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Open-File Report 00-516

Cruise Report for A1-00-SC Southern California Earthquake Hazards Project, Part A

By Christina E. Gutmacher, William R. Normark, Stephanie L. Ross, Brian D. Edwards, Ray Sliter, Patrick Hart, Becky Cooper, Jon Childs, and Jane A. Reid

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A three-week cruise to obtain high-resolution boomer and multichannel seismic-reflection profiles supported two project activities of the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG) Program: (1) evaluating the earthquake and related geologic hazards posed by faults in the near offshore area of southern California and (2) determining the pathways through which sea-water is intruding into aquifers of Los Angeles County in the area of the Long Beach and Los Angeles harbors. The 2000 cruise, A1-00-SC, is the third major data-collection effort in support of the first objective (Normark et al., 1999a, b); one more cruise is planned for 2002. This report deals primarily with the shipboard operations related to the earthquake-hazard activity. The sea-water intrusion survey is confined to shallow water and the techniques used are somewhat different from that of the hazards survey (see Edwards et al., in preparation).

First posted March 5, 2001

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U.S. Geological Survey
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Suggested citation:

Gutmacher, Christina E.; Normark, William R.; Ross, Stephanie L.; Edwards, Brian D.; Sliter, Ray; Hart, Patrick; Cooper, Becky; Childs, Jon; Reid, Jane A., 2000, Cruise Report for A1-00-SC Southern California Earthquake Hazards Project, Part A: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-516, 51 pp.,

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