Appendix 5. Listing of FORTRAN programs used in depth estimation.
c Program bedrk_depth c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c---------> Function: calculate grid of depth to bedrock beneath 2 density c functions from gravity anomaly and depth-to-contact grids c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c---------> Parameters and notes: c Model is pile of vertical axis cylinders with coincident axes c for prism beneath grid point, pile of vertical lines of mass c for prisms away from grid point. Requires a gravity anomaly c grid, a depth to bottom of density fn.1 grid, and c a mask grid for no computation over bedrock or control (drill c hole, etc) points. Mask val -100. or less means compute; >-100. c and <0.0 will use absolute value of mask if calculated estimate c is less than mask value c Requires a 2 files of {ztop,zbot,drho,radius}, max 101 layers c describing the density contrast and radius of the pile of cyls c for the shallow and deep density function c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c date programmer event c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c 7 Jul 97 MEG created c 21 Jun 99 MEG minimum depth constraint from mask added c*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ c*Disclaimer: Although this program has been used by the USGS, no */ c*warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the United */ c*States Government as to the accuracy and functioning of the program */ c*and related program material nor shall the fact of distribution */ c*constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the */ c*USGS in connection therewith. */ c*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ c character filnam1*50, dflt50*50, qu*80, fmt*50 real rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy, zz(501),dgz(501),raddep real rho1d(101,4), rho2d(101,4) real rho1(101,4), rho2(101,4), zbar1(101), zbar2(101) character dflt1*1,qr*1 character id*56,dflt56*56,pgm*8,id2*56,pgm2*8 character id3*56,pgm3*8 real z1(110), z2(110), z3(110) real grv(100,100), dpth(100,100), dmask(100,100) real zc(100,100), res(100,100), dgm(100,100) real*8 rms logical verify verify=.false. itin=5 itout=6 dval=1.0E+38 c c Values .ge. 1.0E+38 flag grid points for no compute c c c First get density functions and compute dg(mgals) vs depth to c contact function to use to estimate new contact depth changes c io2 = 11 odpth = 0.0 odz = 0.1 rhoeff = 0.0 gxcy = 0.0 c c get filename & read file of depths to layers, drho, radius c qu='Enter shallow density contrast & radius filename [dshlow.log]-->' dflt50 = 'dshlow.log' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(4f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(4f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) nlayrs1 = 1 write(itout,202)' Shallow density function' 202 format(a) write(itout,208) 208 format(6x,'ztop',6x,'zbot',6x,'drho',7x,'rad',6x,'zbar',6x,'dgcum') 500 read(io2,fmt,end=510) (rho1(nlayrs1,i), i=1,4) zbar1(nlayrs1) = (rho1(nlayrs1,1)+rho1(nlayrs1,2))*0.5 rhoeff = rhoeff + rho1(nlayrs1,3)*(rho1(nlayrs1,2)-rho1(nlayrs1,1)) zt = rho1(nlayrs1,1) zb = rho1(nlayrs1,2) dr = rho1(nlayrs1,3) rad = rho1(nlayrs1,4) gxcy = gxcy + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad) write(itout,207) (rho1(nlayrs1,i), i=1,4), zbar1(nlayrs1), gxcy 207 format(6f10.3) nlayrs1 = nlayrs1 + 1 go to 500 510 nlayrs1= nlayrs1 - 1 rhoeff = rhoeff / (rho1(nlayrs1,2) - rho1(1,1)) gxsl = 41.908846 * rhoeff * (rho1(nlayrs1,2) - rho1(1,1)) write(itout,204) rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy 204 format(/'Thickness weighted mean density=',f8.3/ 1 'Max.grav.effect infinite slab with this density=',f9.3/ 2 'Max.grav.effect cylinders of density model=',f9.3/) qu='Enter deeper density contrast & radius filename [ddeep.log]-->' dflt50 = 'ddeep.log' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(4f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(4f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) rhoeff1 = 0.0 gxcy = 0.0 nlayrs2 = 1 write(itout,202)' Deep density function' write(itout,208) 502 read(io2,fmt,end=512) (rho2(nlayrs2,i), i=1,4) zbar2(nlayrs2) = (rho2(nlayrs2,1)+rho2(nlayrs2,2))*0.5 rhoeff1 = rhoeff1 + rho2(nlayrs2,3)*(rho2(nlayrs2,2)-rho2(nlayrs2,1)) zt = rho2(nlayrs2,1) zb = rho2(nlayrs2,2) dr = rho2(nlayrs2,3) rad = rho2(nlayrs2,4) gxcy = gxcy + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad) write(itout,207) (rho2(nlayrs2,i), i=1,4), zbar2(nlayrs2), gxcy nlayrs2 = nlayrs2 + 1 go to 502 512 nlayrs2 = nlayrs2 - 1 rhoeff1 = rhoeff1 / (rho2(nlayrs2,2) - rho2(1,1)) gxsl = 41.908846 * rhoeff1 * (rho2(nlayrs2,2) - rho2(1,1)) write(itout,203) rhoeff1, gxsl, gxcy 203 format(/'Thickness weighted mean density=',f8.3/ 1 'Max.grav.effect infinite slab with this density=',f9.3/ 2 'Max.grav.effect cylinders of density model=',f9.3/) qu = 'Enter radius for depth estimates (km)[10.0]-->' call ttinr4(qu, raddep, 10.0, itin, itout, verify) c c now get grids & estimate depth to contact c grv is residual (basin) anomaly, mgals c dpth is depth to density fn 1- i.e. contact, km; c dmask is mask telling whether c on bedrock (dval), point of computation(-1.0), or control point c (value is depth to contact) c Use USGS BGP standard grid format grids c call getfile(21,'Grav grid filename:','in','unformatted') call getfile(22,'Contact dpth grid filename:','in','unformatted') call getfile(24,'Mask grid filename:','in','unformatted') read(21) id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy read(22) id2,pgm2,ncol2,nrow2,nz2,xo2,dx2,yo2,dy2 read(24) id3,pgm3,ncol3,nrow3,nz3,xo3,dx3,yo3,dy3 if( then print *, ' nz not = 1 for input grid...' stop endif call compspecs(ncol,nrow,xo,dx,yo,dy, & ncol2,nrow2,xo2,dx2,yo2,dy2) call compspecs(ncol,nrow,xo,dx,yo,dy, & ncol3,nrow3,xo3,dx3,yo3,dy3) c c store sqrt(dx * dy)/sqrt(pi) as radius in density fn c (radius of circle same area as dx*dy c eqrad = sqrt(dx*dy/3.141527) do 40 i=1, nlayrs1 rho1d(i,1) = rho1(i,1) rho1d(i,2) = rho1(i,2) rho1d(i,3) = rho1(i,3) rho1d(i,4) = raddep 40 rho1(i,4) = eqrad do 42 i=1, nlayrs2 rho2d(i,1) = rho2(i,1) rho2d(i,2) = rho2(i,2) rho2d(i,3) = rho2(i,3) rho2d(i,4) = raddep 42 rho2(i,4) = eqrad do 60 j=1,nrow call getrow(21,ncol,z1) call getrow(22,ncol,z2) call getrow(24,ncol,z3) do 62 i=1,ncol grv(j,i) = z1(i) dpth(j,i) = z2(i) dmask(j,i) = z3(i) c c load dval if any input grid is dval or gravity anomaly > 0.0 c if(grv(j,i).ge.0.0.or.dpth(j,i).ge.dval.or.dmask(j,i).ge.dval) & zc(j,i) = dval c c estimate depth to interface; if control point, enter mask value c if(dmask(j,i).ge.0.0) zc(j,i) = dmask(j,i) if(dmask(j,i).lt.0.0) then zmin = dpth(j,i) 320 zmax = 5.0 nzval = 101 dz = (zmax - zmin)/(nzval-1) c c calculate gravity as fn of interface depth c do 50 k=1,nzval zct = zmin + (k-1)*dz call dgtot(0.0, zmin, zct, nlayrs1, rho1d, nlayrs2, rho2d, dg) zz(nzval-k+1) = zct dgz(nzval-k+1) = dg 50 continue c c interpolate depth to bottom from g vs z fn c call piksr2(nzval,dgz,zz) grvji = grv(j,i) call linterp(dgz,zz,nzval,grvji,zcji) if( zcji = zmin if( zcji = zmax if( zcji = 0.0 c c Check if this is a deeper than constraint from a well c if(dmask(j,i),i))) & zcji = abs(dmask(j,i)) zc(j,i) = zcji endif 62 continue 60 continue c c grids loaded; calculate model gravity and residual c 300 rms = 0.0 do 70 j=1,nrow do 71 i=1,ncol if(grv(j,i).ge.0.0.or.dpth(j,i).ge.dval.or.dmask(j,i).ge.dval) then dgm(j,i) = dval go to 71 endif dgm(j,i) = 0.0 do 72 jj=1,nrow do 73 ii=1,ncol if(zc(jj,ii).ge.dval) go to 73 yy = (jj-j)*dy xx = (ii-i)*dx radius = sqrt(xx*xx+yy*yy) if( go to 73 call dgtot(radius, zc(jj,ii), dpth(jj,ii), nlayrs1, rho1, & nlayrs2, rho2, dg) dgm(j,i) = dgm(j,i) + dg 73 continue 72 continue resid = grv(j,i) - dgm(j,i) rms = rms + resid*resid res(j,i) = resid 71 continue 70 continue rmserr = sqrt(rms/(ncol*nrow)) write(itout,'(a,f10.2)')' rms error = ',rmserr qu = 'another iteration (a) or stop (q)[a]' dflt1 = 'a' call ttinaa(qu,qr,1,dflt1,itin,itout,verify) if(qr.eq.'q'.or.qr.eq.'Q') go to 310 c c iterate by adjusting contact depths c do 80 j=1,nrow do 80 i=1,ncol if(zc(j,i).ge.dval) go to 80 if(dmask(j,i).ge.0.0) zc(j,i) = dmask(j,i) if(dmask(j,i).lt.0.0) then zmin = dpth(j,i) 330 zmax = 5.0 nzval = 51 dz = (zmax - zmin)/(nzval-1) c c calculate gravity as fn of interface depth c call dgtot(0.0, zmin, zc(j,i), nlayrs1, rho1d, nlayrs2, rho2d, dgcur) do 90 k=1,nzval zct = zmin + (k-1)*dz call dgtot(0.0, zmin, zct, nlayrs1, rho1d, nlayrs2, rho2d, dg) zz(nzval-k+1) = zct dgz(nzval-k+1) = dg - dgcur 90 continue c c interpolate interface depth from g vs z fn c call piksr2(nzval,dgz,zz) resji = res(j,i) call linterp(dgz,zz,nzval,resji,zcji) if( zcji = zmin if( zcji = zmax if( zcji = 0.0 c c Check if this is a deeper than constraint from a well c if(dmask(j,i),i))) & zcji = abs(dmask(j,i)) zc(j,i) = zcji endif 80 continue c c recalc model, residual c go to 300 c c output grids c 310 call getfile(23,'Bedrock depth grid filename:','out','unformatted') qu='Enter id for output grid (<57c)[Bedrk_depth bdrk depth grid]' dflt56='Bedrk_depth bdrk depth grid' call ttinaa(qu,id,56,dflt56,itin,itout,verify) pgm='bedrk_de' write(23) id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy do 92 j=1,nrow do 93 i=1,ncol 93 z1(i) = zc(j,i) call putrow(23,ncol,z1) 92 continue close(23) call getfile(23,'Output resid grid filename:','out','unformatted') qu='Enter id for output grid (<57c)[Bedrk_depth output residual grid]' dflt56='grvdpth output residual grid' call ttinaa(qu,id,56,dflt56,itin,itout,verify) pgm='bedrk_de' write(23) id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy do 94 j=1,nrow do 95 i=1,ncol 95 z1(i) = res(j,i) call putrow(23,ncol,z1) 94 continue close(23) call getfile(23,'Gravity model grid filename:','out','unformatted') qu='Enter id for output grid (<57c)[Bedrk_depth output grav model grid]' dflt56='grvdpth output grav model grid' call ttinaa(qu,id,56,dflt56,itin,itout,verify) pgm='bedrk_de' write(23) id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy do 96 j=1,nrow do 97 i=1,ncol 97 z1(i) = dgm(j,i) call putrow(23,ncol,z1) 96 continue 900 close(21) close(22) close(23) close(24) stop end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine getfile(unit,question,inout,form) c Opens files...filenames not recognized by VAX will generate c error message and request a second try. c Sample call: c call getfile(21,'*Give input file:','in','formatted') integer unit character filename*50, status*8 character*(*) question, inout, form print *, ' ' 10 write(*,101) question 101 format(a,' ',$) read '(a50)', filename if(inout.eq.'in') then status='old' else status='unknown' endif if(form.eq.'formatted'.and.inout.eq.'out') then open(unit,file=filename,form=form,status=status, & err=900) else open(unit,file=filename,form=form,status=status,err=900) endif return 900 print *,'ERROR IN OPENING ',filename print *,' try again......' close(unit) go to 10 end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine compspecs(ncol,nrow,xo,dx,yo,dy, & ncol2,nrow2,xo2,dx2,yo2,dy2) c Compares the parameters for two grids... c If parameters are different, stops execution. if( & & then print *,'***ERROR...GRIDSPECS DO NOT MATCH' stop endif return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine getrow(iunit,ncol,zrow) real zrow(ncol) read(iunit) dum,zrow return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine putrow(iunit,ncol,zrow) real zrow(ncol) dum=0.0 write(iunit) dum,zrow return end function stkcrcyl(h1,h2,nlayrs,rho) c c calc dg of stack of coincident axis vert cylinders from depth h1 c down to depth h2 using array rho for ztop,zbot,drho,rad c NOTE rho(nlayrs,2) must be greater than H c real h1, h2, rho(101,4) real*8 dg integer nlayrs dg = 0.0d0 do 50 i=1,nlayrs if(,2)) go to 50 zt = rho(i,1) zb = rho(i,2) dr = rho(i,3) rad = rho(i,4) if(,1),2)) then if(,2)) go to 57 dg = dg + cylfn(h1,zb,dr,rad) go to 50 endif if(,2)) go to 55 dg = dg + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad) 50 continue go to 60 55 dg = dg + cylfn(zt,h2,dr,rad) go to 60 57 dg = dg + cylfn(h1,h2,dr,rad) 60 stkcrcyl = dg return end function cylfn(ztop,zbot,drho,rad) c gravity effect of vert. axis circular cylinder at pt on axis real*8 t t = zbot - ztop + sqrt(rad*rad + ztop*ztop) 1 - sqrt(rad*rad + zbot*zbot) cylfn = 41.908846 * drho * t return end subroutine dgtot(r, zct, ztot, nlayrs1, rho1, nlayrs2, rho2, dg) c c subroutine to calculate gravity effect of a stack of prisms c with density fn rho1 to depth zct, rho2 from zct to zbot c uses right circular cylinder if r=0, line of mass formula c if r > 0 c MEG/USGS/Dec96 c dimension rho1(101,4),rho2(101,4) c c decide whether to use cylinder or line mass formula c if( then c c r (horizontal distance) is 0 - use circular cyl on axis formula c dg = stkcrcyl(0.0,zct,nlayrs1,rho1) dg = dg + stkcrcyl(zct,ztot,nlayrs2,rho2) return else c c r (horizonatal distance > 0 - use line of mass formula c dg = stklinms(r,0.0,zct,nlayrs1,rho1) dg = dg + stklinms(r,zct,ztot,nlayrs2,rho2) return endif end function stklinms(r,h1,h2,nlayrs,rho) c c calc dg of stack of coincident axis vert mass lines from depth h1 c down to depth h2 using array rho for ztop,zbot,drho,rad c NOTE rho(nlayrs,2) must be greater than H; rad is area prism c so rad*drho is mass/unit length c real h1, h2, rho(101,4), r, lmsfn, area real*8 dg integer nlayrs dg = 0.0d0 do 50 i=1,nlayrs if(,2)) go to 50 zt = rho(i,1) zb = rho(i,2) dr = rho(i,3) rad = rho(i,4)*1.772454 area = rad * rad c note sqrt pi factor for program grvdpth only where rad stored in rho(i,4) c is sqrt((dx*dy)/pi) remove factor for general use if(,1),2)) then if(,2)) go to 57 dg = dg + lmsfn(r,h1,zb,dr,area) go to 50 endif if(,2)) go to 55 dg = dg + lmsfn(r,zt,zb,dr,area) 50 continue go to 60 55 dg = dg + lmsfn(r,zt,h2,dr,area) go to 60 57 dg = dg + lmsfn(r,h1,h2,dr,area) 60 stklinms = dg return end real function lmsfn(r,zt,zb,dr,area) c gravity effect of vertical line of mass from zt to zb, c horiz. distance r, area*dr mass/unit z,units km,g/cc,mgal real*8 t1, t2 real area, dr, r, zt, zb t1 = 1.0/sqrt(r*r+zt*zt) t2 = 1.0/sqrt(r*r+zb*zb) lmsfn = area*dr*6.67*(t1-t2) return end SUBROUTINE PIKSR2(N,ARR,BRR) DIMENSION ARR(N),BRR(N) DO 12 J=2,N A=ARR(J) B=BRR(J) DO 11 I=J-1,1,-1 IF(ARR(I).LE.A)GO TO 10 ARR(I+1)=ARR(I) BRR(I+1)=BRR(I) 11 CONTINUE I=0 10 ARR(I+1)=A BRR(I+1)=B 12 CONTINUE RETURN END subroutine linterp(x,y,n,xx,yy) c c linear interpolation on x, gives endpoint value if x outside c interval (x(1),x(n)). assumes x monotonic increasing. c assumes number smaller in abs value 1.0e-15 is zero. meg/jul97 c dimension x(n),y(n) tol = 1.0e-15 tolinv = 1.0e15 if( then yy = y(1) return endif if( then yy = y(n) return endif do 50 i=1,n-1 if( then dy = y(i+1)-y(i) dx = x(i+1)-x(i) if(abs(dx).le.tol) then slop = dy*tolinv else slop = dy/dx endif yy = slop*(xx-x(i))+y(i) return endif 50 continue end c Program contact_depth c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c---------> Function: calculate grid of depth to contact between 2 density c functions from gravity anomaly and total depth grids c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c---------> Parameters and notes: c Model is pile of vertical axis cylinders with coincident axes c for prism beneath grid point, pile of vertical lines of mass c for prisms away from grid point. Requires a gravity anomaly c grid, a depth to bottom of density fn.2 grid, and c a mask grid for no computation over bedrock or control (drill c hole, etc) points. Mask val -100. or less means compute; >-100. c and <0.0 will use absolute value of mask if calculated estimate c is less than mask value c Requires a 2 files of {ztop,zbot,drho,radius}, max 101 layers c describing the density contrast and radius of the pile of cyls c for the shallow and deep density function c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c date programmer event c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c 6 Dec 96 MEG created c 21 Jun 99 MEG added mininimum depth constraint for mask c*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ c*Disclaimer: Although this program has been used by the USGS, no */ c*warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the United */ c*States Government as to the accuracy and functioning of the program */ c*and related program material nor shall the fact of distribution */ c*constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the */ c*USGS in connection therewith. */ c*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ c character filnam1*50, dflt50*50, qu*80, fmt*50 real rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy, zz(501),dgz(501),raddep real rho1d(101,4), rho2d(101,4) real rho1(101,4), rho2(101,4), zbar1(101), zbar2(101) character dflt1*1,qr*1 character id*56,dflt56*56,pgm*8,id2*56,pgm2*8 character id3*56,pgm3*8 real z1(110), z2(110), z3(110) real grv(100,100), dpth(100,100), dmask(100,100) real zc(100,100), res(100,100), dgm(100,100) real*8 rms logical verify verify=.false. itin=5 itout=6 dval=1.0E+38 c c Values .ge. 1.0E+38 flag grid points for no compute c c c First get density functions and compute dg(mgals) vs depth to c contact function to use to estimate new contact depth changes c io2 = 11 odpth = 0.0 odz = 0.1 rhoeff = 0.0 gxcy = 0.0 c c get filename & read file of depths to layers, drho, radius c qu='Enter shallow density contrast & radius filename [dshlow.log]-->' dflt50 = 'dshlow.log' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(4f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(4f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) nlayrs1 = 1 write(itout,202)' Shallow density function' 202 format(a) write(itout,208) 208 format(6x,'ztop',6x,'zbot',6x,'drho',7x,'rad',6x,'zbar',6x,'dgcum') 500 read(io2,fmt,end=510) (rho1(nlayrs1,i), i=1,4) zbar1(nlayrs1) = (rho1(nlayrs1,1)+rho1(nlayrs1,2))*0.5 rhoeff = rhoeff + rho1(nlayrs1,3)*(rho1(nlayrs1,2)-rho1(nlayrs1,1)) zt = rho1(nlayrs1,1) zb = rho1(nlayrs1,2) dr = rho1(nlayrs1,3) rad = rho1(nlayrs1,4) gxcy = gxcy + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad) write(itout,207) (rho1(nlayrs1,i), i=1,4), zbar1(nlayrs1), gxcy 207 format(6f10.3) nlayrs1 = nlayrs1 + 1 go to 500 510 nlayrs1= nlayrs1 - 1 rhoeff = rhoeff / (rho1(nlayrs1,2) - rho1(1,1)) gxsl = 41.908846 * rhoeff * (rho1(nlayrs1,2) - rho1(1,1)) write(itout,204) rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy 204 format(/'Thickness weighted mean density=',f8.3/ 1 'Max.grav.effect infinite slab with this density=',f9.3/ 2 'Max.grav.effect cylinders of density model=',f9.3/) qu='Enter deeper density contrast & radius filename [ddeep.log]-->' dflt50 = 'ddeep.log' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(4f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(4f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) rhoeff1 = 0.0 gxcy = 0.0 nlayrs2 = 1 write(itout,202)' Deep density function' write(itout,208) 502 read(io2,fmt,end=512) (rho2(nlayrs2,i), i=1,4) zbar2(nlayrs2) = (rho2(nlayrs2,1)+rho2(nlayrs2,2))*0.5 rhoeff1 = rhoeff1 + rho2(nlayrs2,3)*(rho2(nlayrs2,2)-rho2(nlayrs2,1)) zt = rho2(nlayrs2,1) zb = rho2(nlayrs2,2) dr = rho2(nlayrs2,3) rad = rho2(nlayrs2,4) gxcy = gxcy + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad) write(itout,207) (rho2(nlayrs2,i), i=1,4), zbar2(nlayrs2), gxcy nlayrs2 = nlayrs2 + 1 go to 502 512 nlayrs2 = nlayrs2 - 1 rhoeff1 = rhoeff1 / (rho2(nlayrs2,2) - rho2(1,1)) gxsl = 41.908846 * rhoeff1 * (rho2(nlayrs2,2) - rho2(1,1)) write(itout,203) rhoeff1, gxsl, gxcy 203 format(/'Thickness weighted mean density=',f8.3/ 1 'Max.grav.effect infinite slab with this density=',f9.3/ 2 'Max.grav.effect cylinders of density model=',f9.3/) qu = 'Enter radius for depth estimates (km)[10.0]-->' call ttinr4(qu, raddep, 10.0, itin, itout, verify) c c now get grids & estimate depth to contact c grv is residual (basin) anomaly, mgals c dpth is depth to bottom of basin, km; dmask is mask telling whether c on bedrock (dval), point of computation(-1.0), or control point c (value is depth to contact) c Use USGS BGP standard grid format grids c call getfile(21,'Grav grid filename:','in','unformatted') call getfile(22,'Depth grid filename:','in','unformatted') call getfile(24,'Mask grid filename:','in','unformatted') read(21) id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy read(22) id2,pgm2,ncol2,nrow2,nz2,xo2,dx2,yo2,dy2 read(24) id3,pgm3,ncol3,nrow3,nz3,xo3,dx3,yo3,dy3 if( then print *, ' nz not = 1 for input grid...' stop endif call compspecs(ncol,nrow,xo,dx,yo,dy, & ncol2,nrow2,xo2,dx2,yo2,dy2) call compspecs(ncol,nrow,xo,dx,yo,dy, & ncol3,nrow3,xo3,dx3,yo3,dy3) c c store sqrt(dx * dy)/sqrt(pi) as radius in density fn c (radius of circle same area as dx*dy c eqrad = sqrt(dx*dy/3.141527) do 40 i=1, nlayrs1 rho1d(i,1) = rho1(i,1) rho1d(i,2) = rho1(i,2) rho1d(i,3) = rho1(i,3) rho1d(i,4) = raddep 40 rho1(i,4) = eqrad do 42 i=1, nlayrs2 rho2d(i,1) = rho2(i,1) rho2d(i,2) = rho2(i,2) rho2d(i,3) = rho2(i,3) rho2d(i,4) = raddep 42 rho2(i,4) = eqrad do 60 j=1,nrow call getrow(21,ncol,z1) call getrow(22,ncol,z2) call getrow(24,ncol,z3) do 62 i=1,ncol grv(j,i) = z1(i) dpth(j,i) = z2(i) dmask(j,i) = z3(i) c c load dval if any input grid is dval or gravity anomaly > 0.0 c if(grv(j,i).ge.0.0.or.dpth(j,i).ge.dval.or.dmask(j,i).ge.dval) & zc(j,i) = dval c c estimate depth to interface; if control point, enter mask value c if(dmask(j,i).ge.0.0) zc(j,i) = dmask(j,i) if(dmask(j,i).lt.0.0) then zmin = 0.0 zmax = dpth(j,i) nzval = 101 dz = (zmax - zmin)/(nzval-1) c c calculate gravity as fn of interface depth c do 50 k=1,nzval zct = zmin + (k-1)*dz call dgtot(0.0, zct, zmax, nlayrs1, rho1d, nlayrs2, rho2d, dg) zz(nzval-k+1) = zct dgz(nzval-k+1) = dg 50 continue c c interpolate interface depth from g vs z fn c call piksr2(nzval,dgz,zz) grvji = grv(j,i) call linterp(dgz,zz,nzval,grvji,zcji) if( zcji = zmin if( zcji = zmax if( zcji = 0.0 c c Check if this is a deeper than constraint from a well c if(dmask(j,i),i))) & zcji = abs(dmask(j,i)) zc(j,i) = zcji endif 62 continue 60 continue c c grids loaded; calculate model gravity and residual c 300 rms = 0.0 do 70 j=1,nrow do 71 i=1,ncol if(grv(j,i).ge.0.0.or.dpth(j,i).ge.dval.or.dmask(j,i).ge.dval) then dgm(j,i) = dval go to 71 endif dgm(j,i) = 0.0 do 72 jj=1,nrow do 73 ii=1,ncol if(zc(jj,ii).ge.dval) go to 73 yy = (jj-j)*dy xx = (ii-i)*dx radius = sqrt(xx*xx+yy*yy) if( go to 73 call dgtot(radius, zc(jj,ii), dpth(jj,ii), nlayrs1, rho1, & nlayrs2, rho2, dg) dgm(j,i) = dgm(j,i) + dg 73 continue 72 continue resid = grv(j,i) - dgm(j,i) rms = rms + resid*resid res(j,i) = resid 71 continue 70 continue rmserr = sqrt(rms/(ncol*nrow)) write(itout,'(a,f10.2)')' rms error = ',rmserr qu = 'another iteration (a) or stop (q)[a]' dflt1 = 'a' call ttinaa(qu,qr,1,dflt1,itin,itout,verify) if(qr.eq.'q'.or.qr.eq.'Q') go to 310 c c iterate by adjusting contact depths c do 80 j=1,nrow do 80 i=1,ncol if(zc(j,i).ge.dval) go to 80 if(dmask(j,i).ge.0.0) zc(j,i) = dmask(j,i) if(dmask(j,i).lt.0.0) then zmin = 0.0 zmax = dpth(j,i) nzval = 51 dz = (zmax - zmin)/(nzval-1) c c calculate gravity as fn of interface depth c call dgtot(0.0, zc(j,i), zmax, nlayrs1, rho1d, nlayrs2, rho2d, dgcur) do 90 k=1,nzval zct = zmin + (k-1)*dz call dgtot(0.0, zct, zmax, nlayrs1, rho1d, nlayrs2, rho2d, dg) zz(nzval-k+1) = zct dgz(nzval-k+1) = dg - dgcur 90 continue c c interpolate interface depth from g vs z fn c call piksr2(nzval,dgz,zz) resji = res(j,i) call linterp(dgz,zz,nzval,resji,zcji) if( zcji = zmin if( zcji = zmax if( zcji = 0.0 c c Check if this is a deeper than constraint from a well c if(dmask(j,i),i))) & zcji = abs(dmask(j,i)) zc(j,i) = zcji endif 80 continue c c recalc model, residual c go to 300 c c output grids c 310 call getfile(23,'Contact depth grid filename:','out','unformatted') qu='Enter id for output grid (<57c)[grvdpth contact depth grid]' dflt56='contact_depth contact depth grid' call ttinaa(qu,id,56,dflt56,itin,itout,verify) pgm='contact_' write(23) id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy do 92 j=1,nrow do 93 i=1,ncol 93 z1(i) = zc(j,i) call putrow(23,ncol,z1) 92 continue close(23) call getfile(23,'Output resid grid filename:','out','unformatted') qu='Enter id for output grid (<57c)[grvdpth output residual grid]' dflt56='contact_depth output residual grid' call ttinaa(qu,id,56,dflt56,itin,itout,verify) pgm='contact_' write(23) id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy do 94 j=1,nrow do 95 i=1,ncol 95 z1(i) = res(j,i) call putrow(23,ncol,z1) 94 continue close(23) call getfile(23,'Gravity model grid filename:','out','unformatted') qu='Enter id for output grid (<57c)[grvdpth output grav model grid]' dflt56='contact_depth output grav model grid' call ttinaa(qu,id,56,dflt56,itin,itout,verify) pgm='contact_' write(23) id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy do 96 j=1,nrow do 97 i=1,ncol 97 z1(i) = dgm(j,i) call putrow(23,ncol,z1) 96 continue 900 close(21) close(22) close(23) close(24) stop end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine getfile(unit,question,inout,form) c Opens files...filenames not recognized by VAX will generate c error message and request a second try. c Sample call: c call getfile(21,'*Give input file:','in','formatted') integer unit character filename*50, status*8 character*(*) question, inout, form print *, ' ' 10 write(*,101) question 101 format(a,' ',$) read '(a50)', filename if(inout.eq.'in') then status='old' else status='unknown' endif if(form.eq.'formatted'.and.inout.eq.'out') then open(unit,file=filename,form=form,status=status, & err=900) else open(unit,file=filename,form=form,status=status,err=900) endif return 900 print *,'ERROR IN OPENING ',filename print *,' try again......' close(unit) go to 10 end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine compspecs(ncol,nrow,xo,dx,yo,dy, & ncol2,nrow2,xo2,dx2,yo2,dy2) c Compares the parameters for two grids... c If parameters are different, stops execution. if( & & then print *,'***ERROR...GRIDSPECS DO NOT MATCH' stop endif return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine getrow(iunit,ncol,zrow) real zrow(ncol) read(iunit) dum,zrow return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine putrow(iunit,ncol,zrow) real zrow(ncol) dum=0.0 write(iunit) dum,zrow return end function stkcrcyl(h1,h2,nlayrs,rho) c c calc dg of stack of coincident axis vert cylinders from depth h1 c down to depth h2 using array rho for ztop,zbot,drho,rad c NOTE rho(nlayrs,2) must be greater than H c real h1, h2, rho(101,4) real*8 dg integer nlayrs dg = 0.0d0 do 50 i=1,nlayrs if(,2)) go to 50 zt = rho(i,1) zb = rho(i,2) dr = rho(i,3) rad = rho(i,4) if(,1),2)) then if(,2)) go to 57 dg = dg + cylfn(h1,zb,dr,rad) go to 50 endif if(,2)) go to 55 dg = dg + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad) 50 continue go to 60 55 dg = dg + cylfn(zt,h2,dr,rad) go to 60 57 dg = dg + cylfn(h1,h2,dr,rad) 60 stkcrcyl = dg return end function cylfn(ztop,zbot,drho,rad) c gravity effect of vert. axis circular cylinder at pt on axis real*8 t t = zbot - ztop + sqrt(rad*rad + ztop*ztop) 1 - sqrt(rad*rad + zbot*zbot) cylfn = 41.908846 * drho * t return end subroutine dgtot(r, zct, ztot, nlayrs1, rho1, nlayrs2, rho2, dg) c c subroutine to calculate gravity effect of a stack of prisms c with density fn rho1 to depth zct, rho2 from zct to zbot c uses right circular cylinder if r=0, line of mass formula c if r > 0 c MEG/USGS/Dec96 c dimension rho1(101,4),rho2(101,4) c c decide whether to use cylinder or line mass formula c if( then c c r (horizontal distance) is 0 - use circular cyl on axis formula c dg = stkcrcyl(0.0,zct,nlayrs1,rho1) dg = dg + stkcrcyl(zct,ztot,nlayrs2,rho2) return else c c r (horizonatal distance > 0 - use line of mass formula c dg = stklinms(r,0.0,zct,nlayrs1,rho1) dg = dg + stklinms(r,zct,ztot,nlayrs2,rho2) return endif end function stklinms(r,h1,h2,nlayrs,rho) c c calc dg of stack of coincident axis vert mass lines from depth h1 c down to depth h2 using array rho for ztop,zbot,drho,rad c NOTE rho(nlayrs,2) must be greater than H; rad is area prism c so rad*drho is mass/unit length c real h1, h2, rho(101,4), r, lmsfn, area real*8 dg integer nlayrs dg = 0.0d0 do 50 i=1,nlayrs if(,2)) go to 50 zt = rho(i,1) zb = rho(i,2) dr = rho(i,3) rad = rho(i,4)*1.772454 area = rad * rad c note sqrt pi factor for program grvdpth only where rad stored in rho(i,4) c is sqrt((dx*dy)/pi) remove factor for general use if(,1),2)) then if(,2)) go to 57 dg = dg + lmsfn(r,h1,zb,dr,area) go to 50 endif if(,2)) go to 55 dg = dg + lmsfn(r,zt,zb,dr,area) 50 continue go to 60 55 dg = dg + lmsfn(r,zt,h2,dr,area) go to 60 57 dg = dg + lmsfn(r,h1,h2,dr,area) 60 stklinms = dg return end real function lmsfn(r,zt,zb,dr,area) c gravity effect of vertical line of mass from zt to zb, c horiz. distance r, area*dr mass/unit z,units km,g/cc,mgal real*8 t1, t2 real area, dr, r, zt, zb t1 = 1.0/sqrt(r*r+zt*zt) t2 = 1.0/sqrt(r*r+zb*zb) lmsfn = area*dr*6.67*(t1-t2) return end SUBROUTINE PIKSR2(N,ARR,BRR) DIMENSION ARR(N),BRR(N) DO 12 J=2,N A=ARR(J) B=BRR(J) DO 11 I=J-1,1,-1 IF(ARR(I).LE.A)GO TO 10 ARR(I+1)=ARR(I) BRR(I+1)=BRR(I) 11 CONTINUE I=0 10 ARR(I+1)=A BRR(I+1)=B 12 CONTINUE RETURN END subroutine linterp(x,y,n,xx,yy) c c linear interpolation on x, gives endpoint value if x outside c interval (x(1),x(n)). assumes x monotonic increasing. c assumes number smaller in abs value 1.0e-15 is zero. meg/jul97 c dimension x(n),y(n) tol = 1.0e-15 tolinv = 1.0e15 if( then yy = y(1) return endif if( then yy = y(n) return endif do 50 i=1,n-1 if( then dy = y(i+1)-y(i) dx = x(i+1)-x(i) if(abs(dx).le.tol) then slop = dy*tolinv else slop = dy/dx endif yy = slop*(xx-x(i))+y(i) return endif 50 continue end subroutine ttinr4(qu, r4, defalt, itin,itout, verify) c Terminal entry of real*4 variable - F77 version c qu - Character string prompt que,80 C long. c r4 - variable to be input c defalt - default value if <cr> only given c itin,itout - read, write LUN's of terminal c verify - if true, asks for verification of input c if false no verification c typical call: c call ttinr4(que,a,1.67,itin,itout,verify) c MEG/ Feb 86; SUN conversion Jul 89/ MEG c logical verify character ans*10, blank*10, qu*80 character que(80)*1, qr*1 real r4, defalt blank = ' ' read(unit=qu, fmt=200) que 200 format(80a1) call lnnobl(que, nq, 80) 300 write(unit=itout, fmt=204) 204 format(1h ,$) do 40 i = 1, nq 40 write(unit=itout, fmt=201) que(i) 201 format(a,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101, err=300) ans 101 format(a) if (ans .eq. blank) goto 910 read(unit=ans, fmt=100) r4 100 format(bn,f10.0) if (.not. verify) goto 900 write(unit=itout, fmt=202) r4 202 format(1x,6hValue ,1pe14.7,5h ok? ,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101) qr if ((qr .eq. 'n') .or. (qr .eq. 'N')) goto 300 900 return 910 r4 = defalt goto 900 end subroutine lnnobl(a, na, lngth) c determine length of string of max length lngth with no blanks on left c changed to specify string max length from 80 by MEG/10Jan91 character a(lngth), bl bl = ' ' do 50 i = lngth, 1, -1 na = i if (a(i) .ne. bl) goto 60 50 continue na = 0 60 return end subroutine ttinr8(qu, r8, defalt, itin,itout, verify) c Terminal entry of real*8 variable - F77 version c qu - Character string prompt que,80 C long. c r8 - variable to be input c def - default value if <cr> only given c itin,itout - read, write LUN's of terminal c verify - if true, asks for verification of input c if false no verification c typical call: c call ttinr8(que,a,1.67d-03,itin,itout,verify) c MEG/ Feb 86; SUN conversion Jul 89/ MEG c logical verify character ans*16, blank*16, qu*80 character que(80)*1, qr*1 double precision r8, defalt blank = ' ' read(unit=qu, fmt=200) que 200 format(80a1) call lnnobl(que, nq, 80) 300 write(unit=itout, fmt=204) 204 format(1h ,$) do 40 i = 1, nq 40 write(unit=itout, fmt=201) que(i) 201 format(a,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101, err=300) ans 101 format(a) if (ans .eq. blank) goto 910 read(unit=ans, fmt=100) r8 100 format(bn,f16.0) if (.not. verify) goto 900 write(unit=itout, fmt=202) r8 202 format(1x,6hValue ,1pd24.17,5h ok? ,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101) qr if ((qr .eq. 'n') .or. (qr .eq. 'N')) goto 300 900 return 910 r8 = defalt goto 900 end subroutine ttini4(qu, i4, defalt, itin,itout, verify) c Terminal entry of integer*4 variable - F77 version c qu - Character string prompt que,80 C long. c i4 - variable to be input c defalt - default value if <cr> only given c itin,itout - read, write LUN's of terminal c verify - if true, asks for verification of input c if false no verification c typical call: c call ttini4(que,k,16,itin,itout,verify) c MEG/ Feb 86; SUN conversion Jul 89/ MEG c logical verify character ans*16, blank*16, qu*80 character que(80)*1, qr*1 integer*4 i4, defalt blank = ' ' read(unit=qu, fmt=200) que 200 format(80a1) call lnnobl(que, nq, 80) 300 write(unit=itout, fmt=204) 204 format(1h ,$) do 40 i = 1, nq 40 write(unit=itout, fmt=201) que(i) 201 format(a,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101, err=300) ans 101 format(a) if (ans .eq. blank) goto 910 read(unit=ans, fmt=100) i4 100 format(bn,i16) if (.not. verify) goto 900 write(unit=itout, fmt=202) i4 202 format(1x,6hValue ,i16,5h ok? ,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101) qr if ((qr .eq. 'n') .or. (qr .eq. 'N')) goto 300 900 return 910 i4 = defalt goto 900 end subroutine ttini2(qu, i2, defalt, itin,itout, verify) c Terminal entry of integer*2 variable - F77 version c qu - Character string prompt que,80 C long. c i2 - variable to be input c defalt - default value if <cr> only given c itin,itout - read, write LUN's of terminal c verify - if true, asks for verification of input c if false no verification c typical call: c call ttini2(que,k,16,itin,itout,verify) c MEG/ Feb 86; SUN conversion Jul 89/ MEG c logical verify character ans*6, blank*6, qu*80 character que(80)*1, qr*1 integer*2 i2, defalt blank = ' ' read(unit=qu, fmt=200) que 200 format(80a1) call lnnobl(que, nq, 80) 300 write(unit=itout, fmt=204) 204 format(1h ,$) do 40 i = 1, nq 40 write(unit=itout, fmt=201) que(i) 201 format(a,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101, err=300) ans 101 format(a) if (ans .eq. blank) goto 910 read(unit=ans, fmt=100) i2 100 format(bn,i6) if (.not. verify) goto 900 write(unit=itout, fmt=202) i2 202 format(1x,6hValue ,i6,5h ok? ,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101) qr if ((qr .eq. 'n') .or. (qr .eq. 'N')) goto 300 900 return 910 i2 = defalt goto 900 end subroutine ttinaa(qu, cs, ncs, defalt, itin,itout, verify) c Terminal entry of character string - F77 version c qu - 80C string of prompt que c cs - character string to be input-array of c*1 but can c be equivalenced to char string in calling pgm c ncs - # characters in cs c defalt - default string for cs c itin,itout - read, write LUN's of terminal c verify - if true, asks for verification of input c if false no verification c typical call: c call ttinaa(que,fnam,16,defalt,itin,itout,verify) c MEG/ Dec 85; SUN conversion Jul 89/ MEG c logical verify character css(80) character qu*80 character que(80)*1, qr*1 c character defalt(*), cs(*) replaced with following: character*(*) cs,defalt read(unit=qu, fmt=200) que 200 format(80a1) call lnnobl(que, nq, 80) 300 write(unit=itout, fmt=204) 204 format(' ',$) do 40 i = 1, nq 40 write(unit=itout, fmt=201) que(i) 201 format(a1,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101, err=300) css 101 format(80a1) call lnnobl(css, kcss, 80) c <cr> go to default if (kcss .eq. 0) goto 910 write(cs,'(80a)')(css(i),i=1,ncs) if (.not. verify) goto 900 write(unit=itout, fmt=202) (css(i),i = 1, ncs) 202 format(1x,17hCharacter string /1x,80a:) write(unit=itout, fmt=203) 203 format(5h ok? ,$) read(unit=itin, fmt=101) qr if ((qr .eq. 'n') .or. (qr .eq. 'N')) goto 300 900 return 910 cs = defalt goto 900 end c Program dg4ztcandzbr c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c---------> Function: calculate gravity anomaly from c 2 density functions with known depth to interface between c density functions and known depth to bottom. c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c---------> Parameters and notes: c Model is pile of vertical axis cylinders on coincident axis c Requires a 2 files of {ztop,zbot,drho,radius}, max 101 layers each c describing the density contrast and radius of the pile of cyls c for the shallow and deep density function c c and a third file of gravity anomaly and and r/ro to use if total c model gravity is less than specified amount. I.e., if gravity anom c aly was 9 mgal, table might be 3.0, 1.0, 9.0,0.5, c meaning to use whole cylinder(s) gravity effect for first 3 mgal c and use factor from r / r0 =.5 for each cylinder gravity effect c from 3mgal to 9 mgal Note factor nonlinear but r/r0=1.0 is whole c cylinder and r/r0 = 0.0 is half the cylinder; r is radius to plane c cutting cylinder, ro is radius of cylinder c This would be appropriate for a well over the range front fault c where 3mgal due to fill over pediment, rest due to fill against c hanging wall c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c date programmer event c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c 26 Dec 96 MEG created c 27 Apr 99 MEG cylinder factor as fn of grav anomaly added c c*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ c*Disclaimer: Although this program has been used by the USGS, no */ c*warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the United */ c*States Government as to the accuracy and functioning of the program */ c*and related program material nor shall the fact of distribution */ c*constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the */ c*USGS in connection therewith. */ c*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ c character filnam1*50, dflt50*50, qu*80, fmt*50, ids*20 real rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy real rho1(101,4), rho2(101,4), zbar1(101), zbar2(101), fvsdg(21,2) real fdg(6), fro(6) logical verify data fdg/0.500,0.803,0.915,0.966,0.991,1.000/ data fro/0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0/ c c c itin = 5 itout = 6 io2 = 11 verify = .false. odpth = 0.0 odz = 0.1 rhoeff = 0.0 gxcy = 0.0 gxslc = 0.0 c c enter identification string c qu='Enter identification string (<21c) [dpth2fun estimate]-->' dflt50 = 'dpth2fun estimate' call ttinaa(qu, ids, 20, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) c c get filename & read file of depths to layers, drho, radius c qu='Enter shallow density contrast filename [dshlow.log]-->' dflt50 = 'dshlow.log' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(4f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(4f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) nlayrs1 = 1 write(itout,202)' Shallow density function' 202 format(a) write(itout,208) 208 format(6x,'ztop',6x,'zbot',6x,'drho',7x,'rad',6x,'zbar',4x,'cum dg', 1 2x,'cum slab') 500 read(io2,fmt,end=510) (rho1(nlayrs1,i), i=1,4) zbar1(nlayrs1) = (rho1(nlayrs1,1)+rho1(nlayrs1,2))*0.5 rhoeff = rhoeff + rho1(nlayrs1,3)*(rho1(nlayrs1,2)-rho1(nlayrs1,1)) zt = rho1(nlayrs1,1) zb = rho1(nlayrs1,2) dr = rho1(nlayrs1,3) rad = rho1(nlayrs1,4) gxcy = gxcy + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad, 1.0) gxslc = gxslc + 41.908846 * dr * (zb-zt) write(itout,207) (rho1(nlayrs1,i), i=1,4), zbar1(nlayrs1), gxcy, gxslc 207 format(7f10.3) nlayrs1 = nlayrs1 + 1 go to 500 510 nlayrs1= nlayrs1 - 1 rhoeff = rhoeff / (rho1(nlayrs1,2) - rho1(1,1)) gxsl = 41.908846 * rhoeff * (rho1(nlayrs1,2) - rho1(1,1)) write(itout,204) rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy 204 format(/'Thickness weighted mean density=',f8.3/ 1 'Max.grav.effect infinite slab with this density=',f9.3/ 2 'Max.grav.effect cylinders of density model=',f9.3/) qu='Enter deeper density contrast & radius filename [ddeep.log]-->' dflt50 = 'ddeep.log' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(4f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(4f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) rhoeff = 0.0 gxcy = 0.0 gxslc = 0.0 nlayrs2 = 1 write(itout,202)' Deep density function' write(itout,209) 209 format(6x,'ztop',6x,'zbot',6x,'drho',7x,'rad',6x,'zbar',4x,'cum dg', 1 2x,'cum slab') 502 read(io2,fmt,end=512) (rho2(nlayrs2,i), i=1,4) zbar2(nlayrs2) = (rho2(nlayrs2,1)+rho2(nlayrs2,2))*0.5 rhoeff = rhoeff + rho2(nlayrs2,3)*(rho2(nlayrs2,2)-rho2(nlayrs2,1)) zt = rho2(nlayrs2,1) zb = rho2(nlayrs2,2) dr = rho2(nlayrs2,3) rad = rho2(nlayrs2,4) gxcy = gxcy + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad, 1.0) gxslc = gxslc + 41.908846 * dr * (zb-zt) write(itout,211) (rho2(nlayrs2,i), i=1,4), zbar2(nlayrs2), gxcy, gxslc 211 format(7f10.3) nlayrs2 = nlayrs2 + 1 go to 502 512 nlayrs2 = nlayrs2 - 1 rhoeff = rhoeff / (rho2(nlayrs2,2) - rho2(1,1)) gxsl = 41.908846 * rhoeff * (rho2(nlayrs2,2) - rho2(1,1)) write(itout,203) rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy 203 format(/'Thickness weighted mean density=',f8.3/ 1 'Max.grav.effect infinite slab with this density=',f9.3/ 2 'Max.grav.effect cylinders of density model=',f9.3/) c c get cylinder factor vs gravity effect function c qu='Enter gravity anomaly vs cylinder factor filename 1 [fctrvsdg.dat]-->' dflt50 = 'fctrvsdg.dat' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(2f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(2f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) nftr = 1 write(itout,202)' Gravity anomaly vs cylinder factor function' write(itout,212) 212 format(4x,'deltag',6x,'R/Ro',4x,'factor') 503 read(io2,fmt,end=513) fvsdg(nftr,1), roverro call interp(fro,fdg,6,4,roverro,fvsdg(nftr,2)) write(itout,211) fvsdg(nftr,1), roverro, fvsdg(nftr,2) nftr = nftr + 1 go to 503 513 nftr = nftr - 1 c c get parameters c ozct = 0.0 ozmax = 0.0 300 write(qu,200) ozct 200 format('Enter depth to interface, km [',f8.3,']-->') call ttinr4(qu, zct, ozct, itin, itout, verify) write(qu,205) ozmax 205 format('Enter depth to bottom, km [',f8.3,']-->') call ttinr4(qu, zmax, ozmax, itin, itout, verify) c c calculate gravity for zTc and ztot c c write(itout,202)' ztot deltag' c call dgtot(0.0, zct, zmax, nlayrs1, rho1, nlayrs2, rho2, dg) call dgtot1(zct, zmax, nlayrs1, rho1, nlayrs2, rho2, 1 nftr, fvsdg, dg) write(itout,'(a,a,2f9.3)') ids, ' ztot, deltag: ', zmax, dg 50 continue write(itout,'(1x)') ozct = zct ozmax = zmax qu = 'Enter 1 to quit, 0 to recalculate [0]' call ttini4(qu, iquit, 0, itin, itout, verify) if(iquit.eq.0) go to 300 stop end function stkcrcyl(h1,h2,nlayrs,rho,c,nftr,fvsdg) c c calc dg of stack of coincident axis vert cylinders from depth h1 c down to depth h2 using array rho for ztop,zbot,drho,rad c NOTE rho(nlayrs,2) must be greater than H; c c is offset for model grav dg, removed before return c nftr is # entries in factor vs dg table c fvsdg is factor vs dg table dg first entry, f is 2nd c MEG mod for factor Mar99 c real h1, h2, rho(101,4), fvsdg(21,4), c real*8 dg integer nlayrs, nftr dg = c * 1.0d0 do 50 i=1,nlayrs if(,2)) go to 50 zt = rho(i,1) zb = rho(i,2) dr = rho(i,3) rad = rho(i,4) fctr = 1.0 do 70 j=1,nftr if(,1)) then fctr = fvsdg(j,2) go to 72 endif 70 continue 72 continue c write(*,'(a,2f10.3)')'factor ',fctr,dg if(,1),2)) then if(,2)) go to 57 dg = dg + cylfn(h1,zb,dr,rad,fctr) go to 50 endif if(,2)) go to 55 dg = dg + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad,fctr) 50 continue go to 60 55 dg = dg + cylfn(zt,h2,dr,rad,fctr) go to 60 57 dg = dg + cylfn(h1,h2,dr,rad,fctr) 60 stkcrcyl = dg - c return end function cylfn(ztop,zbot,drho,rad,f) c gravity effect of vert. axis circular cylinder at pt on axis c multiplied by factor f real*8 t t = zbot - ztop + sqrt(rad*rad + ztop*ztop) 1 - sqrt(rad*rad + zbot*zbot) cylfn = 41.908846 * drho * t * f return end subroutine dgtot1(zct, ztot, nlayrs1, rho1, nlayrs2, rho2, 1 nftr, fvsdg, dg) c c subroutine to calculate gravity effect of a stack coaxial cylinders c with density fn rho1 to depth zct, rho2 from zct to zbot c array fvsdg gives proportion of cylinder (<=1.0) to use if grav c effect is >= to fvsdg(i,1)which is a negative # c MEG/USGS/Dec96; Mar 99 fvsdg added c dimension rho1(101,4),rho2(101,4), fvsdg(21,2) dg = stkcrcyl(0.0,zct,nlayrs1,rho1,0.0,nftr,fvsdg) dg = dg + stkcrcyl(zct,ztot,nlayrs2,rho2,dg,nftr,fvsdg) return end 0.00 0.500 0.20 0.803 0.40 0.915 0.60 0.966 0.80 0.991 1.00 1.000 c Program dpth2fun c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c---------> Function: calculate depth to bottom from gravity anomaly from c 2 density functions with known depth to interface between c density functions, and a given table of proportion of each c cylinder to use as function of gravity anomaly. This is to c obtain better estimates near the edge of basin c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c---------> Parameters and notes: c Model is pile of vertical axis cylinders on coincident axis c Requires a 2 files of {ztop,zbot,drho,radius}, max 101 layers each c describing the density contrast and radius of the pile of cyls c for the shallow and deep density function c and a third file of gravity anomaly and r/ro to use if total c model gravity is less than specified amount. I.e., if gravity anom c aly was 9 mgal, table might be 3.0, 1.0, 9.0,0.5, c meaning to use whole cylinder(s) gravity effect for first 3 mgal c and use factor from r / r0 =.5 for each cylinder gravity effect c from 3mgal to 9 mgal Note factor nonlinear but r/r0=1.0 is whole c cylinder and r/r0 = 0.0 is half the cylinder; r is radius to plane c cutting cylinder, ro is radius of cylinder c This would be appropriate for a well over the range front fault c where 3mgal due to fill over pediment, rest due to fill against c hanging wall c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c date programmer event c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c 26 Dec 96 MEG created c 11 Dec 96 MEG dpth 2 bottom by bisection added c 23 Mar 99 MEG cylinder factor as fn of grav anomaly added c*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ c*Disclaimer: Although this program has been used by the USGS, no */ c*warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the United */ c*States Government as to the accuracy and functioning of the program */ c*and related program material nor shall the fact of distribution */ c*constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the */ c*USGS in connection therewith. */ c*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ c character filnam1*50, dflt50*50, qu*80, fmt*50, ids*20 real rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy real rho1(101,4), rho2(101,4), zbar1(101), zbar2(101), fvsdg(21,2) real fdg(6), fro(6) logical verify data fdg/0.500,0.803,0.915,0.966,0.991,1.000/ data fro/0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0/ c c c itin = 5 itout = 6 io2 = 11 verify = .false. odpth = 0.0 odz = 0.1 rhoeff = 0.0 gxcy = 0.0 gxslc = 0.0 c c enter identification string c qu='Enter identification string (<21c) [dpth2fun estimate]-->' dflt50 = 'dpth2fun estimate' call ttinaa(qu, ids, 20, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) c c get filename & read file of depths to layers, drho, radius c qu= 1'Enter shallow density contrast & radius filename [dshlow.log]-->' dflt50 = 'dshlow.log' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(4f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(4f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) nlayrs1 = 1 write(itout,202)' Shallow density function' 202 format(a) write(itout,208) 208 format(6x,'ztop',6x,'zbot',6x,'drho',7x,'rad',6x,'zbar',4x,'cum dg', 1 2x,'cum slab') 500 read(io2,fmt,end=510) (rho1(nlayrs1,i), i=1,4) zbar1(nlayrs1) = (rho1(nlayrs1,1)+rho1(nlayrs1,2))*0.5 rhoeff = rhoeff + rho1(nlayrs1,3)*(rho1(nlayrs1,2)-rho1(nlayrs1,1)) zt = rho1(nlayrs1,1) zb = rho1(nlayrs1,2) dr = rho1(nlayrs1,3) rad = rho1(nlayrs1,4) gxcy = gxcy + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad, 1.0) gxslc = gxslc + 41.908846 * dr * (zb-zt) write(itout,207) (rho1(nlayrs1,i), i=1,4), zbar1(nlayrs1), gxcy, gxslc 207 format(7f10.3) nlayrs1 = nlayrs1 + 1 go to 500 510 nlayrs1= nlayrs1 - 1 rhoeff = rhoeff / (rho1(nlayrs1,2) - rho1(1,1)) gxsl = 41.908846 * rhoeff * (rho1(nlayrs1,2) - rho1(1,1)) write(itout,204) rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy 204 format(/'Thickness weighted mean density=',f8.3/ 1 'Max.grav.effect infinite slab with this density=',f9.3/ 2 'Max.grav.effect cylinders of density model=',f9.3/) qu='Enter deeper density contrast & radius filename [ddeep.log]-->' dflt50 = 'ddeep.log' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(4f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(4f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) rhoeff = 0.0 gxcy = 0.0 gxslc = 0.0 nlayrs2 = 1 write(itout,202)' Deep density function' write(itout,209) 209 format(6x,'ztop',6x,'zbot',6x,'drho',7x,'rad',6x,'zbar',4x,'cum dg', 1 2x,'cum slab') 502 read(io2,fmt,end=512) (rho2(nlayrs2,i), i=1,4) zbar2(nlayrs2) = (rho2(nlayrs2,1)+rho2(nlayrs2,2))*0.5 rhoeff = rhoeff + rho2(nlayrs2,3)*(rho2(nlayrs2,2)-rho2(nlayrs2,1)) zt = rho2(nlayrs2,1) zb = rho2(nlayrs2,2) dr = rho2(nlayrs2,3) rad = rho2(nlayrs2,4) gxcy = gxcy + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad, 1.0) gxslc = gxslc + 41.908846 * dr * (zb-zt) write(itout,211) (rho2(nlayrs2,i), i=1,4), zbar2(nlayrs2), gxcy, gxslc 211 format(7f10.3) nlayrs2 = nlayrs2 + 1 go to 502 512 nlayrs2 = nlayrs2 - 1 rhoeff = rhoeff / (rho2(nlayrs2,2) - rho2(1,1)) gxsl = 41.908846 * rhoeff * (rho2(nlayrs2,2) - rho2(1,1)) write(itout,203) rhoeff, gxsl, gxcy 203 format(/'Thickness weighted mean density=',f8.3/ 1 'Max.grav.effect infinite slab with this density=',f9.3/ 2 'Max.grav.effect cylinders of density model=',f9.3/) c c get cylinder factor vs gravity effect function c qu='Enter gravity anomaly vs cylinder factor filename 1 [fctrvsdg.dat]-->' dflt50 = 'fctrvsdg.dat' call ttinaa(qu, filnam1, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) open(io2, file=filnam1, status = 'old') qu = 'Enter data format (<51c)[(2f10.3)]-->' dflt50 = '(2f10.3)' call ttinaa(qu, fmt, 50, dflt50, itin, itout, verify) nftr = 1 write(itout,202)' Gravity anomaly vs cylinder factor function' write(itout,212) 212 format(4x,'deltag',6x,'R/Ro',4x,'factor') 503 read(io2,fmt,end=513) fvsdg(nftr,1), roverro call interp(fro,fdg,6,4,roverro,fvsdg(nftr,2)) write(itout,211) fvsdg(nftr,1), roverro, fvsdg(nftr,2) nftr = nftr + 1 go to 503 513 nftr = nftr - 1 c c get parameters c ozct = 0.0 ozmax = 0.0 odgobs = 0.0 300 write(qu,200) ozct 200 format('Enter depth to interface, km [',f8.3,']-->') call ttinr4(qu, zct, ozct, itin, itout, verify) write(qu,205) ozmax 205 format('Enter max depth, km [',f8.3,']-->') call ttinr4(qu, zmax, ozmax, itin, itout, verify) write(qu,210) odgobs 210 format('Enter grav.anomaly [',f8.3,']-->') call ttinr4(qu, dgobs, odgobs, itin, itout, verify) zacc = 0.001 njmax = 40 c c calculate depth to bottom by bisection c call dgtot1(zct, zmax, nlayrs1, rho1, nlayrs2, rho2, 1 nftr, fvsdg, dg) zmid = zct call dgtot1(zct, zmid, nlayrs1, rho1, nlayrs2, rho2, 1 nftr, fvsdg, dgmid) f = dgobs - dg fmid = dgobs - dgmid c write(*,'(a,2f9.3)')'f,fmid:',f,fmid if(f* then write(itout,'(a,f9.3,a,f9.3)')'no solution between dg(zct)', 1 dgmid,'and dg(zmax)',dg go to 302 endif if ( then rtbis = zmax dz = zct - zmax else rtbis = zct dz = zmax - zct endif do 50 i=1,njmax dz = dz * 0.5 zmid = rtbis + dz call dgtot1(zct, zmid, nlayrs1, rho1, nlayrs2, rho2, 1 nftr, fvsdg, dgmid) fmid = dgobs - dgmid c write(*,'(a,f9.3)')'fmid:',fmid if(fmid.le.0.0) rtbis = zmid if(abs(dz).lt.zacc.or.abs(fmid).lt.0.001) go to 304 50 continue 304 write(itout,'(a,a,f9.3,a,f9.3)') ids,'depth to bottom:',zmid, 1 ' misfit:', fmid write(itout,'(1x)') ozct = zct ozmax = zmax odgobs = dgobs 302 qu = 'Enter 1 to quit, 0 to recalculate [0]' call ttini4(qu, iquit, 0, itin, itout, verify) if(iquit.eq.0) go to 300 stop end function stkcrcyl(h1,h2,nlayrs,rho,c,nftr,fvsdg) c c calc dg of stack of coincident axis vert cylinders from depth h1 c down to depth h2 using array rho for ztop,zbot,drho,rad c NOTE rho(nlayrs,2) must be greater than H; c c is offset for model grav dg, removed before return c nftr is # entries in factor vs dg table c fvsdg is factor vs dg table dg first entry, f is 2nd c MEG mod for factor Mar99 c real h1, h2, rho(101,4), fvsdg(21,4), c real*8 dg integer nlayrs, nftr dg = c * 1.0d0 do 50 i=1,nlayrs if(,2)) go to 50 zt = rho(i,1) zb = rho(i,2) dr = rho(i,3) rad = rho(i,4) fctr = 1.0 do 70 j=1,nftr if(,1)) then fctr = fvsdg(j,2) go to 72 endif 70 continue 72 continue c write(*,'(a,2f10.3)')'factor ',fctr,dg if(,1),2)) then if(,2)) go to 57 dg = dg + cylfn(h1,zb,dr,rad,fctr) go to 50 endif if(,2)) go to 55 dg = dg + cylfn(zt,zb,dr,rad,fctr) 50 continue go to 60 55 dg = dg + cylfn(zt,h2,dr,rad,fctr) go to 60 57 dg = dg + cylfn(h1,h2,dr,rad,fctr) 60 stkcrcyl = dg - c return end function cylfn(ztop,zbot,drho,rad,f) c gravity effect of vert. axis circular cylinder at pt on axis c multiplied by factor f real*8 t t = zbot - ztop + sqrt(rad*rad + ztop*ztop) 1 - sqrt(rad*rad + zbot*zbot) cylfn = 41.908846 * drho * t * f return end subroutine dgtot1(zct, ztot, nlayrs1, rho1, nlayrs2, rho2, 1 nftr, fvsdg, dg) c c subroutine to calculate gravity effect of a stack coaxial cylinders c with density fn rho1 to depth zct, rho2 from zct to zbot c array fvsdg gives proportion of cylinder (<=1.0) to use if grav c effect is >= to fvsdg(i,1)which is a negative # c MEG/USGS/Dec96; Mar 99 fvsdg added c dimension rho1(101,4),rho2(101,4), fvsdg(21,2) dg = stkcrcyl(0.0,zct,nlayrs1,rho1,0.0,nftr,fvsdg) dg = dg + stkcrcyl(zct,ztot,nlayrs2,rho2,dg,nftr,fvsdg) return end