12 April 1999 aepoint: Locations of airports in Puerto Rico (UTM Zone 19, WGS 84 spheroid) dnnet: Drainage network (UTM Zone 19, WGS 84 spheroid) hynet: Hydrography network (UTM Zone 19, WGS 84 spheroid) pricopo: Political boundaries (UTM Zone 19, WGS 84 spheroid) rdline: Roads (UTM Zone 19, WGS 84 spheroid) rrline: Railroads (UTM Zone 19, WGS 84 spheroid) prgeol: Geologic interpretation of the SLAR image (UTM Zone 19, WGS 84 spheroid) prline: Lineament interpretation of the SLAR image (UTM Zone 19, WGS 84 spheroid) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------