The USGS/UH Beach monitoring program
involved a great number of people without whose help this project
would not have been possible. We would like to take this opportunity
to acknowlege and thank the individuals for their participation
and success of this project.
University of Hawaii
Matthew Barbee
Scott Calhoun (currently at USGS, Santa Cruz CA)
Melanie Coyne (currently at California Coastal Conservancy)
Chip Fletcher
Eric Grossman
Jodi Harney
Ebitari Isoun
Ole Kaven
Rob Mullane (currently at Sea Grant and Maui County)
Zoe Norcross
John Rooney
US Geological Survey
Kristin Brown
Ann Gibbs
Thomas Reiss
Bruce Richmond
Jeff "the rock" Field
Thomas Fuhrmann
Web Design
Ann Gibbs and Kindra Hillman, USGS