Open-File Report 01-428
SummaryThis report presents a compilation of 3224 measurements of outcrop structures from Wales Group and adjacent strata on Dall and Prince of Wales Islands, southeastern Alaska. We collected 2230 measurements, an additional 344 were digitized from the map of Eberlein and others (1983), and an additional 650 come from the map of Herreid and others (1978). These data are listed in Excel spreadsheet, tab-delimited, and PDF formats. The data includes the latitude and longitude of each measurement, the type of measurement and its orientation. |
First posted December 27, 2001
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Haeussler, P. J., Karl, S. M., Labay, K., 2001, Outcrop Structural Data From Wales Group and Adjacent Rocks, Dall and Prince of Wales Islands, Southeastern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-428, 6 pp.,