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U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-041

A Laboratory Manual for X-Ray Powder Diffraction

Program cvort documentation


PURPOSE: To compute Centrifugal Velocity OR Times for settling specific particles from a given medium.

PROGRAM SYNOPSIS: cvort [-mtpv]

SOURCE LANGUAGE: This version of the program was written in "c" 

COMPILING: The program can be compiled to run under UNIX. Type the command "cc cvort.c -lm" The output executable "a.out" should be renamed cvort

DESCRIPTION: The user may compute the total running time and T - td (time to start deceleration) for a given particle to be completely settled from a given medium.

When no options are specified, it is assumed that the medium is water at 20 degrees Centigrade and the particle is quartz (sp = 2.65 gm/cc).


-t -- The 't' option on the run-line causes a querie for a temperature between 16-40 degrees Centigrade. The viscosity and specific gravity of water at that temperature is selected from the program look-up table.  It is not necessary to know the temperature of any other medium or water outside the look-up table range since those medium must be described by specifying the 'm' option on the run-line.

-m -- The 'm' option will cause the program to prompt the user for a viscosity (poise) and a specific gravity (g/cc) of the medium.

-p -- The 'p' option is used when the particulate to be settled is not quartz.

-v -- The 'v' option will assume the user has a specific total time (with appropriate acceleration time and deceleration time) and would like to compute a velocity to affect the separation.

The radius of the finest particle to be settled must be entered in micro-meters. The user is then prompted for the initial and final distance from the center of rotation. (Units are inconsequential as the values are used as a ratio.)

When the user is computing the velocity, a total running time (in seconds) must be entered. Otherwise, the velocity in revolutions/minute will be requested and the total time and (T - Td) will be computed.

The user must also enter the time of acceleration and the time of deceleration (in seconds).

FILES cvort.h - ‘include’ header that contains an array of look-up table values needed by the program
cvort.c - uncompiled version of the software
cvortdoc.txt - text version of the software documentation
cvortdoc.doc - Microsoft Word version of the software documentation
cvortdoc.htm - HTM version of the software documentation

SEE ALSO: software/readme.txt


AUTHOR/MAINTENANCE Janet J. Fredericks Lawrence J. Poppe
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute U. S. Geological Survey
Woods Hole, MA 02543 Woods Hole, MA 02543

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