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Figure 11.13.  Comparison of AF demagnetized (15.0 mT) U-channel inclination data from IMAGES core MD99-2207 to the Northeastern U.S. stacked inclination curve

Figure 11.13. Comparison of AF demagnetized (15.0 mT) U-channel inclination data from IMAGES core MD99-2207 to the Northeastern U.S. stacked inclination curve. The Northeastern composite curve is based on data from 15 piston cores from Sandy Lake and LeBoeuf Lake, Pennsylvania and Seneca Lake, New York. The age model for core MD99-2207 is based on 7 radiocarbon dates (Colman and others, this volume) and the age model for the Northeast regional curve is based on 40 "old carbon" corrected radiocarbon dates (King and Peck, in press; King, 1983). The Tsuga decline in MD99-2207 is based on Willard and Korejwo (this volume) and the Tsuga decline in the regional curve is from King (1983).


U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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