The data for this study have been divided into 4 groups: basemap, interpretations, sediment samples, and sidescan-sonar imagery. Each of these main topics contains multiple datasets. To learn more about what is available under each topic, select a data group:
Many people will take this CD-ROM, put it in their computer, and immediately start using it. Those familiar with GIS, particularly ArcView, should not have much trouble. However, if you are not one of those types of people, please read the TIPS page to help you get started.
There are 2 datasets that comprise the basemap of the study area. Both are stored on this CD-ROM as ArcView shapefiles in the directory data/basemap. The metadata files are located in data/metadata.
ArcView Shapefiles |
Brief Description | Metadata and File Location |
coast.shp |
This ArcView polygon shapefile represents the coastline and shoreward in the study area. Serves as a basemap to allow the user to orient themselves relevant to the Washington and Oregon coast. |
data/basemap |
bathy.shp |
This ArcView vector shapefile represent the 10m bathymetric contours on the inner shelf of the study area. |
data/basemap |
There are 2 related interpretations of the surficial geology of the study area. Both are stored on this CD-ROM as ArcView shapefiles in the directory data/interp. The metadata files are located in data/metadata.
ArcView Shapefiles |
Brief Description | Metadata and File Location |
interp.shp |
This ArcView polygon shapefile represents the interpretation of the surficial geology of the inner shelf off the coast of southern Washington and northern Oregon. This interpretation is based on sidescan sonar imagery, sediment samples, and seismic reflection profiles. |
data/interp |
sdollars.shp |
This ArcView polygon shapefile represents the sand dollar distribution along the inner shelf of the study area. The extent of the sand dollars is mapped based on the sidescan sonar imagery. |
data/interp |
There are four sets of sediment sample data collected within the study area. One was collected in 1998 aboard the R/V Corliss and is presented in detail on this CD-ROM. The other three sediment sample datasets were taken from published literature. Each of these datasets is stored on this CD-ROM as an ArcView shapefile in the directory data/samples. The associated metadata files are located in data/metadata. In addition to the sample location and analyses information collected aboard the Corliss, there are also three sets of JPEG images that are related to these sediment samples.
ArcView Shapefiles |
Brief Description | Metadata and File Location |
grabsamp.shp |
This ArcView point shapefile contains the sediment sample locations as well as analyses information for the grab samples collected on the CRLS98014 cruise. |
data/samples |
nittrouer.shp |
This ArcView point shapefile contains sediment sample data and analyses information collected by C.A. Nittrouer in the study area. |
data/samples |
roberts.shp |
This ArcView point shapefile contains sediment sample data and analyses information collected by R.W. Roberts in the study area. |
data/samples |
smith.shp |
This ArcView point shapefile contains sediment sample data and analyses information collected by J.M. Smith, in the study area. |
data/samples |
Sediment Sample Images |
Brief Description | Metadata and File Location |
digital photographs |
This is a collection of digital photographs (JPEG format) taken of the sediment grab samples after the sampler was secured on the deck of the ship. |
data/samples/samppics |
seafloor still photos |
This is a collection of scanned 35-mm negatives of still photos (JPEG format) taken of the seafloor immediately prior to collecting a sediment sample. The still camera was mounted on the frame of the grab sampler. | seafloor still photos metadata data/samples/botphoto |
digitized video frames |
This is a collection of digitized frames of video imagery taken of the seafloor (JPEG format). The video camera was mounted to the frame of the grab sampler. | seafloor video images metadata data/samples/botvideo |
Sidescan sonar imagery was collected in 1997 and 1998 aboard the R/V Corliss. The bulk of the surveying was accomplished in 1997. Some survey lines were duplicated in 1998 to assess changes between the two years. This CD-ROM contains several sets of the sidescan-sonar imagery with slight modifications as to enhancement, storage format, and projection. The table below describes each set of images contained on this CD-ROM.
Sidescan Sonar Imagery |
Brief Description | Metadata and File Location |
enhanced JPEG's geographic coordinates |
This is a collection of digital sidescan sonar imagery in JFIF format (JPEG with associated JGW world file for image registration). These images have a resolution of 2 m/pixel and have had a stretch applied to the images. |
sidescan/geogjpgs/enhanced |
unenhanced JPEG's geographic coordinates |
This is a collection of digital sidescan sonar imagery in JFIF format (JPEG with associated JGW world file for image registration). These are unenhanced images with a resolution of 2 m/pixel. |
sidescan/geogjpgs/unenh |
enhanced TIFFs geographic coordinates |
This is a collection of digital sidescan sonar imagery in GEOTIF format (the TFW world file is included for those who are unable to read 'geotif' format). These images have a resolution of 2 m/pixel and have had a stretch applied to the images. These images are compressed with the GZIP utility in order to save disk space. |
sidescan/geogtifs/enhanced |
unenhanced TIFFs geographic coordinates |
This is a collection of digital sidescan sonar imagery in GEOTIF format (the TFW world file is included for those who are unable to read 'geotif' format). These are unenhanced images with a resolution of 2 m/pixel. These images are compressed with the GZIP utility in order to save disk space. |
sidescan/geogtifs/unenh |
enhanced JPEG's UTM projection |
This is a collection of digital sidescan sonar imagery in JFIF format (JPEG with associated JGW world file for image registration). These images have a resolution of 2 m/pixel and have had a stretch applied to the images. The UTM projection is in Zone 10, using the GRS80 ellipsoid. |
sidescan/utmjpgs/enhanced |
unenhanced JPEG's UTM projection |
This is a collection of digital sidescan sonar imagery in JFIF format (JPEG with associated JGW world file for image registration). These are unenhanced images with a resolution of 2 m/pixel. The UTM projection is in Zone 10, using the GRS80 ellipsoid. |
sidescan/utmjpgs/unenh |
enhanced TIFFs UTM projection |
This is a collection of digital sidescan sonar imagery in GEOTIF format (the TFW world file is included for those who can't read 'geotif' format). These images have a resolution of 2 m/pixel and have had a stretch applied to the images. These images are compressed with the GZIP utility in order to save disk space. The UTM projection is in Zone 10, using the GRS80 ellipsoid. |
sidescan/utmtifs/enhanced |
unenhanced TIFFs UTM projection |
This is a collection of digital sidescan sonar imagery in GEOTIF format (the TFW world file is included for those who can't read 'geotif' format). These are unenhanced images with a resolution of 2 m/pixel. These images are compressed with the GZIP utility in order to save disk space. The UTM projection is in Zone 10, using the GRS80 ellipsoid. |
sidescan/utmtifs/unenh |