Wong, F.L., and Eittreim, S.E., 2001, Continental shelf GIS for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 01-179, version 1.0 The LEGEND directory contains ArcView legend files for selected data sets. batcont-.avl - bathymetry contour lines, depth as negative values forambuc.avl - foram species abundance: foramgal, forammcg isopach.avl - sediment isopachs: isopach mag-8.avl - earthquake magnitudes: nceq7500 massacc.avl - mass accumulation: massaccu mbgeolarc.avl - arcs in seafloor geologic layer: mbgeolse mbgeolsolid.avl - opaque polygons in seafloor geologic layer: mbgeolse mbgeoltrans.avl - transparent polygons in seafloor geologic layer: mbgeolse pahtot.avl - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: hydrcarb phi.avl - grain size: sedtxt sandpct.avl - grain size abundance: sedtxt sedacc.avl - sediment accumulation: massaccu toc.avl - total organic carbon: hydrcarb