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Woods Hole Field Center

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-194
Version 1.0

Selected Data for Sediment Cores Collected in Chesapeake Bay in 1996 and 1998

By Pattie C. Baucom, John F. Bratton, Steven M. Colman, Jennifer M. Moore, John King, Chip Heil, and Robert Seal

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As part of a study of recent history of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, one- to eight- meter long sediment cores were obtained from the mesohaline section of the Chesapeake Bay between the mouths of the Potomac and Rhode Rivers. The sediments consist of three lithofacies: coarse-grained channel deposits, restricted-estuary sands and muds, and open-estuary muds. Water content, biogenic silica, magnetic susceptibility, trace metals, and nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, and their isotopes) were measured in the cores. Biogenic silica, trace-metal, and nutrient data provide a strong basis for discussing past primary productivity and water-column anoxia in the bay.

Department of Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Maintained by Eastern Publications Group
Contact: John F. Bratton
Last modified 08.20.01
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