USGS Aeromagnetic Survey 1999, San Gregorio North, Point Sur, Hollister and Moss Landing. Sander Geophysics Ltd. Final data delivery Data for all blocks are provided together as a merged data set in a single ASCII file containing the full data set as follows: SGN-ALL.XYZ Full Data Set The data is arranged in columns with the following format: SGL Channel Format Null Label Data L4 A6 * line Line # Q2 A2 * quadrant Direction flown 64 F12.6 * longitude Longitute 63 F10.6 * latitude Latitude 64 F9.1 * UTMX UTM X, zone 10N, datum NAD-27-USA (m) 63 F10.1 * UTMY UTM Y, zone 10N, datum NAD-27-USA (m) 00 F9.2 * fiducial Fiducials (sec) D7 A6 * date Date YYDDD T4 A7 * time Time HHMMSS 05 F7.1 * radar Radar altimeter (m) 07 F7.1 * baro Barometric altimeter (m) 79 F7.1 * alt Filtered DGPS altitude, datum Mean Sea Level (m) 11 F9.2 * gnd IGRF corrected ground magnetics (nT) 20 F9.2 * rawmag Raw total magnetic field (nT) 22 F9.2 * dcmag Diurnal corrected airborne magnetics (nT) 23 F9.2 * cmag Diurnal & IGRF corrected airborne magnetics (nT) 25 F9.2 * ulmag Unmerged levelled airborne magnetics (nT) 26 F9.2 * mlmag Merged levelled airborne magnetics (nT) Sander Geophysics Limited 260 Hunt Club Road Ottawa K1V 1C1, Canada Tel. (613) 521-9626