Figure 10. Sidescan image of the delta front part of the delta off Las Vegas Wash. The headwall scarp is located on the uppermost part of the delta front, and the slump deposits cover the lower part of the delta front. The former stream bed that was shown in Figure 9 can be seen extending to the edge of the delta. Figure location is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 10.  Sidescan image of the delta front part of the delta off Las Vegas Wash. Figure 10.  Sidescan image of the delta front part of the delta off Las Vegas Wash. Figure 10.  Sidescan image of the delta front part of the delta off Las Vegas Wash. Figure 10.  Sidescan image of the delta front part of the delta off Las Vegas Wash. Figure 10.  Sidescan image of the delta front part of the delta off Las Vegas Wash.