U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 00-0107 is saved in self-extracting archives for PC and Macintosh computers. To use the PC version, download the file "ofr00-107.exe" to the hard disk and double click on its icon to extract the files. From within the folder "OFR00-107," copy the folder "Slope Stability" to the location "C:\Program Files\." The documentation can be viewed in your web browser by opening the folder "Documentation" and double clicking on the icon "User Guide.html" Requires Windows 95/98 and compatible hardware. To use the Mac version, download the file "OFR00-107.smi" to the hard disk and double click on the icon to mount an image file on the desktop. Double-click the icon of the image file to see the contents. The image file is locked, so copy the folders "Slope Stability" and "Documentation" to any convenient folder on the hard drive. The documentation can be viewed in your web browser by opening the folder "Documentation" and double clicking on the icon "User Guide.html" or dragging the icon over the icon/alias of your web browser or "Apple Help Viewer." Requires PowerPC 601 or higher and and system 7.5 or later.