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  U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-154

Cruise Report - R/V Gosnold 45


Bottom sampling and photography to test the camera in the big bucket.


Atlantic shelf and slope Cape Hatteras to Key West

Miami to Charleston



15 May 1964 1006 to 30 June 1964 0540



R. M. Pratt (WHOI), in charge 15 May - 29 June
J. R. Frothingham (WHOI) 15 May - 29 June
J. V. Trumbull (USGS) 15 May - 10 June
F. T. Manheim (USGS) 15 May - 8 June
Roger Theroux (BCF) 15 May - 8 June
Edward Pastula (Florida State Univ.) 27 May - 8 June
A.R. Tagg (USGS) 8 June - 29 June
D. J. Stanley (WHOI), Summer Fellow) 8 June - 29 June
Henry Jensen (BCF) 8 June - 29 June
Robert Wait (USGS, Brunswick, Ga.) 9 June - 19 June
Charles Hoi lister (Lament) 19 June - 29 June


  • Campbell bottom sampler

  • continuous echo sounding on 400 m. scale except June 10, 11, 12, and 13

  • BT

  • Forel colors

  • Sechii

  • weather etc. on every station where feasible

  • Drift bottles & sea bed drifters - 5 at each station between 28oN. & 33oN. in less than 100 fathoms


1415 to 1895


Summary of time schedule: Days/Hours/Minutes
Steaming and stations: 33/15/47
Time scheduled docking: 5/20/42
Down for repairs: 2/12/43
Time to and from ports: 3/12/53
Time lost for weather: 0/0/0


May 1964

15 1964 - Depart Woods Hole 1006, rain - steam all day

16 - Start sampling 1524, clear & cool - 1415-1419 (5)

17 - Warm and sunny, turtles - 1420-1434 (15)

18 - Cape Hatteras, trouble with camera - 1435-1448 (14)

19 - Cape Fear, warm & hazy - 1449-1464 (16)

20 - Start: drift bottles, radar out - 1465-1478 (14)

21 - Warm, haze, inshore green water - 1479-1494 (16)

22 - Jacksonville, Fla., down the coast - 1495-1509 (15)

23 - Offshore spring, inshore Fla. coast - 1510-1522 (13)

24 - Cape Canaveral, blue Gulf Streamwater, 1st carbonate sediments - 1523-1538 (16)

25 - Florida coast, shallow stations - 1539-1555 (17)

26 - Dock Miami 0900 - 1556-1560 (5)

27 - Miami-fix camera, and radar bearing; rewire bucket

28 - Depart Miami, main engine bearing burnt - 1561-1564 (4)

29 - Return Miami, fix main engine

30 - Depart Miami 1930, steam for next station south

31 - Very hot, off Fla. Keys, Key West - 1565-1576 (12)

June 1964

1 - Zig-zag across Gulf Stream, mn. Glob. ooze - 1577-1589 (13)

2 - Hot & humid, offshore Miami, rugged topog - 1590-1603 (14)

3 - Miami in sight, rain squalls - 1604-1617 (14)

4 - Shelf stations, cross-section of the Fla. Straits - 1618-1633 (16)

5 - Rough seas, coral banks on the Blake Plateau - 1634-1646 (13)

6 - Heavy rain, run onto shelf to avoid rough seas - 1647-1658 (12)

7 - On shelf, big swell, bucket broke, switch to Van Veen - 1659-1670 (12)

8 - Dock Charleston -1671-1672 (2)

9 - Charleston, fix bucket and camera

10 - Depart Charleston. PDR out - 1673-1677 (5)

11 - Head south, shelf stations; PDR out. - 1678-1690 (13)

12 - Routine sampling, ripped plankton net, PDR out - 1691-1705 (15)

13 - Routine sampling, camera stopped, PDR fixed

14 - Started deep-water stations, coral, glob. ooze

15 - Gulf Stream, hot, coral banks and ooze

16 - Zig-zag on to shelf, glauconite

17 - Work toward. Charleston, rough, tide rips

18 - Dock Charleston 0955

19 - Charleston fix camera and plkton net, hot

20 - Depart Charleston, shelf stations

21 - N-S lines toward Cape Lockout, mn.

22 - N-S lines toward Cape Fear, phosphate, glauc.

23 - Routine shelf station, deep ones on Blake

24 - Blake Ridge, too deep for bucket so changed to Van Veen

25 - Clear and cool, thunder storms. Cape Lockout

26 - Deep water of Hatteras, choppy, last carbonate sediments

27 - Round Hatteras, head for Cape May

28 - Routine shelf sampling, rough in morning, cool

29 - Steam for Woods Hole all day

30 - Dock Woods Hole 0540


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