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Water-quality data for selected wells in New Jersey and New York, 1996-98

By Kathleen L. Hibbs, Paul E. Stackelberg, Leon J. Kauffman, and Mark A. Ayers

Open-File Report 01-378

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Water-quality data were collected during 1996-98 for 217 wells in New Jersey and 3 wells in New York as part of the U. S. Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment Program. Samples were collected for five ground-water surveys that were designed to assess water quality in major aquifer systems, with an emphasis on recently recharged (shallow) ground water associated with present and recent human activities. This report (1) summarizes the hydrogeologic framework in the areas of data collection; (2) describes the objectives and procedures for designing each ground-water survey; (3) summarizes the procedures and protocols for data collec-tion, analysis, and quality control; and (4) lists the concentrations of inorganic constituents, volatile organic compounds, pesticides, nutrients, and trace elements present in the ground-water samples.




Description of study area


Coastal Plain Physiographic Province

Piedmont Physiographic Province

New England Physiographic Province

Methods of investigation

Ground-water surveys

Subunit surveys

Land-use surveys

Flow-path survey

Sample collection

Quality assurance

Blank samples

Replicate samples

Matrix spike samples

Surrogate samples

Ground-water-quality data

Blank samples

Replicate samples

Matrix spike samples

Surrogate samples


References cited

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