Maryland Water Science Center |
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-208
By Michael P. Senus and Frederick J. Tenbus
This report is available as a pdf.
This report presents a long-term ground-water monitoring program and ground-water extraction system performance monitoring and evaluation program developed by the U.S. Geological Survey during 1999–2000 in support of the remedial action conducted at the Former Nike Missile Battery Site (Nike Site), Edgewood Area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. Concentrations of trichloroethene at the Nike Site ranged from below the Maximum Contaminant Level of 5 micrograms per liter to 299 micrograms per liter during the Remedial Investigation under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act program. The long-term monitoring program utilizes six selected monitoring wells that surround a trichloroethene contaminant plume. These wells will be monitored for five years and then reviewed by Federal and State regulators to determine whether future monitoring will be required. The performance assessment plan was formulated from existing data and interpretations provided by the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study process and the 100% Remedial Design of the extraction-treatment system. A performance evaluation of the Nike Site extraction system partially fulfills the remedial action requirement to monitor ground water as stipulated in the September 1996 Record of Decision. Eight extraction wells that can pump up to 60 gallons per minute will be closely monitored and evaluated to determine capture and treatment of the trichloroethene plume at the Nike Site. Water-level and water-quality data will be reviewed and analyzed to determine program cost-effectiveness and on-site ground-water extraction system performance. Tools such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station ground-water-flow model can be used to help run the system efficiently while maintaining hydraulic control of the contaminant plume.
Purpose and scope
Site history
Previous work
Description of study area
Geologic setting
Hydrogeologic setting
Ground water
Surface water
Water use
Climate and precipitation
Extent of contamination
Environmental receptors
Remedial Action at the Nike Site
Permit and monitoring requirements
Long-term monitoring program for the Nike Site
Long-term monitoring objectives
Frequency and location of sampling
Quality-assurance and quality-control procedures
Measurement of water levels
Sampling for trichloroethene and diffusion sampling
Ground-water-flow modeling
Performance-evaluation plan for the Nike Site ground-water extraction system
Data-Quality Objectives
Ground-water extraction system optimization and evaluation
Treatment system sampling and analysis
Description of decision points
Decision matrix for optimizing extraction system
Decision matrix for determining system shutdown
Selected references
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