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Preliminary Stratigraphic Database for the Subsurface Tertiary and Uppermost Cretaceous Sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-049 (Available on Compact Disc)

By Gregory S. Gohn and Lucy E. Edwards, Compilers

Version 1.0


Prepared in Cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

Chapter A: Preliminary Stratigraphic Database for the Subsurface Tertiary and Uppermost Cretaceous Sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina

By G.S. Gohn, L.M. Bybell, P.G. Chirico, R.A. Christopher, L.E. Edwards, N.O. Frederiksen, D.C. Prowell, J.M. Self-Trail, and R.E. Weems

This report requires the use of ArcView, a software product of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), or similar software. The project file dorchest.apr was created in ArcView 3.1.

Open the file dorchest.apr in ArcView 3.1 or higher versions of this application by clicking on File/Open Project. Experienced ArcView users may wish to start a new project file (.apr) using the data files in the ChapA directory.

Download Chapter A ArcView project files [compressed, 2.2 MB]

Chapter B: Supplement to the Preliminary Stratigraphic Database for Subsurface Sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina

By L.E. Edwards, G.S. Gohn, L.M. Bybell, P.G. Chirico, R.A. Christopher, N.O. Frederiksen, D.C. Prowell, J.M. Self-Trail, and R.E. Weems

Chapter C: Drill Hole Data Charts Used in the Preliminary Stratigraphic Database for Subsurface Sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina [2.16 MB PDF file]

By G.S. Gohn, L.E. Edwards, L.M. Bybell, P.G. Chirico, R.A. Christopher, N.O. Frederiksen, D.C. Prowell, J.M. Self-Trail, and R.E. Weems

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Chapter D: Notes on Maastrichtian (Cretaceous) Pollen in the South Carolina Coastal Plain

By R.A. Christopher


Five text (.txt) files are included with this report, which was published initially on CD-ROM. These include four text files (Intro_A.txt, Intro_B.txt, Intro_C.txt, and Intro_D.txt) that describe the contents, uses, and required software for the four chapters of this USGS Open-File Report. One additional text file, Metadata.txt, contains metadata for the files and information used in this report, particularly Chapter A.


This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic code.

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Eastern Region Earth Surface Processes Team
USGS Geologic Information

For additional information, contact Gregory S. Gohn
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Maintained by Eastern Publications Group
Last modified: 11 July 2000