cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Input a grid of z values (representing a surface) and a thickness - c produce xyz values for a surface offset by that constant thickness c c saltus 16sep99 for aleut project character title*80,pgm*8,ingrid*80,outxyz*80 real z1(10000) real z2(10000) real nx,ny,nz c parameter (dval='ffff7fff'x) parameter (dval=1.0e38) parameter (dvaltest=1.0e20) call pfinit('gdthicklayer') print *, & 'I calculate xyz positions of the other edge of a thick layer', & 'you provide a surface (grid) and constant thickness', & '(use a negative thickness if you are giving the top)' ival=iaquest('Input grid (topo in km)',ingrid,'(a80)',0) call gopen(21,ingrid,'old','read',ierr) ival=irquest('Thickness',thick,'(f15.5)',1) if ( then outxyz='' else outxyz='' end if ival=iaquest('Output xyz file',outxyz,'(a80)',1) open(11,file=outxyz,form='formatted',status='unknown') c call getfile(21,'*GIVE IN GRID:','in','unformatted') c call getfile(22,'*GIVE OUT GRID:','out','unformatted') call gh1f4('r',21,title,ncol,nrow,xo,dx,yo,dy,ierr) c call rdheader(21,id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy,iproj,cm,bl) c ival=iaquest('Title',title,'(a80)',1) c pgm='gdtmoho ' c title='Crustal thickness from topography' c call wrheader(22,id,pgm,ncol,nrow,nz,xo,dx,yo,dy,iproj,cm,bl) c call gh1f4('w',22,title,ncol,nrow,xo,dx,yo,dy,ierr) j=1 call growf4('r',21,j,z1,ncol,ierr) do 50 j=2,nrow call growf4('r',21,j,z2,ncol,ierr) do 40 i=1,ncol-1 if ((z1(i).lt.dvaltest).and. & (z1(i+1).lt.dvaltest).and. & (z2(i).lt.dvaltest)) then bx=(i+1)*dx by=(j-1)*dy bz=z1(i+1) cx=i*dx cy=j*dy cz=z2(i) ax=cx ay=by az=z1(i) nx=by*cz-bz*cy ny=bz*cx-bx*cz nz=bx*cy-by*cx c if ( then c nx=-nx c ny=-ny c nz=-nz c end if rlen=sqrt(nx**2+ny**2+nz**2) x=xo+ax+thick*nx/rlen y=yo+ay+thick*ny/rlen z=az+thick*nz/rlen write(11,*)x,y,z,xo+ax,yo+ay,az,z-az end if z1(i)=z2(i) 40 continue z1(ncol)=z2(ncol) c call growf4('w',22,j,z,ncol,ierr) c call putrow(22,ncol,z) 50 continue call gclose(21,'keep') close(11) c call gclose(22,'keep') print *,'Have a thick day...' end