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MD-DE-DC Water Science Center



Open-File Report 01-208

Potentiometric Surface of the Upper Patapsco Aquifer in Southern Maryland, September 1999

By Steve E. Curtin, David C. Andreasen, and Judy C. Wheeler


This report presents a map showing the potentiometric surface of the Upper Patapsco aquifer in the Patapsco Formation of Cretaceous age in Southern Maryland during September 1999. The map is based on water-level measurements in 49 wells. The potentiometric surface was 119 feet above sea level near the northern boundary and outcrop area of the aquifer in a topographically high area of Anne Arundel County, and 55 feet above sea level in a similar setting in Prince Georges County. From these high areas, the potentiometric surface declined to the southeast toward large well fields in the Annapolis area, and from all directions toward a cone of depression southwest of Waldorf. Ground-water levels declined to 20 feet below sea level in the Annapolis area, and 131 feet below sea level southwest of Waldorf.


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For more information about USGS activities in Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia, contact:


MD-DE-DC Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
8987 Yellow Brick Road
Baltimore, MD 21237

Telephone: (410) 238-4200
Fax: (410) 238-4210


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