.