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Open-File Report 01–0161
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Baseline geochemical data for stream sediment and surface water samples from Panther Creek, the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, and the Main Salmon River from North Fork to Corn Creek, collected prior to the severe wildfires of 2000 in central Idaho

By Robert G. Eppinger, Paul H. Briggs, Zoe Ann Brown, James G. Crock, Allen Meier, Peter M. Theodorakos, and Stephen A. Wilson

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In 1996, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a reconnaissance baseline geochemical study in central Idaho. The purpose of the baseline study was to establish a "geochemical snapshot" of the area, as a datum for monitoring future change in the geochemical landscape, whether natural or human-induced. This report presents the methology, analytical results, and sample descriptions for water, sediment, and heavy-mineral concentrate samples collected during this geochemical investigation. In the summer of 2000, the Clear Creek, Little Pistol, and Shellrock wildfires swept across much of the area that was sampled. Thus, these data represent a pre-fire baseline geochemical dataset. A 2001 post- fire study is planned and will involve re-sampling of the pre-fire baseline sites, to allow for pre- and post-fire comparison.

Version 1.0

Posted May 2001

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Contents: location figures referred to in Report, all in .PDF format
Contents: analytical data as integrated Microsoft Access 2000 database
Contents: analytical data as individual Microsoft Excel files (version 3.0)
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