
Poisson Model for Number of Landslides         R.A. Crovelli  
Percent Chance of One or More Landslides During a Specified Time
Mean Recurrence Time (years)
Interval (years) 1 5 10 25 50 100
1 63.21206 99.32621 99.99546 100 100 100
2 39.34693 91.7915 99.32621 99.99963 100 100
5 18.12692 63.21206 86.46647 99.32621 99.99546 100
10 9.516258 39.34693 63.21206 91.7915 99.32621 99.99546
20 4.877058 22.11992 39.34693 71.34952 91.7915 99.32621
50 1.980133 9.516258 18.12692 39.34693 63.21206 86.46647
100 0.995017 4.877058 9.516258 22.11992 39.34693 63.21206
200 0.498752 2.469009 4.877058 11.75031 22.11992 39.34693
500 0.1998 0.995017 1.980133 4.877058 9.516258 18.12692
1000 0.09995 0.498752 0.995017 2.469009 4.877058 9.516258
2000 0.049988 0.249688 0.498752 1.24222 2.469009 4.877058
5000 0.019998 0.09995 0.1998 0.498752 0.995017 1.980133
10000 0.01 0.049988 0.09995 0.249688 0.498752 0.995017 logo