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Open-File Report 00-479

Selected Ground-Water Data for Yucca Mountain Region, Southern Nevada and Eastern California, Through December 1999

      Purpose and Scope
Description of Study Area
     Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch Ground-Water Subbasin
     Ash Meadows Ground-Water Subbasin
Data-Collection Sites
     Site Number
     U.S. Geological Survey Site Identification
     Local Site Number
     Data Type
     Accessible Well Depth
     Top and Bottom of Open Interval
     Type of Open Interval
     Data Source
     Contributing Lithologic Units
Data-Collection Procedures and Equipment
     Periodic Water-Level Data
          Land-Surface Altitude and Height of Measurement Point
          Depth to Water and Altitude of Water Surface
          Water-Level Measurements
               Calibrated Electric Tape
               Steel Tape
     Continual Water-Level Data
          Pressure-Sensor System at Site JF-3
          Pressure-Sensor System at Site AD-6
     Ground-Water Discharge Data
     Ground-Water Withdrawal Data
          Withdrawals from Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch Ground-Water Subbasin
          Withdrawals from Ash Meadows Ground-Water Subbasin
     Quality Assurance
Presentation of Ground-Water Data
Discussion of Ground-Water Levels and Ground-Water Withdrawals in Jackass Flats
References Cited
Basic Data

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