The files in this directory are in Lotus WK1 format. The file names have been shortened to 8 characters or less. Below are the .WK1 files and equivalent files in Microsoft Access Database and in accompanying report. File Name Equivalent Name in Report and in Microsoft Access Tables hmconc.wk1 TblConcentrateData leachani.wk1 TblLeachDataAnions leachcat.wk1 TblLeachDataCations leachinf.wk1 TblLeachInfo leachsol.wk1 TblLeachSolidData precipit.wk1 TblPrecipitateData rock.wk1 TblRockData siteinfo.wk1 TblSampleSiteInfo samplog.wk1 TblSampleLog sediment.wk1 TblSedimentData watalk.wk1 TblWatDataAlkalin watani.wk1 TblWaterDataAnions watcatfa.wk1 TblWaterDataCationsFAacidified/filtered watcatra.wk1 TblWaterDataCationsRAacidified/NOTfiltered watfe2.wk1 TblWaterDataFe2+ wathg.wk1 TblWaterDataHg watsitei.wk1 TblWaterSiteInfo willow.wk1 TblWillowData