MAYAGUEZ complete sidescan sonar mosaic, bathymetric data, ship tracklines, Puerto Rico coastline, and sediment sample locations and analysis information. All of the data are mapped in a Universal Transverse Mercator projection (UTM), zone 19, using the WGS84 reference ellipsoid. BATHY The digitized bathymetry was furnished courtesy of the Puerto Rico Water Resources Division. In this Arc/Info line coverage, the bathy-id attribute corresponds to the bathymetric value in meters. INTERP This Arc/INFO polygon coverage represents the general geologic interpretation of the sidescan-sonar imagery. SAMPLES The sediment samples were collected using a Shipek grab sampler. The sediment textural analysis results are included in this Arc/INFO point coverage. SIDESCAN This directory contains 2 'TIFF' images and their associated world file for use in Arc/Info. The file 'rawsonar.tif' is the sidescan-sonar mosaic with no image enhancement applied. This file is the image file used to generate rawgrd. The other 'TIF' image, 'anasco.tif', is the enhanced image from which sonargrd is derived. These 'TFW' files associated with each of these images allows Arc/INFO to geographically register the images. The resolution of these images is 1m/pixel.