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Open-File Report 01–0129
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Inventory of Mines and Mining-Related Facilities in Idaho and Western Montana Active from 1997 through 2000

By Gregory T. Spanski

This active mines and mine-related inventory provides a comprehenshive tabulation of information concerning sites within Idaho and western Montana where natural resources were mined or processed during at least one continuous 30 day interval over the four year period ending December 31, 2000. Records for sites in Idaho and Montana are provided in a data file. The file contains 30 informational fields, one record number field and a comment field. Informational fields are used to identify the commodities or products at a site, its name, owner or operator, location, size, activity level and annual production rates, and deposit type information, where a mine is involved. In addition to the Excel spreadsheet file format the state inventory is saved in dbf and Arcview shapefile (.shp) file formats.

Version 1.1

Posted 2001

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